About This File
I created these images so that my playlistst are nicely presented, using the colorful theme created by @faeran and @viking.
I Zipped them and present them to you, the community. please enjoy.
You will need to unzip these files in [colorful theme folder]\media\hardware set\ folder. once done and you've matched the images to your collections, you can fire up bigbox and if done properly these images will show up and then slide to right and fade away.
Over on the forum I started a thread where I posted these, you can even make requests if you like.
you can find the thread here :
Edited by Klopjero
What's New in Version 1.2.0 See changelog
in this update I've added images for following collections.
- Call of duty
- Battlefield
- Fire Emblem
- Ace Attorney
- Monster Hunter
- indiana Jones
- Metro
- Dragon Ball Z
- Prince of Persia
- Duke Nukem
- Marvel
- Darksiders
- Witcher
- Just Cause
- Farcry
- Quake
- Halo
- Batman
- killer instinct