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About whbinder

  • Birthday 01/04/1975

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  1. I have some new info on Flo Boarding and I plan to update this post as I learn more. using the --mount %romfile% flag does load the game into memory. Loading the app and then using the "Mount Game Cart" option also loads the game into memory. These are not quite the same however. Using the --mount option does not seem to quite load everything needed I've seen several variations on this with Flo Boarding depending on the environment, but here's one example. This of course doesn't have any known effect on setups with the game preloaded. https://app.screencast.com/Mwi4giOCgcKb3?conversation=fajhrqauvqbsUibycVVR1X
  2. Messaged (I don't have FB, only FB Messenger). My problem isn't so much with the shortcut or Launchbox. It's crashing even if I run it directly from EKA2L1. The icon loads. The UID is correct, but it crashes before the title screen. Tried many roms including the one in the zip file.
  3. I'd love to pick your brain sometime as I couldn't get Flo Boarding to work, but I did come across a potential reason people are having issues with it. In the debug mode, it appears the program tries to open and write to e:\system\apps\Nokia_game\Options\config.txt The file doesn't exist. I can put a blank file with that name in the directory and it goes further, but then halts when trying to write to it. I'm curious how to make this file writeable. Any thoughts from the community welcome.
  4. Try the --run option posted above.
  5. I appreciate the updates.
  6. Also having this problem. It seems either Epic or Launchbox made a change.
  7. Well, there is a new version. I wouldn't call it fixed. Pitfall still doesn't start and now displays random ascii text. The sound is off on all games and the controls are more sluggish.
  8. This seemed like the best place for this question. When generating images for a platform, they're typically sorted into the region the photo/game is connected to. There are exceptions, but most platforms I use have North America, Europe, and Japan. I understand that sometimes folders will be created for regions that no games I'm using are associated with; like Germany, United States, Korea. But once I delete those folders and don't download any new images, the folders keep regenerating. Any way to stop this?
  9. Good afternoon everyone, I've been working with the new a5200 core in Retroarch and I like it quite a lot. My only general qualm is that a small number of games have very strange color palettes (although I believe this was the same in a800) and I don't think there's any options to change that. But Pitfall specifically, has an odd issue. It loads properly, but the "Start" button doesn't start the game. The game starts properly in Altirra, but not 5200. I know Pitfall had issues with 2 port 5200 machines, but I'm not sure if that's a bios issue or not. Any suggestions?
  10. Ah. I am indeed using "Old Default". Thanks for the quick and concise answer.
  11. I think the addition of 3D models in BB is a great addition (although I hope they allow for options for region, folder or game instead of only for platform). In the intro video for the feature, there was a demo of checking the 3D boxes in Launchbox under Game Details, which is tremendously useful for checking each box when organizing media. Sure enough there's an option in Options->Visuals->Game Details to show "Show 3D Model", but it doesn't actually display. I even tried temporarily removing all other pieces of info from the Game Details pane, but still nothing. Does anyone know how to get this to show up? Thanks again to everyone behind this feature. Bill
  12. These are wonderful. Any chance of 2D versions?
  13. Well, this is a new one. I've been using Launchbox since version 8, but something new happened spontaneously last night. I assume it's an XML or related issue. I thought I'd reach out if anyone had experienced this before. Suddenly a large number of my Box Front artwork disappeared. If I change to another Image Group (like 3D Boxes) it works fine. The Backgrounds load fine. It seems to be specific to Box Front Art. The images are there. If I edit the game and check images, the picture is there under the correct place. It's a suitable format. Also, some of these have been in place for years, so it's not like I just loaded in new artwork. Here's the weird thing the Tools > Options > Media > Box Front Priorities doesn't seem to be working. As an example. I imported some Amazon Games and allowed it to use "Amazon Poster" as a priority over Box Front. All the artwork is blank. If I move the pictures over to the "Box Front" folder, and refresh, they show up. No mater how I reset or re-order my Box Front Priorities, it won't use box art in the Amazon Poster folder. That would be odd, but I could live with it if that was consistant. It's not. Under different platforms the "Box Front" folder will not get recognized, only "Disc Art", etc. Strangest of all, if I boot into BigBox, everything works just fine. Any idea why The Box Front Priorities are seemingly being ignored?
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