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About This File

The intent of this plugin is to import MAME's Sega Model 3 roms that are supported in the Supermodel emulator.  

Sega Model 3 machines are not playable in MAME, but a MAME full romset does contain the roms for it.  This is where Supermodel ["A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator"] comes into 'play'.  And quite literally.  There are currently 60 machines supported, of which 38 are clones.

The plugin uses "Games.xml" to get the rom names, proper Titles and versions for the SM3 machines that Supermodel supports.  This file is located inside the "Config"  folder of your Supermodel installation.

Required Files:

  • This downloaded plugin
  • Games.xml 

Not required for importing, but highly recommended:

  • All Supermodel files (you know, like supermodel.exe, etc.)
  • A MAME romset containing the necessary SM3 roms

Using the plugin:

  • Download and unblock the zip file.
  • Copy the folder (which includes 1 file)  inside the zip into your ../LaunchBox/Plugins folder.
  •        i.e.   D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\ImportSegaModel3\ImportSegaModel3.dll
  • Start LaunchBox.
  • Select Tools,  Import Supermodel Games.xml v1.00


The process from here should be fairly intuitive by just following the steps in the Import Wizard. 

  • Select the folder where Supermodel's Games.xml file is located (if not automatically selected).
  • Select Games.xml. (if not automatically selected)
  • Choose a Platform to import the games into (You can create a new one or use existing).
    • If you choose an existing Platform, the imported games will be set to Emulator selected in the next step and will not affect any of the existing game's emulator.
  • Select your Emulator. (I strongly recommend Supermodel. But you can choose any emu [and change it later])
  • Filter the clones (Options are to Import:  All games individually, clones as additional apps, no clones).
  • Select the roms’ source folder (Only required if you plan to copy them from their current location).
  • Select the roms’ destination folder (This is required to set the Application Path for the games).
  • Select Copy & Import or Import Only.

Downloading Metadata:

If you selected an existing Platform to import the roms into, Right click that Platform and select “Edit”. Make sure the Scrape As: is set to “Arcade” and then click “OK”.

Click on one of the games, then press CTRL+A to select all games.  Now click Tools and select Download Metadata and Media and follow the prompts.  Be sure to check the box for:  Search for game information and media from the LaunchBox Games Database (recommended).

Check or un-check the media images/videos you wish to download. (You can also click "None" and download these at a later time)

Click Yes, download and replace all existing metadata and media. Then click Finish.


This plugin was "designed" to account for subsequent Supermodel updates.  After a Supermodel update (which should include an updated Games.xml file), rerunning this plugin "should" account for any new additions, renamed roms and renamed titles/versions.  Adding/changing those respectively in your Platform.  It won't, however, account for any games that were completely removed. But I really don't think this will be an issue.

If you're having issues getting Supermodel setup and running your games, a quick Goggle search will usually get you what you need.  i.e. "LaunchBox Supermodel", "Supermodel <insert game title here>".  For general (and some somewhat specific) information/help regarding Supermodel, see here: Installation - Supermodel: A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator (supermodel3.com).  


List of currently supported games per Games.xml (Aug 31, 2021):

bassdx       Sega Bass Fishing (USA, Deluxe)
getbassdx    Get Bass: Sega Bass Fishing (Japan, Deluxe)
getbassur    Get Bass: Sega Bass Fishing (Japan, Upright)
getbass      Get Bass: Sega Bass Fishing (Japan, Standard)
daytona2     Daytona USA 2 - Battle on the Edge (Japan, Revision A)
dayto2pe     Daytona USA 2 - Power Edition (Japan)
dirtdvls     Dirt Devils (Export, Revision A)
dirtdvlsu    Dirt Devils (USA, Revision A)
dirtdvlsau   Dirt Devils (Australia, Revision A)
dirtdvlsj    Dirt Devils (Japan, Revision A)
dirtdvlsg    Dirt Devils (Export, Ver. G?)
eca          Emergency Call Ambulance (Export)
ecap         Emergency Call Ambulance (US location test?)
ecau         Emergency Call Ambulance (USA)
ecaj         Emergency Call Ambulance (Japan)
fvipers2     Fighting Vipers 2 (Japan, Revision A)
fvipers2o    Fighting Vipers 2 (?)
harley       Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Revision B)
harleya      Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Revision A)
lamachin     L.A. Machineguns: Rage of the Machines (Japan)
lemans24     Le Mans 24 (Japan, Revision B)
lostwsga     The Lost World (Japan, Revision A)
lostwsgp     The Lost World (Location Test)
magtruck     Magical Truck Adventure (Japan)
oceanhun     The Ocean Hunter (Japan)
scud         Scud Race (Export, Twin/DX)
scudau       Scud Race (Australia, Twin/DX)
scuddx       Scud Race (Export, Deluxe)
scudplus     Scud Race Plus (Export, Twin/DX, Revision A)
scudplusa    Scud Race Plus (Export, Twin/DX)
skichamp     Ski Champ (Japan)
spikeofe     Spikeout Final Edition (Export)
spikeout     Spikeout (Export, Revision C)
srally2      Sega Rally 2 (Export)
srally2p     Sega Rally 2 (Prototype)
srally2pa    Sega Rally 2 (Prototype Version A)
srally2dx    Sega Rally 2 (Export, Deluxe)
swtrilgy     Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (Export, Revision A)
swtrilgya    Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (Export)
swtrilgyp    Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (Location Test, 16.09.98)
vf3          Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision D)
vf3a         Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision A)
vf3c         Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision C)
vf3tb        Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle (?)
von2         Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision B)
von254g      Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Ver 5.4g)
von2a        Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision A)
von2o        Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (?)
vs2          Virtua Striker 2 (Step 2.0)
vs215        Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5)
vs215o       Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5, older)
vs298        Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0)
vs29815      Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5)
vs2v991      Virtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Revision B)
vs299        Virtua Striker 2 '99 (?)
vs29915      Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Step 1.5)
vs299a       Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Revision A)
vs299b       Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Revision B)

As always, I'm open to any and all comments and suggestions regarding this plugin you may have. 

Edited by JoeViking245

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