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Everything posted by -McFly-

  1. That second error means your computer doesn't have the ms-gamingoverlay file, i think this is the XBOX one but I may be mistaken. Try here - https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/cant-open-ms-gaming-overlay-link/906df8a1-73bc-4eb3-9abd-f34c437ee482 Or it can be downloaded from the windows store... or elsewhere if you don't have that for whatever reason. I'm also seeing that your memory is topped out, that definitely won't help. Adding more memory will help, but your CPU will then be the bottleneck... I'd cut back on how many of the XML files you load each time, see if that helps any.
  2. I'm running mine right now on an i7 laptop... what are you using? Try removing some of the bigger .xml files in the Data/Platforms folder, see if you can pinpoint what system/s might be causing the issue? I'd also go through all the xml files and check the file paths, Notepad++ makes this much easier. I use 5 drives, H I J K L so these will need to be changed if you're not using these drives... I've tried to symlink all game paths to the Launchbox/Games folder but some need to stay in the /Emulators folder for technical reasons. I'd also make sure your computer is up to date (which I'm sure you've checked) and watch Task Manager for whatever is slowing everything down.
  3. There is a very long answer here but basically, you need to get a hold of all the games you want then replace your .xml files in your Data folder with mine, overwriting yours. There will still be some work to do by yourself, like making sure the correct emulators are in place and working, the paths all work, etc.
  4. I have a share going on that "if you were to deep dive" you might find some answers to some of your questions. I'm hesitant to put any links here to it, so if you're interested please email me at mail@snaapgames.com and say "deepdive" and I'll reply. That goes for anyone.
  5. Agreed, very time consuming and near impossible. I don't make 1g1r sets.
  6. It's everything I can find including betas, demos, languages, bootlegs, versions, etc.
  7. I think this deep a level isn't required, IMO. I'm only looking at files that were renamed, redated or similar. byte by byte isn't something I'd consider from a hobbyist perspective just to save space. I have saved hundreds of GB of space using this. You may want or need more space saved which goes beyond my needs.
  8. Not sure what you mean, this is free... https://www.bigbangenterprises.de/en/doublekiller/ I've been using it for years. It doesn't matter what the files are named or even what their file types are.
  9. I use double killer to delete duplicates.
  10. I decided a while back that to be sure every game was correctly named I'd have to play them, or at least start them up to make sure. There's too many, so I don't.
  11. Where would I find out more about this romset?
  12. Currently a little over 900,000 with 35TB. Everything zips down to about 23TB.
  13. It would be great if there was a way to zip something and show it here for all of these platforms... For android I use LD Player and Bluestacks depending on what each APK is or needs. TBH a lot of my platforms have at least 1 or 2 setup so I can right-click and choose another emu when the first choice doesn't work. I have a few pics that might help at https://snaapgames.square.site that might be useful - there's a few images showing all my emulators and more. This is taking up a little over 35TB right now, but zipped and uploaded it's around 22-23TB so far. Might be worth a look if you're looking to expand
  14. Welcome to the April 2024 Video update for 'McFly'. I've added a classical music soundtrack to this almost 6 hour ( 😮 ) video as the copyright from all the individual videos would guarantee it being taken down by YouTube. This Launchbox / Bigbox build is a culmination of over 8 years of my own work, with this being my latest effort at collecting everything I can. This video is Platforms only. There are 30 seconds between all 726 platforms. Currently this build has over 900,000 titles. Yikes. Bigbox theme is 'Coverbox'.
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