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LaunchBox Default Command Line Parameters
jupace -ram 32K

See the jupace_cass and jupace_snap xml files in MAME's hash folder concerning any usage stuff needed.


Hello and thanks again also for the rest I tried but I failed, I load the page in black telling me operation not supported I tried with rom ace and tap but nothing

What do you mean by 32K -ram? When the black screen starts, I write load and send, what am I doing wrong?

I tried to read in the hash folder but I don't understand much about it


What do your Jupiter Ace games look like? Have they come as softlist folders such as jupace_cass and jupace_snap
Also, in your MAME setup in LaunchBox do you have the "Remove file extension and folder path" option on or off?


Hello thank you again for your interest and sorry if I write to you only now, due to work, "Remove the file extension and folder path" is disabled. The roms are in the jupace folder in the file ROM folder ace I leave you a photo attached. When I start a game a black screen comes out with a white dot at the bottom, writing load the writing appears at the top but nothing starts

Screenshot 2024-02-14 165718.png


I can't tell much from your picture.
Do your games each come as a zip with the file inside having a .tap extension, or are they like the posted picture where games have the .ace extension?



Leave the "Remove file extension and folder path" and "Remove quotes" tickboxes empty.
Use the LaunchBox Default Command Line Parameters
jupace -ram 32K -dump

The -ram 32K parameter is required, otherwise you'll get an unsupported operation error when a game tries to load.


Thank you you helped me to add an important piece to the never collection, after all the help if you ever find yourself in Italy I will gladly offer you a dinner, I still take advantage of your knowledge to ask you if you also have the command line of the Exidy Sorcerer, and if you managed to add the saw triforce through dolphin 5.0. for now I only start F-zero and I don't understand why. You were really kind to answer me I wish you all the best


So did you download a software list folder called sorcerer_cass which has the games in zips such as galax.zip?
And does the file inside each zip have the .wav extension?


This works for wav format, so might/might not work with tap stuff.

Some of the tape games are run from the Sorcerer's Monitor screen, and others need to be run from the Sorcerer's Basic screen. The sorcerer_cass xml file in MAME's hash folder explains all this.

galax.zip loads from the Monitor, so the parameters are
sorcerer -cass1

When the Monitor screen opens, type LOG and press Return.
The tape will play and when finished the game should open.

break.zip requires the Basic screen and the parameters are
sorcerer -cart basicpac -cass1

At the Basic prompt, type CLOAD and press Return.
The tape will play and when finished type RUN to play the game.

I'm off to sleep now, but I'll be around later if you need more help.


hello sorry if I ask you but I don't know who else to ask, I have the Eka2l1 emulator working but I've been trying for 5/6 hours, following various guides, to import it into Launchbox would you give me some tips?

Posted (edited)

I've never heard of the Eka2L1 until now and have no idea how it could be set up in LaunchBox. Sorry.
You might be better off starting a thread about this and that way might get help.

You could try searching for Eka2L1 in the forums searchbox and see what turns up.

Edited by spycat
1 hour ago, link182 said:

hello sorry if I ask you but I don't know who else to ask, I have the Eka2l1 emulator working but I've been trying for 5/6 hours, following various guides, to import it into Launchbox would you give me some tips?

You don't necessarily "import" emulators. You simply add them.  Tools - Manage - Emulators - Add new emulator

When adding a new emulator, also add the appropriate Command-line Parameters.  For the one in question, you can find info on their Wiki.

Using the emulator · EKA2L1/EKA2L1 Wiki · GitHub



Use --help if you want to interact through command lines and need list of commands.



Hi thank you for the answer I think I explained myself badly or I didn't understand what you wanted to tell me. The emulator works and the games start smoothly outside launchbox I would like to know the procedure to import them and have them read by eka2l1 since

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