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Posts posted by bvcbcvbcvbcvbvcbvcbcv

  1. @Lordmonkus I also keep running into problems when I'm trying to remove all Telemetry from Windows. The Spy Bot Anti Beacon you linked is no good any longer because they now lock some features behind a pay wall, meaning that the free version doesn't block, or remove ALL Telemetry, so I tried programs like Destroy Windows Spying that apparently rips every trace of Telemetry out of the OS, but it seems like the OS get's really unstable when trying to block everything. Another issue is that when I use the IoBit Advance System Care StartUp Manager, things seem to be wonky when I remove everything from starting at Windows boot by removing everything from the startup tab, and deleting all the entries out of the Task Scheduler section. Also I used MSConfig, and tried to set the option to load only basic Microsoft Services at Windows Boot to disable everything to make it as bare bones as possible, but then nothing seems to work anymore, and even when re enabling things, it seems to stay broken until I fresh re install.

  2. @Lordmonkus I saw your Increasing Big Box Performance tutorial in the troubleshooting section of the forums. I think you should also make a Fresh Installing Windows 10 For Big Box guide for people who plan on only using their PC's for retro gaming. That way, people who are starting fresh will know exactly what they need, and don't, as in what software to install, what drivers they need for the best experience, and which ones they can ignore as you don't need every single driver for every single component in your computer. That way, it can be slim lined, and set up exclusively for Big Box!

  3. 22 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    The reason we removed the aforementioned thread was simply to ensure that the specific crook mentioned in the thread does not receive any extra publicity from us. It had nothing to do with us censoring the thread; we just choose not to provide criminals with any extra publicity.

    We do very much appreciate your purchase @rexryan.

    You wouldn't be providing them with "extra publicity" per say, but rather the hate, and toxicity that such scum bags deserve against them, that we would be completely  justified for, and have every right to direct towards them. I know it's the usual "We don't want LaunchBox forum members going, and attacking these people" etc, and it's the same as for why most content creators won't give the details of the person they're calling out, and exposing, and always keep them anonymous, and confidential, but I myself have never understood such mentalities, and reasonings. I'm of the mind that if they've screwed us, or other people then I don't see any problems with sending the bad guys as much hate, toxicity, and ill will, etc, as possible. We should be attacking them at every turn, and making their lives as miserable as possible, until we destroy them! I'm not saying that we should go out of our ways to attack them, if we're not comfortable with it, but what I am saying is that we should give out all their details, either personal, or internet to the whole world, and let the beasts out to do with them whatever they please, and whatever happens to them as a result happens to them. In that sense, these crooks, and scum bags deserve whatever we decide they deserve.

  4. 5 hours ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Nvidia all the way, AMD cards have garbage OpenGL drivers which potentially causes bugs and performance problems and a lot of emulators use OpenGL.

    But I thought all of this vs stuff was just preference, and that there are no true superiors, or betters like those topics I was creating. Isn't that a little biased of you? lol

  5. 14 hours ago, Lordmonkus said:

    That's what the BitBucket page is for, submit feature requests and look for ones that have been suggested already and vote for the ones they like.


    @Lordmonkus I think I just requested it as a feature in the Bit Bucket. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/4540/adding-more-sounds-to-bigbox-to-make   Hope I did it right.

  6. On 9/21/2018 at 2:37 PM, Jason Carr said:

    This does seem like a good add for the future. I think it might have been on a poll a while ago, and for some reason didn't get very votes. I could be wrong though. I've added it to my list of features to go on the next poll. :)

    So my only chance of getting this feature into LaunchBox is if many others desire it as well?

  7. 6 hours ago, Zombeaver said:

    I have a 4770k. There's nothing wrong with your CPU.

    @Zombeaver I wasn't saying that there was anything wrong with my CPU. That was a reply to @Lordmonkus who said that running software mode required a very beefy CPU to use it, and I said that I run software mode all the time, and that mine runs butter smooth at all times without a spec of hiccups, or slow downs whatsoever. Then I said it was probably because I have an i7-4790K with 4.4 GHZ. I was only asking what he would recommend as the minimm CPU required to run software mode at all times for everyone else, because I'm not sure if you actually would need exactly that CPU, or if someone could get away with ones lower than it, and still be able to go all software mode without problems.

  8. So if upscaling causes so many issues, and requires all of this extra work to fix it, then wouldn't it just make more sense to use software mode at all times for as much accuracy as possible, and do the upscaling from an outside source? I mean you could just use software mode on PCSX2, and then use a program like ReShade to do the upscaling, that way you're not making any changes to the actual emulator itself, since ReShade just puts a screen filter/overlay over the program so to speak. https://reshade.me/

  9. 4 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Well now that the thread is truly off the rails let's just end this discussion here and if you don't like how the PCSX2 devs do their thing you should go and do it better yourself instead of shit talking them. It's an open source project so you can go and fix all the issues you have with it yourself.

    If you got issues with the devs go post on their forums and tell them how you feel instead being a jerk here and calling them "lazy", "pathetic" and "dumb". They do what they do in their free time, they don't get paid for it so you can either accept it and use it with its limitations or don't use it and wait for something better to come along if you can't make it yourself.

    Nicely put. You certainly said it in a lot more civil manner than what I would have said to him. I was also going to say something similar about this thread getting so off topic at this point that's it's unbelievable! This is kind of my fault for starting the off topicness by asking you a bunch of questions about my own PC needs while hijacking someone else's thread in the process.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    ePSXe actually got an update about a year or so ago to 2.0.5 and got a nice accuracy boost.

    I was actually referring to if he never changed the software being used, if it runs that software fine now it will in all likelihood always run that software assuming the software never changes.

    Now in the case that those emulators (PCSX2 and Dolphin) do decide to go the accuracy route we will all need to upgrade our hardware no matter how high end our current systems are. Consider the fact that we need a 3+ GHz Intel CPU  to drive Higan, a near 100% cycle accurate emulator.

    How do you do that where you only quote small parts of someone's post? It keeps making me quote the whole thing!

  11. 1 minute ago, Lordmonkus said:

    So if you know the answer why are you asking me ?

    I was asking you how much time you think I have left with it before that inevitability actually comes being the fact that that's the only thing I use it for. That, and browsing the web.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:


    It might actually be up to date already now that I think about it. It was actually a replacement to a Gigabyte motherboard that originally came with my PC that failed like only a few months ago after about 5 years of constant use, and being the fact that mobos of that generation are obsolete, and discontinued, then that means no more firmware updates would be published, so my local PC shop probably upgraded it to the latest, and last version of the firmware it will ever have when they installed it in my PC.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    If your PC currently runs those emulators and LB perfectly fine then in all likelihood you will never have to upgrade it.

    Truth is though, as emulators update to new versions, the minimum required specs will increase, along with the maximum required specs if you mess with things such as upscaling, shaders, and accuracy etc. Right now, emulators such as Dolphin, and PCSX2 among others aren't the very greatest at accurate emulation, and are no where even NEAR being 100% cycle accurate like cycle accurate emulators such as Higan, Mesen, Demul, MAME, CEN64, and many others are etc. So when those emulators get better, and get to the point where's no noticeable difference between them, and the real hardware, and games, and is practically bug/glitch free, and plays the games exactly the way they did on the original hardware, and games then the required specs will probably be insane! Even LaunchBox/Big Box's minimum requirements will increase over time as it continues to update, and gets new features added constantly. I believe @Jason Carr said so himself in a thread once. So I feel like upgrading my PC will eventually be mandatory at some point to continue using up to date emulators, and LaunchBox/Big Box.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    That all depends on the MB and the bios already on it but generally speaking you wont see any performance games. It may in some rare cases increase stability if you install a new piece of hardware that for some strange reason has an incompatibility issue and a bios update can fix that.

    PC shops would do it because they can easily do it and it's low risk to them and eliminates any potential incompatibilities at the time of building a PC.

    The real risk comes usually from noobs flashing the incorrect bios they downloaded because they got the MB model wrong in the downloader. Updating MB bios is difficult or super high risk but there is some and people not used to doing it are inherently more prone to messing it up.

    So me updating it it probably won't boost Windows 10 performance, or Big Box performance then.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I tend to agree with the first statement, only update the MB bios only if you need to for the exact reason stated, it can brick your MB if something goes horribly wrong.

    That isn't to say it's difficult or super risky but it is far more risky than updating a simple driver. Though some new MBs do support a roll back to a stock bios.

    Why do local PC shops automatically update the BIOS firmware then when you buy a new mobo from them, and have them install it in your PC, or buy a custom build from them? Aren't they risking bricking it with out much gain from the risk?

  16. 3 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I tend to agree with the first statement, only update the MB bios only if you need to for the exact reason stated, it can brick your MB if something goes horribly wrong.

    That isn't to say it's difficult or super risky but it is far more risky than updating a simple driver. Though some new MBs do support a roll back to a stock bios.

    Will I get anything noticeable from upgrading a BIOS like more performance, speed, stability, security, new cool features etc?

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