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Can't figure out how to make playlists from other playlists or platform categories


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I have a "Best Arcade Games" platform category and I can't figure out how to autogenerate playlists under that and only using the games in that platform category.

For instance, I want to make a auto generated playlist for all 1, 2, 3 and 4 player games under it but it uses all of my arcade games because there's not way to tell it to use just my "Best Arcade Games" custom platform category.

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Yes, this is not possible. Playlists can only be made from platform game data as a platform is the only level that contains the actual imported games and all game related metadata. Making a playlist from a playlist is not possible because the xaml file generated for a playlist contains very minimal metadata and there really would be nothing the new playlist would be able to read from that xaml. 

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As a 'work-around', you could select your "Best Arcade Games" platform category, then using the Filter feature image.png.f24bf3e8d5c46153e34aea92f31b8649.png, Filter for... say... Max Players - 4.  Then select all those filtered games, Right-Click and Add to Playlist?  Create a new playlist and set the Parent (check the box for) your "Best Arcade Games" platform category.


The downside with this is that it creates a fixed, non-auto-populated Playlist.  So if you add more "Best Games", they won't automatically get added.  But how often do you add "Best Games"? ;)  But if you do 'add', simply do the above process again except add them to your existing playlist.  The nice thing is, it won't create duplicate entries when you select and add all.

The upside(?) to having a 'fixed' playlist(s) is when loading, it's relatively faster.  Though probably only noticeable with large playlists. If even then.

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20 minutes ago, JoeViking245 said:

As a 'work-around', you could select your "Best Arcade Games" platform category, then using the Filter feature image.png.f24bf3e8d5c46153e34aea92f31b8649.png, Filter for... say... Max Players - 4.  Then select all those filtered games, Right-Click and Add to Playlist?  Create a new playlist and set the Parent (check the box for) your "Best Arcade Games" platform category.


The downside with this is that it creates a fixed, non-auto-populated Playlist.  So if you add more "Best Games", they won't automatically get added.  But how often do you add "Best Games"? ;)  But if you do 'add', simply do the above process again except add them to your existing playlist.  The nice thing is, it won't create duplicate entries when you select and add all.

The upside(?) to having a 'fixed' playlist(s) is when loading, it's relatively faster.  Though probably only noticeable with large playlists. If even then.

This is esse tisllt want I ended up doing. The downside is the work but the tmkther downside is I feel like I misses things abs there's no easy way to check.


Also, when I set PC games Llay Mkde to thing likes "2 player simultaneous', how do I ensure that will never get overwritten in the future?

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37 minutes ago, JoeViking245 said:

The metadata will only get overwritten if you manually update it.  But when updating it, if choose the 2nd or 3rd option, you should be safe.


Ok, so there's no way to say "update all fields to their updated values but don't touch the fields I personally modified".

It's all or nothing there?

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2 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:


Bummer ok.

This combined with the problem of not being able to auto generate sub playlists from other playlists or platform categories is making it a really rough process to make my big box interface concise and easily navigateable for my users.

I see that I can now hide default platforms and categories from big box in the latest beta which is great though!

Edited by Hamburglin
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