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Plugin that scrapes information from HowLongToBeat.com and adds custom fields with game lengths information.

I made this plugin to add length information for certain games, mostly rpgs. This adds 3 custom fields for Main Story, Main + Extra and Completionist length. You can configure which ones you want to add by editing the file HLTBPlugin.xml.

Because there's no oficial API from HLTB, I had to parse the HTML, which means that as soon as they change something on the HTML this plugin probably will stop working...


Extract files (dll + xml) to : Launchbox/Plugins/HLTBPlugin.

Config (HLTBPlugin.xml)

  • MainStoryLength: Enable/disable main story length update. Default: true.
  • MainExtraLength: Enable/disable main story + extra length update. Default: true.
  • CompletionistLength: Enable/disable completionist length update. Default: true.
  • MainStoryFieldName: Change main story length custom field name. Default: Main Story Length
  • MainExtraFieldName: Change main story + extra length custom field name. Default: Main + Extra Length
  • CompletionistFieldName: Change completionist length custom field name. Default: Completionist Length

Note: If you change the fields names it will not update the games that already have information, so you will end up with duplicated fields with different names and you will have to manually delete them (edit game -> custom fields tab). So config the first time and stick with that.


Access the option by right-click a game (only one game, no massive update yet). A window will popup with all the games found and you can choose which one correspond to your game. If there's no results you can manually change the search words (e.g. Metal Gear Ac!d will get no results but you can then change the search to Metal Gear Acid).

You can use the "Arrange By" option to order the games by length. Lengths are shown with leading zeroes because is the only way to properly order the games since custom fields are strings and not integers.

Tested on version 8.9. I think you need a premium license because custom fields are not supported in free license (not sure).


I have no relation with HowLongToBeat.com, if you like their work please go and support them.


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What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


Small fix to make it work again.

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User Feedback

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Works fine, and is a really awesome feature! Mass update would be awesome!

  • Thanks 1

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This is a great feature. I think a lot of us have tons of games and we end up sampling them then putting them down if they are more than the few hours we are looking for, this straight up tells you. Also I'm not a huge RPG guy but I am intrigued by a lot of them, but when you come across a DQ7, it might be good to know what your getting yourself into and start with something a bit shorter before hitting those giant RPGs. Very good idea and well executed.

Now if we can just figure out how to get a time-spent-playing plug in, we will have the other end of this kind of idea.

  • Thanks 1

· Edited by Drodrick

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

actually does not run for me... i used it was great, but it did not have suppor for bigbox, please fix it!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Very cool plugin I didn't know I needed. Shame about no API but that isn't on you. Seems to work really well so far. 



i love the idea, however it's not working for me. i can right click on a game and i see the option to "search game length" at the bottom of the menu. when i select it i get a white window where i can search the name of the game, and blank columns underneath for the categories (main, completionist, etc.). 

but the search button does nothing, regardless of what i add to the search box. and there's nothing in the game info box either.

if anyone knows why, i could use the help.

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