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skizzosjt last won the day on May 14 2023

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  1. I think you obtained some funny NES ROM set because they should not be combined into a single archive file like that. it's going to run the first file found in the archive. If it were me, I would deal with this by unpacking all of those archives, then import the actual ROM files that were unpacked. You will essentially be reimporting your NES library because the way you got it setup now is not ideal
  2. In LaunchBox, highlight the game, and right click it and click on Edit Go to Additional Applications, this is also were additional versions are Then change which version is the default by highlighting that line and using the Default button
  3. there is no auto import process for native PC games if they are not part of some storefront like Steam, Epic, Uplay, etc. so you need to manually import them if that is the case. use the standard import wizard for this
  4. this is STEAM'S on screen keyboard. the Game Bar doesn't come into play here. this should by default get triggered by holding down the Guide button then pushing the View button, or by holding down the Guide button and then pushing the X button. You must have stuff remapped in a funny way because Start and the triggers have nothing to do with this. It is part of the "Guide Button Chords" system of Steam. Press the B button to hide the on screen keyboard edit: another workaround is to not have Steam running. if Steam isn't running, their on screen keyboard can't pop up!
  5. for the video I use "update once selected" radio bubble and have a visibility condition that it is hidden unless the file exists. additionally I use animations to reduce opacity during selection, and return it to opaque once selected. I just tested a theory and if I remove the opacity animation setting that is making it 100% transparent (aka 0% opacity per CTC's slider parameter) during selection, it will now play sound during selection. so I would def make sure you use animations for 0% opacity during selection, and then 100% opacity once selected for the "s" in games I would change it to something else like different font, size, color, etc, publish, and see what happens. do the changes actually go through? if not, then something is messed up. worse case scenario would be you can delete that element and recreate it. make sure font type and size matches the other bits of text boxes. also, font looks messed up all together in the bottom example. none of the font matches or is correct to top example. So another thought is you might not have the right font files installed. so make sure whatever font is being used in CTC, you have installed on your PC. you can include the font files within the theme's folder structure too. you can download all the Roboto family fonts for free if you don't have them, I think that was the majority if not all fonts.
  6. that likely makes sense. if there is no video file, and you removed the Screenshots - Fallback element, then there might be no element existing in that area. So what you are seeing is likely the bottom most layer, a black background. you might want to consider adding that back in or coming up with another idea to prevent seeing a black background when that situation arises.
  7. the larger one towards the right, I think you're looking for the fallback image. I think what that is, is when a video file isn't found it falls back to an image. might be called "fallback image"? not really sure what it would have been called originally because I have renamed a lot of stuff to make more sense to me you can click on stuff in CTC to bring up the editing controls for that element. since everything operates in layers, if some other element is on top of what you are trying to select, you would select the top most element. so to click on elements in layers that lower in the layer stack, you can try hiding or locking the ones that are higher up. I think it is a lock icon (like a typical MasterLock key lock) for locking elements. And it is an eyeball icon for making an element visible/invisible. you can toggle these icons on/off as you wish. this would also help you identify what you see in the theme is what element, and therefore what specific element needs adjustments. locked and invisible elements allow you to click on stuff that are lower in the layer stack. give it a shot, you'll see what I mean once you try it because I'm guessing my description here sounds a little funny lol
  8. I'm not sure exactly what bit of code change that created this issue, most of this WPF/XML stuff is over my head honestly lol. But I can say with certainty it is related to you using CTC 3.1.5 but it can be mitigated with adjustments! The timing/execution of anything tied to the "update during selection" or "update after selection" radio bubbles behave different between older CTC versions (2.5.5 and prior) and more recent 3.X.X+ versions. I made a post about it a few posts back and on the previous page detailing how I made adjustments to get all this stuff back in sync with each other. I know of no way to get an older version of CTC and the older version is not as good anyways. Slower, less features kinda thing. I prefer using the newest version so I took it upon myself to make the adjustments to restore the original intended look of the theme. If you get stuck with the adjustments, come back and I'll see what I can do to help.
  9. I have a feeling this is related to using the CTC files which were designed in CTC v2.3 but you would be using a newer version of CTC I bet v3.1.5 ? can you confirm which version of CTC you are using?
  10. well one of them finally made it through! as Luigi would say....."yahoo!" https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/404505-luigis-mansion-2-hd
  11. when any AHK script is running there should be a tray icon visible. double click on it to bring up a window, it will default to showing all the most recent lines executed by the script. it's very useful for troubleshooting. Seems the Return got removed so it is triggering the Esc hotkey / ExitRoutine when you execute the MButton hotkey. So change it to this, just adding Return after all of it ;Start Button $MButton:: { send {LButton down} sleep, 60 send {MButton down} sleep, 20 send {MButton up} sleep, 60 send {LButton up} } Return
  12. went to add it to my library over the weekend and it was not there. I set my entry up but didn't feel like going through the trouble with DB submission, I assumed someone else would take the task on. it's def not coming up in any database search still. it doesn't exist in the LB database as far as I can tell. assuming you had everything correct for the submission, then the folks rejecting it need to quit that and instead approve it.
  13. hi @cybermat my experience is different than yours. consider what we are doing with this profile setting. we turn VRR off for a single program, Big Box. it has no impact on any other program or game and its use of VRR. this is the point of making it a profile adjustment, rather than a global adjustment. I use a variety of emulators and play many storefront games all being launched from Big Box and VRR works as expected for everything else. I've never had an issue with VRR engaging when a game is launched from Big Box, even when VRR is disabled for just Big Box through a game profile in AMD Radeon Settings. edit: test with a modern game that is going to push your GPU. prove to yourself that VRR doesn't work if you launched a modern game from Big Box that cannot run at the max Hz of your display. the old consoles you mention can run on a low spec potato system. VRR isn't really very helpful there since they should be at their max FPS output the whole time. you could enable v-sync and get the same benefit which is just preventing screen tearing. unless you're getting screen tearing on these NES/SNES/Genesis games then VRR is working (assuming v-sync is off too.....if v-sync is on then turn that off to make sure VRR is engaged)
  14. excellent news. glad to hear the issue is identified and good luck with the new build!
  15. I've never used the full set importer but as far as I know you need to have the actual full set of ROMs to use that option so I would hazard a guess what you got is incomplete one way or the other. if you didn't intend on importing a full set, then use the standard import wizard and it will go ok, it doesn't care if you have a full set or not. So it sounds like your structure is like this? ROMS = \ROMS\MAME ROMS\ROMS CHDS = \ROMS\MAME ROMS\CHDS By default MAME looks for CHDs in a different spot. You should set up the folder structure like this format ROMS = \ROMS\MAME ROMS CHDS = \ROMS\MAME ROMS\<CHD GAME NAME> CHDs by default need to go in a subfolder where the zip file is, using the same name as their zip file. I'll use Blitz as an example ROMS = \ROMS\MAME ROMS\blitz.zip CHDS = \ROMS\MAME ROMS\Blitz\blitz.chd If you follow this structure MAME will find the CHDs by default. alternatively they can go anywhere, but you would need to setup the custom path in the MAME.ini
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