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9 hours ago, skizzosjt said:

Under where the F12 hotkey is add in your BigBox Pause Hotkey so when you go into pause screen it pause the script. Though, I would think if the "o" (or whatever hotkey was assigned) is hit when on the pause screen it would do nothing, this shouldn't be an issue. You also would need to always leave the pause screen through hitting the pause hotkey or use the other AHK pause key to resume it. You're kinda adding an unnecessary layer. Regardless....


WinWait, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to exist before executing script

	 Sleep, 60000 ;Waits 60secs before continuing to execute the script
	 Send {o down}{o up} ;Presses the o key and then releases the o key
	 if not WinExist(RetroArch) ;checks each loop if Retroarch has been closed, terminates script if Retroarch was closed

F12:: ;Sets F12 as a hotkey to toggle turning the script on and off
Pause, Toggle

F11:: ;Sets F11 as a hotkey to terminate the script



In essence you're making more than one hotkey do the same thing, pause the script. make sure to remove the comment marker ";" semi-colon at the start of the line when you do put in the BigBox hotkey so it executes that line

I also added in a check to exit the script if retroarch closes

you are very smart!

Thank you very much, it is really useful to me

Posted (edited)

hi @Sbaby glad it's helping you out, but you should use this version instead. it works better and makes it easier for anyone to put their specific values in.


Go to this comment for final version of script



Old version of script



;*************************ENTER VALUES HERE****************************
OverlayHotkey = o ;enter Retroarch Change Overlay Hotkey
secs = 60 ;enter number of seconds between changing overlay
PauseHotkey = F12 ;enter key to toggle pausing the script
BigBoxPauseHotkey = Pause ;enter BigBox Pause Screen hotkey
ExitHotkey = F11 ;enter key to terminate the script
#SingleInstance, Force
secs := secs*10
Hotkey, %PauseHotkey%, PauseHotkey
Hotkey, %BigBoxPauseHotkey%, BigBoxPauseHotkey
Hotkey, %ExitHotkey%, ExitHotkey

WinWait, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to exist before executing script

	 Loop, %secs%
 		 If not WinActive(ahk_exe retroarch.exe) ;checks if Retroarch is active window every 1/10th sec
			 Sleep, 100
			 Process, Exist, retroarch.exe ;checks if Retroarch exists
			 If not ErrorLevel ;if Retroarch does not exist, terminate script
			 WinWaitActive, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to be active window, then goes to Active label
			 Goto, Active
		 Sleep, 100
	 Send {%OverlayHotkey% down}{%OverlayHotkey% up} ;Presses the Change Overlay Hotkey and then releases the Change Overlay Hotkey key

Pause, Toggle




Edited by skizzosjt
link to final version of script
Posted (edited)
On 8/22/2022 at 6:30 AM, Sbaby said:

great @skizzosjt

It would be useful if it turned off during the retroarch menu.
Is it possible to make it deactivate at the first press of f1 and reactivate at the second press of f1?

Yes but I found a quirk here, I don't know if it's my hardware which would be my keyboard, Retroarch or AHK. Didn't notice until your latest add on. Using F1 as a hotkey through AHK and having Retroarch use that as it's menu hotkey isn't working for me! It only triggers the AHK hotkey to pause the script, and not the hotkey behavior inside of Retroarch, actually toggling the menu. It seems to be some limitation of having the physical key have the same digital output as normal. If I make my physical key different, for ex F2 triggering F1 then it works. If I use different key/hotkey for both the physical input and the Retroarch Menu toggle hotkey it sometimes work, for example it works with both the physical key and Retroarch Menu toggle hotkey as F12 or with Left Control (but MANY keys I tried did not work when both input and output).....so this is why it might be how my keyboard is built or maybe this is standard issues for all users for all I know....


So you may need to change hotkeys in both the script and in Retroarch but this does work. All the previous stuff works fine still, that is solid, it's this new pause while toggling Retroarch menu being the oddball here



 Go to this comment for final version of script



Old version of script


;*************************ENTER VALUES HERE********************************
OverlayHotkey = o ;enter Retroarch Change Overlay Hotkey
secs = 60 ;enter number of seconds between changing overlay
PauseHotkey = F12 ;enter key to toggle pausing the script
RetroarchMenuHotkeyA = F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (physical)
RetroarchMenuHotkeyB = F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (in menu selection)
BigBoxPauseHotkey = Pause ;enter BigBox Pause Screen hotkey
ExitHotkey = F11 ;enter key to terminate the script
#SingleInstance, Force
secs := secs*10
Hotkey, %PauseHotkey%, PauseHotkey
Hotkey, %BigBoxPauseHotkey%, BigBoxPauseHotkey
Hotkey, %ExitHotkey%, ExitHotkey
Hotkey, %RetroarchMenuHotkeyA%, RetroarchMenuHotkey

WinWait, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to exist before executing script

	 Loop, %secs%
		 If not WinActive(ahk_exe retroarch.exe) ;checks if Retroarch is active window every 1/10th sec
			 Sleep, 100
			 Process, Exist, retroarch.exe ;checks if Retroarch exists
			 If not ErrorLevel ;if Retroarch does not exist, terminate script
			Goto, Active		 
		 Sleep, 100
	 Send {%OverlayHotkey% down} ;Presses the Change Overlay Hotkey and then releases the Change Overlay Hotkey key
	 Sleep, 50
	 Send {%OverlayHotkey% up}

Send {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% down}
Sleep, 50
Send {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% up}
Pause, Toggle, 1

Pause, Toggle



Edited by skizzosjt
On 8/24/2022 at 2:24 AM, skizzosjt said:

Yes but I found a quirk here, I don't know if it's my hardware which would be my keyboard, Retroarch or AHK. Didn't notice until your latest add on. Using F1 as a hotkey through AHK and having Retroarch use that as it's menu hotkey isn't working for me! It only triggers the AHK hotkey to pause the script, and not the hotkey behavior inside of Retroarch, actually toggling the menu. It seems to be some limitation of having the physical key have the same digital output as normal. If I make my physical key different, for ex F2 triggering F1 then it works. If I use different key/hotkey for both the physical input and the Retroarch Menu toggle hotkey it sometimes work, for example it works with both the physical key and Retroarch Menu toggle hotkey as F12 or with Left Control (but MANY keys I tried did not work when both input and output).....so this is why it might be how my keyboard is built or maybe this is standard issues for all users for all I know....


So you may need to change hotkeys in both the script and in Retroarch but this does work. All the previous stuff works fine still, that is solid, it's this new pause while toggling Retroarch menu being the oddball here




;*************************ENTER VALUES HERE********************************
OverlayHotkey = o ;enter Retroarch Change Overlay Hotkey
secs = 60 ;enter number of seconds between changing overlay
PauseHotkey = F12 ;enter key to toggle pausing the script
RetroarchMenuHotkeyA = F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (physical)
RetroarchMenuHotkeyB = F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (in menu selection)
BigBoxPauseHotkey = Pause ;enter BigBox Pause Screen hotkey
ExitHotkey = F11 ;enter key to terminate the script
#SingleInstance, Force
secs := secs*10
Hotkey, %PauseHotkey%, PauseHotkey
Hotkey, %BigBoxPauseHotkey%, BigBoxPauseHotkey
Hotkey, %ExitHotkey%, ExitHotkey
Hotkey, %RetroarchMenuHotkeyA%, RetroarchMenuHotkey

WinWait, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to exist before executing script

	 Loop, %secs%
		 If not WinActive(ahk_exe retroarch.exe) ;checks if Retroarch is active window every 1/10th sec
			 Sleep, 100
			 Process, Exist, retroarch.exe ;checks if Retroarch exists
			 If not ErrorLevel ;if Retroarch does not exist, terminate script
			Goto, Active		 
		 Sleep, 100
	 Send {%OverlayHotkey% down} ;Presses the Change Overlay Hotkey and then releases the Change Overlay Hotkey key
	 Sleep, 50
	 Send {%OverlayHotkey% up}

Send {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% down}
Sleep, 50
Send {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% up}
Pause, Toggle, 1

Pause, Toggle



Unfortunately the menu no longer works with this script.
Also I think if you want to exit the menu by choosing the option and not by f1 it probably won't work well

On 8/25/2022 at 7:19 AM, Sbaby said:

Also I think if you want to exit the menu by choosing the option and not by f1 it probably won't work well

 I did try to warn you about adding the BigBox pause screen hotkey and same train of thought applies here to the Retroarch menu toggle hotkey. There is a reason why I made a pause hotkey in the script! My thoughts were that was sufficient control.

On 8/20/2022 at 11:09 PM, skizzosjt said:

Though, I would think if the "o" (or whatever hotkey was assigned) is hit when on the pause screen it would do nothing, this shouldn't be an issue. You also would need to always leave the pause screen through hitting the pause hotkey or use the other AHK pause key to resume it. You're kinda adding an unnecessary layer.


On the bright side, I did figure it out after taking a moment to review the script and AHK docs. The single change to fix this problem is highlighted in red

RetroarchMenuHotkeyA = $F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (physical)

Other changes, WinActive function needs the quotes, changed syntax of ErrorLevel for better readability, used SendInput instead of Send. SendInput was my first idea to fix the hotkey issue that was ultimately resolved with the $ modifier symbol. SendInput is better but makes no real difference in this script


I was happy to also figure out why certain keys worked like F12 and Left Control. SOME keys DEFAULT to use the keyboard hook instead of through the regular RegisterHotkey function. The $ modifier makes the hotkey use the keyboard hook instead! So that is why it resolves the problem! You can see what hotkeys are in the script and more info on them by clicking on the AHK icon and selecting "Hotkeys and their methods". You get a list like this for ex


F12 and Left Control have no modifier, but shows k-hook for keyboard hook, hence why they worked by default during my troubleshooting....this was really confusing me for a moment.  At the same time, it's why I figured it out. F1 shows k-hook because it's forced to use it after adding the $ modifier.


Should you not want the extra pausing hotkeys on F1 and Pause keys (or whatever you have assigned them as), you can simply remove or comment out those specific lines. Here's what I'm calling the final draft of this. I'm happy with it now. It does what I want it to, I accomplished what you wanted, and I can confirm it all works properly since it got plenty of use over the weekend. I've wanted to do this ever since I noticed RocketLauncher had hotkeys for bezels. I thought it would be neat if it did it automatically rather than require the user to hit the hotkey. You had the same idea, but wanted it for Retroarch. Great minds think alike! Your request was the motivation to finally start, and complete, this project!


;*************************ENTER VALUES HERE************************************************************
OverlayHotkey = o ;enter Retroarch Change Overlay Hotkey
secs = 60 ;enter number of seconds between changing overlay
PauseHotkey = F12 ;enter key to toggle pausing the script
RetroarchMenuHotkeyA = $F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (physical) - USE $ IF NEEDED FOR COMPATIBILITY!
RetroarchMenuHotkeyB = F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (in menu selection)
BigBoxPauseHotkey = Pause ;enter BigBox Pause Screen hotkey
ExitHotkey = F11 ;enter key to terminate the script
#SingleInstance, Force
secs := secs*10
Hotkey, %PauseHotkey%, PauseHotkey
Hotkey, %BigBoxPauseHotkey%, BigBoxPauseHotkey
Hotkey, %ExitHotkey%, ExitHotkey
Hotkey, %RetroarchMenuHotkeyA%, RetroarchMenuHotkey

WinWait, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to exist before executing script
	 Loop, %secs%
		 If not WinActive("ahk_exe retroarch.exe") ;checks if Retroarch is active window every 1/10th sec
			 Sleep, 100
			 Process, Exist, retroarch.exe ;checks if Retroarch exists
			 If ErrorLevel = 0 ;if Retroarch does not exist, terminate script
			  Goto, Active
		 Sleep, 100
	 SendInput {%OverlayHotkey% down} ;Presses and releases the Change Overlay Hotkey
	 Sleep, 50
	 SendInput {%OverlayHotkey% up}

SendInput {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% down}
Sleep, 50
SendInput {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% up}
Pause, Toggle, 1

Pause, Toggle






3 hours ago, skizzosjt said:

 I did try to warn you about adding the BigBox pause screen hotkey and same train of thought applies here to the Retroarch menu toggle hotkey. There is a reason why I made a pause hotkey in the script! My thoughts were that was sufficient control.


On the bright side, I did figure it out after taking a moment to review the script and AHK docs. The single change to fix this problem is highlighted in red

RetroarchMenuHotkeyA = $F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (physical)

Other changes, WinActive function needs the quotes, changed syntax of ErrorLevel for better readability, used SendInput instead of Send. SendInput was my first idea to fix the hotkey issue that was ultimately resolved with the $ modifier symbol. SendInput is better but makes no real difference in this script


I was happy to also figure out why certain keys worked like F12 and Left Control. SOME keys DEFAULT to use the keyboard hook instead of through the regular RegisterHotkey function. The $ modifier makes the hotkey use the keyboard hook instead! So that is why it resolves the problem! You can see what hotkeys are in the script and more info on them by clicking on the AHK icon and selecting "Hotkeys and their methods". You get a list like this for ex


F12 and Left Control have no modifier, but shows k-hook for keyboard hook, hence why they worked by default during my troubleshooting....this was really confusing me for a moment.  At the same time, it's why I figured it out. F1 shows k-hook because it's forced to use it after adding the $ modifier.


Should you not want the extra pausing hotkeys on F1 and Pause keys (or whatever you have assigned them as), you can simply remove or comment out those specific lines. Here's what I'm calling the final draft of this. I'm happy with it now. It does what I want it to, I accomplished what you wanted, and I can confirm it all works properly since it got plenty of use over the weekend. I've wanted to do this ever since I noticed RocketLauncher had hotkeys for bezels. I thought it would be neat if it did it automatically rather than require the user to hit the hotkey. You had the same idea, but wanted it for Retroarch. Great minds think alike! Your request was the motivation to finally start, and complete, this project!


;*************************ENTER VALUES HERE************************************************************
OverlayHotkey = o ;enter Retroarch Change Overlay Hotkey
secs = 60 ;enter number of seconds between changing overlay
PauseHotkey = F12 ;enter key to toggle pausing the script
RetroarchMenuHotkeyA = $F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (physical) - USE $ IF NEEDED FOR COMPATIBILITY!
RetroarchMenuHotkeyB = F1 ;enter Retroarch Menu hotkey (in menu selection)
BigBoxPauseHotkey = Pause ;enter BigBox Pause Screen hotkey
ExitHotkey = F11 ;enter key to terminate the script
#SingleInstance, Force
secs := secs*10
Hotkey, %PauseHotkey%, PauseHotkey
Hotkey, %BigBoxPauseHotkey%, BigBoxPauseHotkey
Hotkey, %ExitHotkey%, ExitHotkey
Hotkey, %RetroarchMenuHotkeyA%, RetroarchMenuHotkey

WinWait, ahk_exe retroarch.exe ;waits for Retroarch to exist before executing script
	 Loop, %secs%
		 If not WinActive("ahk_exe retroarch.exe") ;checks if Retroarch is active window every 1/10th sec
			 Sleep, 100
			 Process, Exist, retroarch.exe ;checks if Retroarch exists
			 If ErrorLevel = 0 ;if Retroarch does not exist, terminate script
			  Goto, Active
		 Sleep, 100
	 SendInput {%OverlayHotkey% down} ;Presses and releases the Change Overlay Hotkey
	 Sleep, 50
	 SendInput {%OverlayHotkey% up}

SendInput {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% down}
Sleep, 50
SendInput {%RetroarchMenuHotkeyB% up}
Pause, Toggle, 1

Pause, Toggle






Hi 🤗, beautiful it works and these additions are great👍👍👍👏👏😍

 However, the problem remains if I resume the game from the menu by pressing ENTER on RESUME GAME instead of pressing F1. This means that the change of bezel stops working, but the worst thing is that if I go back to the menu it starts pressing O inside the menu.

You have already explained to me that it is a problem to fix it but I do not understand why if without pressing f1 I minimize retroarch and enter a text file, I script do not press O and it is correct, so somehow the script detects that Retroarch is not active. I ask you if it is not possible to apply the variable on the foreground of the bezel. In practice, if the bezel is in the foreground the scrip works otherwise if the bezel is in the background (so under the menu) the script pauses.

I believe that somehow it can be done because it is already in this way, in fact by minimizing retroarch with the script running, it pauses correctly.

Or I ask you if I simply have to insert in the script "RetroarchMenuHotkeyA" instead of "RetroarchMenuHotkeyB" ???

Give me an example





I'll say it again...

On 8/29/2022 at 12:08 PM, skizzosjt said:

I did try to warn you about adding the BigBox pause screen hotkey and same train of thought applies here to the Retroarch menu toggle hotkey. There is a reason why I made a pause hotkey in the script! My thoughts were that was sufficient control.

On 8/20/2022 at 11:09 PM, skizzosjt said:

Though, I would think if the "o" (or whatever hotkey was assigned) is hit when on the pause screen it would do nothing, this shouldn't be an issue. You also would need to always leave the pause screen through hitting the pause hotkey or use the other AHK pause key to resume it. You're kinda adding an unnecessary layer.


Posted (edited)

I had understood even earlier!
But I repeat, I have to remember all my life to behave in a certain way with the menu and it cannot be sustainable over time, furthermore as soon as the game goes into the hands of a friend or family it will not work.

If they enter, exit and then re-enter the menu in different ways to change a key when they have to select it there will be the script that will choose O

Thanks anyway for the effort, I will use it alone as long as I remember 

Edited by Sbaby
Posted (edited)


At this point the choice is obligatory for me:

For me the options might be:

Retroarch Pause via F1: Script pausing (Automatic)

Return from pause Retroarch in all modes: Nothing (remains Script Off or pausing)

so if one wants to take it back press F12 but at least there is no problem if one accidentally exits the retroarch menu in other ways


What do you think ?

Edited by Sbaby
22 hours ago, neil9000 said:

You have the patience of a saint, but i see your saintly crack showing. :)

🤣LMAO I don't know about patience of a saint, but yes, I'd look like a spider web of cracks after reading this thread!


19 hours ago, Sbaby said:

What do you think ?

 I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares if it hits "o" in the Retroarch menu? IT DOES LITERALLY NOTHING.......as long as you are not trying to type! Hit the o key on your keyboard a million times even, it doesn't matter, it doesn't engage with anything within the menu. The only time the script will genuinely frustrate the user is if you are trying to type in Retroarch. I can only think needing to type during something like changing hotkeys or controller remaps. I tested plenty of times with 1 second interval for the key press and just smashing keys on my keyboard, it does nothing. The only time it mattered was when I would go into the hotkey menu and no surprise to anyone, after I hit enter on a hotkey to assign a new key it would populate with "o" if you were not fast enough to hit a key prior to the script sending "o"! That is with a 1 second interval though! This wouldn't happen unless you sat there waiting for the change overlay interval you entered. You are going to be using 60 secs or larger intervals I imagine, so you got up to that interval duration to type before any extra key gets pressed via the script. Do you really think you, your friends or family are going to be running said script at 60 sec+ intervals and trying to change hotkeys and controller remaps? I don't buy it for a split second that you could, with a straight face, say you need the ability to do that.  My point here being is I don't think it's a good idea to even have F1 pausing the script, that is what the "PauseHotkey" was for.


I did get your request to work with using PixelGetColor and PixelSearch. Using these commands you can search an area or specific coordinates, even looking for variation tolerances. I did it in a way so it was always looking for the CRT TV bezel part that has the 4:3 aspect ratio, as well as looking for colors specific to when the Retroarch menu comes up in any of the corners. But the problem with this is it only works in a windowed mode. Not sure if it will work in a "fullscreen windowed mode" (I'm gonna test that, eventually...some feedback suggests it should work.....others said no so I gotta see for myself), best I could test with so far is it works when Retroarch is in a window or maximized but that is still technically a window. It most certainly does not work in exclusive fullscreen. Tons of threads out and about on this quirk with those commands if you or anyone wants to know the nitty gritty details.


2 hours ago, skizzosjt said:

 I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares if it hits "o" in the Retroarch menu? IT DOES LITERALLY NOTHING.......as long as you are not trying to type! Hit the o key on your keyboard a million times even, it doesn't matter, it doesn't engage with anything within the menu. The only time the script will genuinely frustrate the user is if you are trying to type in Retroarch. I can only think needing to type during something like changing hotkeys or controller remaps. I tested plenty of times with 1 second interval for the key press and just smashing keys on my keyboard, it does nothing. The only time it mattered was when I would go into the hotkey menu and no surprise to anyone, after I hit enter on a hotkey to assign a new key it would populate with "o" if you were not fast enough to hit a key prior to the script sending "o"! That is with a 1 second interval though! This wouldn't happen unless you sat there waiting for the change overlay interval you entered. You are going to be using 60 secs or larger intervals I imagine, so you got up to that interval duration to type before any extra key gets pressed via the script. Do you really think you, your friends or family are going to be running said script at 60 sec+ intervals and trying to change hotkeys and controller remaps? I don't buy it for a split second that you could, with a straight face, say you need the ability to do that.  My point here being is I don't think it's a good idea to even have F1 pausing the script, that is what the "PauseHotkey" was for.

It's true ! You are definitely right. I had set 5 seconds for the test and didn't think I would set it to 60 seconds for me too.

Now I always use it and it works great. Thanks and very good!

Another question: do you think something similar can be done for the ReShadeManager.dll plugin as well? Or maybe I should ask the author? 🤔

18 hours ago, Sbaby said:

It's true ! You are definitely right. I had set 5 seconds for the test and didn't think I would set it to 60 seconds for me too.

Now I always use it and it works great. Thanks and very good!

Another question: do you think something similar can be done for the ReShadeManager.dll plugin as well? Or maybe I should ask the author? 🤔

I don't know what "ReShadeManger.dll" does, I can guess it's some sort of manager for reshade lol. I have done basic setups with reshade when going through step by step guides, but otherwise know nothing about its actual operation process. I couldn't advise on anything specific beyond whatever you want to do in AHK

22 hours ago, skizzosjt said:

Not sure if it will work in a "fullscreen windowed mode" (I'm gonna test that, eventually...some feedback suggests it should work.....others said no so I gotta see for myself),

farted around with this last night. Retroarch actually has internal settings for this I didn't know about. I was already using windowed fullscreen, so Retroarch's implementation of window fullscreen and exclusive fullscreen both make stuff like detecting pixel colors with AHK wrong. Not really Retroarch's or AHK's fault, it's just how graphic API and the hardware work, seems to bypass talking to the OS which makes sense, exclusive fullscreen prevents needing to render all that OS related stuff behind the game you're playing. I even used AHK to change Retroarch's window style to be completely borderless, no menu bar and all that stuff.....messed up part here is the second I did that it also screwed up how detecting pixel colors works.....even when it is windowed and not fullscreen. So, sad to say this method only works when in a standard window mode, which I would think 99.99% of gamers are not going to want to have to sacrifice having to play their games with window menus and icons and toolbars etc still showing on the display

Posted (edited)

Where are MAME+retroarch bezels cached?  I downloaded the bezel project MAME pack, tried a few, decided to remove it, and deleted the launchbox temp folder where I saw all the bezel mage files.  I refreshed the image cache in bigbox, but the bezels are still there.  \RetroArch\overlays\GameBezels now just has an empty "MAME" folder.

How do I go about actually removing them? Is there another cache I need to refresh?

Edited by drw4013
2 hours ago, drw4013 said:

Where are MAME+retroarch bezels cached?  I downloaded the bezel project MAME pack, tried a few, decided to remove it, and deleted the launchbox temp folder where I saw all the bezel mage files.  I refreshed the image cache in bigbox, but the bezels are still there.  \RetroArch\overlays\GameBezels now just has an empty "MAME" folder.

How do I go about actually removing them? Is there another cache I need to refresh?


My MAME bezels got put under overlays\ArcadeBezels while every other system was placed under overlays\GameBezel*insert system here* (just like where you described)

So if you haven't checked it already and actually have such a folder, take a look at that ArcadeBezels folder

If that isn't helpful, I would look at Retroarch\config\MAME and review any of those files. They list where the overlay config file is. So if the overlays are still coming up, this will tell you exact which overlay config they are using (which lists it's file path) so you could then delete them

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, I discovered a really easy way to do this universally (as long as you're using RetroArch as your emulator).

  1. Start Launchbox/Emulators/RetroArch/RetroArch.exe.
  2. Scroll to Settings > On-Screen Display > On-Screen Overlay and disable it.
  3. Quit and that's it. Bezels are now disabled for all platforms.

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