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Posts posted by Rlad

  1. I was converting things to CHD a few weeks ago and ran into the same issue with Sega CD, i just tried without RL (as i hadnt before) and yes it works.

    Both PS1 and Saturn CHDs work ok through RL.

  2. Yeah, i just renewed my licence and updated. My point is if you want themes in BB you have to have then in LB too, which wasnt the case before? (unless im mis-remembering). Either way BB needs its own video priorities.

  3. I had the same issue since i think version 10.x, i thought it was something i'd done myself as it started happening after i was messing with the xml to change fonts.

  4. 38 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Yeah it does stay once set, but you have to manually align it in the first place. There is a option in settings that i would think should do that automatically, but it didnt, at least for me.


    Yeah, i can't work that out either.

  5. 1 hour ago, neil9000 said:

    Applied and then on the main screen i had to drag the box to get it correctly centered (as it always defaults to the left of the image) If anyone knows how to do that automatically im all ears (there is a setting to set it centered both horizontally and verticaly, but that didnt seem to work for me. I centered the screen with a game running so i could see exactly what i was doing.


    Are you saying you have to center for every video? If you click that lock next to Display Capture it should stay centered.

  6. 4 hours ago, bundangdon said:

    Thanks a lot for the fast response. I tried this and played around with it for a while but the results still seem to be the same. I can't eliminate the bars around the video. Anyone else out there had luck with this?


    21 hours ago, Rlad said:

    You can set the video output to a 4:3 ratio in settings

    Annotation 2020-06-26 151210.png


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  7. 5 hours ago, bundangdon said:

    The video capture is a really nice extra feature! Just wondering if anyone knows how to crop videos? Even when I run retroarch in full screen (which isn't the ideal way for most games), I still have large black bars on the left and right on the output video.

    You can set the video output to a 4:3 ratio in settings

    Annotation 2020-06-26 151210.png

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    That finishing up process is normal. It just takes a while. It's not frozen there.

    I don't know what's going on with the startup though. But the log files show errors of "The given path's format is not supported." which means that somehow it's finding invalid file paths. I suppose it's possible that one of your drives isn't showing up until after the boot process, but that would be weird.

    Right ok, i'll try removing those ps2 games see if it makes any difference.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Do you have any mapped network drives? Is any of your collection over the network? How long did you wait for the finishing up process to finish?

    Launchbox and games are on my D drive (SSHD) with about 20 PS2 games on E (HDD).


  10. 2 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Thanks, good to know. I could be wrong, but the above log file doesn't look right either. Let me know if you can reproduce it with a definite log file. I suppose it's possible that a log file isn't created when that happens. You can look at the date/time on the file to know if it's new or not though.

    I'm trying to replicate it and its not happening now lol, nevermind i'll get back to you if it happens again.

    • Like 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    I see. We fixed an issue related to controllers that happens only when first starting up Windows (Windows glitch). I'm guessing it's fixed in the betas. Can you update to the betas and test?

    Im already on the betas.


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  12. 27 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    That's a new issue that I've never heard of. The log file you posted though shows that LaunchBox loaded up the main window and was running it, so it doesn't look like it's the correct log file for that instance. It would be good to see the correct log file if you have it. Have you ever run into this issue again?

    It's happened a few times since 10.14, it seems to happen when i first start windows, all subsequent times re-opening seem to be ok.

    Maybe this one, if not i'll wait until it happens again and repost.

    Debug 2020-05-14 04-22-04 PM.log

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