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Everything posted by Hamburglin

  1. Got it. So that marquee image is static. What's the easiest way to get video marquees?
  2. Ok. I'll check it out. It's big box's marquee solution.
  3. So far so good. I have another theme related question. How do I use only the game's banner when in console playlists? It always shows the console on the marquee, and the actual banner is smaller and only in the upper right:
  4. I have "play sounds during attract mode" set to off and also turned "atrract mode navigation sound volume" to 0% in both my theme's options and also the normal options (notnaure why there's two identical options for these). However, when attract mode goes back to a platform or category, it still makes a back or select sound. Anyone know what's going on?
  5. Ok, sorry for the spam but I figured it out. For unified redux specifically, I needed to select scroll wheel 4 for games list to get them to show as full screen. Thanks!
  6. Ok, so for unified redux, I checked "use platform video" which gives me nice, full screen video when attract mode is on categories or platforms. However, when inside a platform, say like dreamcast, the videos are smaller again.
  7. Ok. I'll dig through those when I'm free next.
  8. Thanks. The unified are closer but still only about 1/3 if the screen. I'd prefer 1/2 or 2/3. It's more exciting that way in attract mode. Most family and friends don't care about the details. I find it strange that there aren't ent bigger ones...
  9. The default big box theme is ok, but the actual game videos are like 1/8 of the screen. I'd like to use a theme where the video takes up at least 3/4 of the screen. Is there one out there like that?
  10. Tekkn is one of those games in mame that load twice. Like blitz 2k. For some reason, tekken loses window focus after it boots the second time. Blitz does not have this issue. Anyone know what's going on? This is through retroarch mame current.
  11. Let me know if I can provide any other info! These are pretty annoying and common.
  12. Awesome. Are you saying that the registry holds the ID -> game.exe name mapping, or the ID -> current runningbprocess name and its PID? It looks like it's the actual running process data. If that holds the executable name then it's just a matter of figuring out how to kill a process with that name. If there's no name, then you'd need to interface with process explorer to see whats running and map those backwards to an ID.
  13. I'm not sure how ahk would know what the last exe that was started by it would be. But who knows.
  14. Yeah, that's it. I'm wondering how launchbox sets that variable and makes it accessible to LB's ahk. Edit: per your explanation, it can't easily be done for steam games. I wonder if ahk can be smart enough to go find the process thst was created from a specific steam id.
  15. In th ahk scripts for exiting emulators like sega model 2, the code references a variable of the current emulator. It does not literally say "exit segamodel2.exe". Somehow, launchbox has a variable stored of the emulator that launched and can access that via ahk in its running script to kill it.
  16. Thanks! Maybe that will work. It will just take sole time to make it for each game. I'm curious... how does launchbox know what emulators are active and are able to close those without direct reference?
  17. I'm fairly familiar with OS's and filesystems. None of the games they'd be playing hold long term game data. In the incredibly small chance there is ever corruption, the games can be reinstalled. I'm going for usability and consistency here (critical in the design of apps and games for your customers) and will look around for solutions! Maybe additional apps on per game basis will work.
  18. I have a custom arcade with both emulator and pc games on it. I have my esc key bound in a couple emulators AHK running script to exit the game forcefully. Retroarch handles most but ones like Sega model 2 need this hack. I need to apply this to all steam games too, so that my friends and family don't get confused when the esc key (triggered by a stream deck button) doesn't exit the game for PC games. Otherwise they need to manually exit through the pc game's menu.
  19. Ok, I've recorded three bugs likely caused by laggy UI and/or race conditions/lack of locking. 1. Move to another game in the wheel and quickly press select. The marquee won't update: 2. Spam select as you enter a game playlist from another playlist. The marquee doesnt populate and when you exit the game, nothing shows up in the game preview area: 3. As you switch a games, wait half a second so that the game preview JUST starts to load and then hit select. The video sound will continue to play in the background. Mega bezel makes retroarch take forever to load but you get the point: 20230722_114536.mp4
  20. I figured it out. The game crashed whenever "run ahead" in the latency settings was set to on. I turned it off. Mods: I meant to put this in the troubleshooting forum. Do you mind moving this there?
  21. Finally, I tried with a fresh default retroarch config and I'm having the exact same issues as above, even when I swap to the suggested options for scaling and rotation.
  22. Oof. I tested a default retroarch config and it worked 😭 Time for changing settings one by one until I figure it out.
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