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Pinball fx2 messes with fx3


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Neon - I ran direct lines from my usb ports on my pc for the sinden guns fyi. I printed the stocks myself. It’s actually a big reason I made the jump into 3d printing. My job was also on the edge of jumping into it as well but it was the final straw. $225 printer and $20 of material… and stress testing of my hairline.. and wah-laa 

Edited by SrfrBoyBobby
Damon auto correct
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7 hours ago, NeonNightRide said:


Wow, a lot to parse through here!

Thanks for the tips on the buttons guys.  I am going to try rotating and figuring out a workaround to get them to work.  I was going to scrap them, but after seeing them on your setup, I am going to try and get a solution going.   Also, that rug is amazing!! Totally worth it.  

I want to get the system stable and playable and then I will starting working on some of the Marquees, LED Blinky configs and such.  


Also, I order a pair of the Sinden guns a couple of weeks ago, so again thanks for some of the tips on them, even though I have no idea when they might show up.  I already purchased some of the custom stocks very similar to yours.  Do you think the mod is worth it?  I may shoot over some questions when they get here and I have trouble setting them up.  


Red - I saw what you were talking about on reboot, where I got doubles of every device after reboot on x360ce.  I went in and added the connected versions that populated, so hopefully those will stick.  The issue I am facing now after I setup all four is that it seems the analogue sticks seem to not be working through x360ce.   I did have to go through the ultrastik software to remap them to analogue, but hopefully after some tinkering I can get them all working at the same time.  It also, might be that I am using a usb hub for both IPACS and 4 ultrastiks, so I will try and see if that is too much for the hub.  


Also, when you programmed your controls for MAME, it shows ALL devices when I go into the settings to reconfigure controls(emulated xbox controllers, ultrastiks, Ipacs, etc).   Did you use HID Guardian to try and hide everything except the emulated xbox controllers?  I tried it, and that seems to be where some of the issues started.   It is hard to pinpoint, as  I added the rest of the controllers in x360ce, tried running HID Guardian, and testing MAME all at once.  So not sure if any or all of those had any impact.  I ran out of time yesterday afternoon but hopefully will be able to make some progress this afternoon.  


Edited to add that I also ordered some of the octagonal restrictor plates you mentioned from Andy yesterday.  Should be here by the end of the week.  

Oh ausome about the gates! Hopefully you will love them as much as i do. It makes your old school games easier to input. Anything that origianally uses a dpad for youl enjoy. Thankfully they dont cost too much either. You will need to use the ultrimap and tell it you have those installed or you will find that your not geting a full press all the way in games that use anologue.

So the sticks on x360ce were a pain from what i remember. But it should register right. Im gonna go down stairs and see if there was anything special I did. You may have the silly prob i had where if you added the device in x360ce and its not responding, go to what ever controller your trying to do and make sure you have the correct device highlighted before trying to input. 

Example. I click ipac ultimate io for buttons. But if i try to then do the stick inputs, it wont do anything unless i left click on ultrastick 1 or what ever your doin. Its wierd but once you get the hang of it its easy. Took me a bit to figure out. Just make sure your ultrimap software (i think thats what its called) and test your sticks to see if its registering. There should be a anologue option.

So in mame you will see multiple presses when mapping but you wont get a double input in game. I tried to hide it and never got hid to work properly. But ive had absolutely no isues. When your mapping your games in mame specifically. What you will want to do is press a button to set it. Then before moving on press to set again and set a keyboard key for the button. 

Example. I want jump in turtles to be b1. So i go to configure, press b1 when its asking for b1. You will see a few button presses. Then press it again and then type a. This is how i got led blinky to understand my spliced controls with x360ce. Most people i imagine dont have this prob but for guys like us who want to do it all with anologue so steam works too, its what i found works.

I hope this helps! I would just ignore hid completely. Ive got mine running with only x360ce running


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6 hours ago, NeonNightRide said:

Just to Update.  I took the USB Hub out of the equation and that seems to be what was causing the issue.  I have everything hooked directly into the PC and all seems fine.  

Strange the only thing i had a prob with was my 2 ipac ultimate ios being in. They would randomly disconect. I only have 4 usb on my pc. Its a compact gaming one. The sticks, the trackball, the spinners are all in a hub with no isues. Could be just the hub you used maybe? Either way its always best to plug directly when you can. I just was very limited with my pc

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1 hour ago, SrfrBoyBobby said:

New interesting problem tho… got a steam deck as a gift. Seeing how it might mess up my steam cabinet stuff. I already can see it does auto link to my arcade pc and shares steam controller settings (at least from what I saw in desktop mode)

I didnt realize it does that. I know you can make multiple configurations but ya that would be a hastle because youd have to manually change them all the time. Idk how family sharing works but maybe you can use a new acount as a family member so it dosent cross up on you? I know if you did this you couldnt have them playing at the same time. 

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2 hours ago, SrfrBoyBobby said:

And yes the stocks are awesome

Awesome. Can't wait to set them up when they finally get here.  (they claimed  2 weeks, but we will see haha)


1 hour ago, RedHoodRobin64 said:

Oh ausome about the gates! Hopefully you will love them as much as i do. It makes your old school games easier to input. Anything that origianally uses a dpad for youl enjoy. Thankfully they dont cost too much either. You will need to use the ultrimap and tell it you have those installed or you will find that your not geting a full press all the way in games that use anologue.

So the sticks on x360ce were a pain from what i remember. But it should register right. Im gonna go down stairs and see if there was anything special I did. You may have the silly prob i had where if you added the device in x360ce and its not responding, go to what ever controller your trying to do and make sure you have the correct device highlighted before trying to input. 

Example. I click ipac ultimate io for buttons. But if i try to then do the stick inputs, it wont do anything unless i left click on ultrastick 1 or what ever your doin. Its wierd but once you get the hang of it its easy. Took me a bit to figure out. Just make sure your ultrimap software (i think thats what its called) and test your sticks to see if its registering. There should be a anologue option.

So in mame you will see multiple presses when mapping but you wont get a double input in game. I tried to hide it and never got hid to work properly. But ive had absolutely no isues. When your mapping your games in mame specifically. What you will want to do is press a button to set it. Then before moving on press to set again and set a keyboard key for the button. 

Example. I want jump in turtles to be b1. So i go to configure, press b1 when its asking for b1. You will see a few button presses. Then press it again and then type a. This is how i got led blinky to understand my spliced controls with x360ce. Most people i imagine dont have this prob but for guys like us who want to do it all with anologue so steam works too, its what i found works.

I hope this helps! I would just ignore hid completely. Ive got mine running with only x360ce running


Ahhh, I have been missing with LED Blink for the past 2 hours on and off and been having a heck of a time.  You might have just broken the entire thing wide open now that I have dug into the config side of things.   So for MAME,  you make each button a gamepad button AND a keyboard button.  In IPAC you set the button to the gamepad and in LED Blinky you set it to the keyboard if I am understanding correctly.   If so, I will work on that tonight and see if I can get anywhere.  I am just trying to make sure I have my mame paths and .xml paths configured correctly as well.   Thanks!!!

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1 hour ago, NeonNightRide said:

Awesome. Can't wait to set them up when they finally get here.  (they claimed  2 weeks, but we will see haha)


Ahhh, I have been missing with LED Blink for the past 2 hours on and off and been having a heck of a time.  You might have just broken the entire thing wide open now that I have dug into the config side of things.   So for MAME,  you make each button a gamepad button AND a keyboard button.  In IPAC you set the button to the gamepad and in LED Blinky you set it to the keyboard if I am understanding correctly.   If so, I will work on that tonight and see if I can get anywhere.  I am just trying to make sure I have my mame paths and .xml paths configured correctly as well.   Thanks!!!

I think you got it cracked acording to this. You will find coding lights for steam and for console emulation you should only have to use the led blinky program. Im not at my pc as of writing this but il try to get litle more info tomorrow for you. Mame is the only one that requires all this extra crazieness. Its a pain but youl love it in the end hopefully. Most people to my understanding just make there stuff mimic a key board. The reason we have to get so fancy is merging these anologue sticks to the corasponding buttons as 1 controller so it works universally on every thing.

Now things to note. You may find every once in a while you will find a steam game that just wont play with how this is set up. Its rare but some games are not programed to ignore certain inputs. This means that if you press a button. It will see the ipac alone and not x360ce so you will have no directions working. I had this prob with hollow night. This is what motivated me to try the hid thing you were talking about but this did not fix it.

So instead i emulate those once in a blue moon games with the switch emulator yuzu instead. Its gonna be dependent on how good your pc is. Thankfully modern games usually dont have this prob and its only happend to me maybe 3 or 4 times out of 200 plus games in my steam library.

Now back to led blinky and mame. Mame has this wierd way of adding games to it. Tomorrow that will be my focus and hopefully I can get how I add games. Theres also some situation where random buttons you dont want lit up lite up. It has something to do with directions usally like left and right but its represented on one of my buttons. I had to open the config file and create a color code in it called 0,0,0. This tricks the program into lighting it with no light. I could never figure out how to just cancel it so that was my fix.

When your ready for that stuff il go into more detail. I really hope the button press and keyboard press for mame is the answer for you. Good luck!


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Just wanted to give a progress update.  Got everything working as you described.  That indeed crack it for me.  Got the default layouts in and working.  Now it's time to dive down into the custom layouts! 

Srfr, I finally got the Sinden's in and the 3D printed stocks attached.  You were right, so worth it.  Time to start getting into configuring these bad boys and getting into some games.  Looking forward to it.  

Red, I also wanted to give you a heads up that I got the eclipse key caps working.   As you know when I put them in it would continually engage the switch.   What worked for me was pushing the keycap hard enough into the switch to make it fit perfectly.   I think what was happening is the cap wasn't fulling "connecting into the switch so it was continually depressing it.   Once I pushed the cap into it with enough force, it popped into place and works perfectly.  Just wanted to share what worked for me in case you wanted to dig your eclipse buttons back out.  Cheers!

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  • 1 year later...
On 2/16/2022 at 3:38 AM, RedHoodRobin64 said:

Thank you, its funny i watched that exact video about a year ago and got vpx running. Couldnt figure out how to get pup packs to work properly with a 2 monitor setup. Its odd with fx2 situation tho because it only affects fx3 in my steam library. My other steam games boot up just fine. Im gonna try a couple things and see what i can do to fix this and report back here. But really appreciate your suggestions 

were you able to figure this out?

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