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About This File

I have created my own YouTube & Arcade Snap / Videopreview downloader.

It's not super pretty but works pretty well.

Arcade is perfect because i use progettosnaps direct download, consoles are OK'ish... i currently try to limit the search results to one provider to eliminate false positives.

So if that channel doesn't have the video for your game, you might get something strange... BUT I ADDED A SKIP BUTTON! :D

If you know other youtube channels than arcade forever feel free to leave  a comment and i'll take a look at it :)



Unzip the file and put the folder in your Launchbox/Plugins/ dir.


Usage :

Rightclick a game or games and choose get snaps,

click yes for consoles etc., click no for arcade / mame.

Hit Download, wait, done.

Btw. if you're wondering why there is an .exe file... well i'll probably make it standalone too to scan the whole library and im lazy so i didn't want to start two projects :D


I have uploaded a video of it in action here:


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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Don't know if I can recommend this yet. It's an awesome idea, but it sets off Windows security like crazy. Second, for the the arcade downloader, this definitely works, but it does not check to see if a video already exists, so it will redownload one if you already have one from emumovies. Does work using the LB native audit feature, however, which did allow me to scan progretto for the few videos I didn't get from emumovies. Of those though I don't think many existed. Lastly, of the five or so games I tried to use the Youtube scanner for, the last being Alan Wake which is pretty popular, it didn't find a single youtube video to download (I waited for a couple of minutes, should it take longer?) Would be really useful if this could also scan steam for it's video previews. Really good idea, I hope you keep working on it. 

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Loaded this into the latest version of LB and it would prevent LB from launching. Deleted from Plugins folder and everything worked fine again. Needs an update, I think.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

i used to love this plugin while it worked. 
an update to make it functional again would be really  awesome !!! 

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