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Posts posted by Rlad

  1. 17 hours ago, kmoney said:

    The new beta 2 has messed up the curved wheels views in @CriticalCid Unified theme and @Jason Carr Unified Redux theme to where they no longer curve correctly. Those are the two themes so far I have noticed. The default theme curved wheels views seem normal.

    I noticed this in the theme im creating, i thought it was something i'd done in the theme creator.

  2. 14 hours ago, C-Beats said:

    Beta is publicly available for everyone to opt in and try out. Can always just grab it and look for yourself ;)

    I usually wait a couple of versions, but i'll take that wink as a yes.


  3. I don't know if this is a bug but a similar thing happened to me, i created a playlist inside a platform category and named it 'All', it just replicated the main All list and delete and edit were greyed out. I used the Tools>Restore Data Back-up to revert to before i'd made the change to get rid of it.

  4. On 5/22/2021 at 2:47 PM, TheNewClassics said:

    Thanks for the big update LB team. I noticed when I add a controller on the Manage Controller screen, the delete button doesn't work if I try to get rid of that controller.

    Same issue, when you mouse over the delete button it isn't highlighted.

  5. 6 hours ago, zugswang said:

    Even better is to ADD chd to that text instead of deleting it.

    {    If !StringUtils.Contains(romExtension, "\.bin|\.cue|\.iso|\.chd")
                    ScriptError("RetroArch only supports Sega CD games in bin|cue|iso|chd format. It does not support:`n" . romExtension)


    The attached ahk now works with chd files for Sega D using RA.

    RetroArch.ahk 59.14 kB · 0 downloads

    Good point! Thanks, I don't know why i didn't consider that.

  6. I was converting things to CHD a few weeks ago and ran into the same issue with Sega CD, i just tried without RL (as i hadnt before) and yes it works.

    Both PS1 and Saturn CHDs work ok through RL.

  7. Yeah, i just renewed my licence and updated. My point is if you want themes in BB you have to have then in LB too, which wasnt the case before? (unless im mis-remembering). Either way BB needs its own video priorities.

  8. I had the same issue since i think version 10.x, i thought it was something i'd done myself as it started happening after i was messing with the xml to change fonts.

  9. 38 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Yeah it does stay once set, but you have to manually align it in the first place. There is a option in settings that i would think should do that automatically, but it didnt, at least for me.


    Yeah, i can't work that out either.

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