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8 Screenshots

About This File

Hello, all!

I recently decided to overhaul my Launchbox setup, and rework it to incorporate Aftermarket Releases in a way the makes more sense.

I decided on two primary categories - Official Releases and Aftermarket Releases: Official Releases are pretty much what you would expect. Aftermarket Releases then goes on to Hacked Games, Original Games, Translations, and Unreleased Games - I wrote up descriptions to accompany each subcategory (also included in txt files). I included a screenshot of my Platform Categories to help make sense of it.

Once I decided on that, I set out to find Clear Logos to match, and either struck out, or what I'd seen wasn't fitting with the rest of my system, so I decided to make my own cohesive set that also included your standard Favorites, Collections and Playlists

These clear logos and descriptions are meant to be platform agnostic so that I could use them for every platform in my collection that has these aftermarket releases.

Edited by machjas
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