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Everything posted by -McFly-

  1. Retroarch PC6001'i desteklemiyor, PC6001V kullanın -https://emutopia.com/index.php?option=com_cobalt&task=files.download&tmpl=component&id=5377&fid=20&fidx=2&rid=526&return=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbXV0b3BpYS5jb20vaW5kZXgucGhwL2 VtdWxhdG9ycy9pdGVtLzM0Ni1uZWMtcGMtNjAwMS81MjYtcGM2MDAxdg%3D%3D
  2. Version 021124


    A few automated child playlists I made today, over 1600. I'm debating whether or not to include these with my main build, I'm thinking it might be too much. Anyways, here they are, all zipped up if you want 'em.
  3. Auto Generated Playlists for the bigger systems, all zipped up View File A few automated child playlists I made today, over 1600. I'm debating whether or not to include these with my main build, I'm thinking it might be too much. Anyways, here they are, all zipped up if you want 'em. Submitter -McFly- Submitted 02/11/2024 Category Playlists  
  4. I have some zipped files available here, check out Tic-80 has it's own emulator, https://wiki.recalbox.com/en/emulators/fantasy/tic-80/libretro-tic80 Uzebox uses https://uzebox.org/wiki/Emulator Quiz machines are MAME and several others.
  5. I did go down that route at the beginning but it got messy quick. Most of my Windows Operating Systems are VMWare builds so I could open the VM and install / run games inside those if I chose to. as xevious1974 mentioned, exo is better.
  6. I use both symlinks and junctions, depending on weird admin things between internal and external drives. This has been a work in progress adding and changing drives, I don't change old settings unless something breaks. I may at some point go back and re-work a few but for now i'm leaving them as-is. Your lists will help if and when I decide to go back and change things for uniformity.
  7. Thanks for this. Many of these have differing locations due to symlinks, some emulators are in the 'games' directory due to the games and their emulators requiring special relationships, different but similar emulators are intentional due to some games working better with older / newer emulators, and more. Capitalizations and sub folders are of no interest to me as I keep adding more and I'm not changing individual games names. My '. xxx' platforms are intentionally named that way.
  8. Almost every time I add to or create a Platform, LB starts rebuilding almost all of the other .xml files in the Data folder. This adds several hours to the process and I'm not sure why it does this. Earlier in my build this only happened occasionally but now it's happening about 95% of the time. It happens during the 'Saving games...' process and each platform takes 6-7 minutes to be rebuilt. I have quite a few platforms so this can take up to 80 hours per Platform update... not ideal Has anyone else come across this?
  9. Wow! Thank you for going through and doing all of this, I appreciate it. You've saved me a lot of work while simultaneously giving me a lot Was this done by a third party app or software or did you create all this yourself?
  10. When I do an audit inside MAME (currently using .260) it shows 5 games as missing, the rest are complete. When I import using the Launchbox MAME importer (from scratch - previous MAME.xml file was removed) and run the audit tool inside the MAME platform it shows over 11,000 games missing. I have included all ROMS, CHDS and Software Lists. What else am I missing?
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