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I am trying to run Magnavox Odyssey 2 games using MAME but my games don't launch.
Not sure if I am missing any bios file but I have placed these 3 files in the same folder with my Magnavox Odyssey 2 games: "i8244.zip", "odyssey2.zip", and "o2bios.rom"
Am I missing any files or to these need to be placed in a different folder? 

My MAME default command line parameters are: -skip_gameinfo -keyboardprovider dinput -rompath %romlocation%
Is there any other specific command line that I should add on this?

I have also downloaded a standalone MESS version but didn't work either. I don't think I am putting all the necessary files in the correct folders (either with MAME or MESS). Can anyone help please?

16 minutes ago, DeadVoivod said:

I never tried MAME or MESS for it, but I use RetroArch with the o2em core and that works just fine. 

@DeadVoivod I have tried RetroArch with the "o2em" core before and yes the games did launch fine but the problem was I couldn't get my xbox controller to work properly.. What controller do you use with it? Do you know how can I map my xbox controller in RetroArch? Thanks!


I am also using an XBox controller, settings - input - port 1 controls.

There are also many tutorials about RA controller mapping in YouTube, because it can sometimes be a bit of a pain. Retro Game Corps has quite a good one here:



Thanks for sharing this @DeadVoivod. I am familiar with RetroArch and have various platforms all working fine with my xbox controller, it's just Magnavox oddysey 2 that is giving some issues. Not sure why. Did you have to do any control mapping, any adjustments, or are you just using the default RetroArch settings? 


If you prefer to go with MAME itself then these are the bios/device files for the Odyssey 2 (US)

The voice cart adds speech synthesis for those games that support it.

If you're emulating with the "Use file name only..." box cleared, set your Associated Platform Default Command-Line Parameters to
odyssey2 -cart1 voice -cart2

If you're emulating a software list and have that box ticked you can shorten them to
odyssey2 voice -cart2
and if your software list is called odyssey2 then you'll need to either source the videopac one or else rename your odyssey2 one as videopac to comply with MAME's hash requirements. 

To automate the Select Game screen that appears for some games you can create an ini file named odyssey2.ini in your MAME ini folder.
odyssey2.ini should contain the 2 lines
ab \n
autoboot_delay 1

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