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Everything posted by Hamburglin

  1. Not sure when this happened, but it must have been within the last month, Blitz games won't load and crashes retroarch when I start them up. My error log complains about swap interval and not having enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. The only thing I can remember changing is gl to glcore, and turning mega bezel shaders on. I set video back to gl and turned off the shaders but it still crashes, It works in standalone mame fine. [INFO] RetroArch 1.14.0 (Git e3c92b0) [INFO] === Build ======================================= [INFO] CPU Model Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8809G CPU @ 3.10GHz [INFO] Capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE4 SSE4.2 AES AVX AVX2 [INFO] Built: Dec 13 2022 [INFO] Version: 1.14.0 [INFO] Git: e3c92b0 [INFO] ================================================= [INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "raw". [INFO] [Environ]: SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565. [INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1 [INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz. [INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: fullscreen. [INFO] [GLCore]: Found GL context: "wgl". [INFO] [GLCore]: Detecting screen resolution: 2560x1440. [INFO] [Video]: Fullscreen set to 2560x1440 @ 120Hz on device \\.\DISPLAY3. [INFO] [WGL]: Extensions: WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_NV_swap_group WGL_I3D_genlock WGL_AMD_gpu_association WGL_ARB_context_flush_control WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error WGL_EXT_extensions_string [INFO] [WGL]: Adaptive VSync supported. [INFO] [GLCore]: Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc., Renderer: Radeon RX Vega M GH Graphics. [INFO] [GLCore]: Version: 4.6.0 Core Profile Context [INFO] [GLCore]: Using resolution 2560x1440. [INFO] [WinRaw]: Mouse #0: "GUN4IR Pro Micro P1". [INFO] [WinRaw]: Mouse #1: "GUN4IR Pro Micro P2". [INFO] [WinRaw]: Mouse #2: "\\?\HID#IrDeviceV2&Col08#2&2818a073&0&0007#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}". [INFO] [WinRaw]: Mouse #3: "I-PAC 2". [INFO] [WinRaw]: Mouse #4: "2.4G Keyboard Mouse". [INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4. [INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "xinput". [INFO] [GLCore]: Loading stock shader. [INFO] [slang]: Building pass #0 (N/A) [INFO] [Autoconf]: Xbox 360 Controller configured in port 1. [INFO] [GLCore]: Not using frame history. [INFO] [GLCore]: Not using framebuffer feedback. [INFO] [Autoconf]: Xbox 360 Controller configured in port 2. [INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "win32". [INFO] [Autoconf]: Xbox 360 Controller configured in port 3. [INFO] [Autoconf]: Xbox 360 Controller configured in port 4. [INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 16 ms latency, using 16 ms latency. [INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "glcore". [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl". [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\content_music_history.lpl". [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\content_video_history.lpl". [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\content_image_history.lpl". [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\content_favorites.lpl". [WARN] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(-1) failed. [WARN] [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(-1) failed. [INFO] [Content]: Updating firmware status for: "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\mame_libretro.dll" on "C:\Emulation\Emulators\RetroArch\system". [INFO] [Core]: Using content: "F:\Emulation\Games\mame merged 250\blitz2k.zip". [INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds. [INFO] [Core]: Unloading core.. [INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols.. [INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
  2. Ok, yet another issue while messing with the settings above, specifically the scaling aspect ratio. If I use "core provided", the black tv bezel that mega bezel creates fits and is in the right place. If I select "full" then the mega bezel tv bezel is nowhere to be seen.
  3. I've also tried changing the orientation in the shader parameters but thar stretches is horizontally even more. My current guess is that I have a weird setting set, but I had to redo my retroarch couple weeks ago. Or that my windows os video settings are interfering somehow. Or a legit bug. I download the shaders just before I posted this post. I also just noticed that I can print the shader parameters tonscreen so I've attached that too. (It was at the wrong angle on the tv so I had to rotate the picture so that it's easier to read)
  4. Sorry guys, I finally had time to look at this again. I just tested all of thebsettings shown above but it's still not working. I just scrolled through every possible scaling aspect ratio and none looked correct. I've been using "core provided" since I can remember without issue, at least before I started using this shader, but tried full with rotation set to internal as well. Here are some pics to prove my settings and how it's stretching the image ONLY for vertical games. I'm using thebmegal bezel preset "MBZ_1_ADV.slangp"
  5. I guess that makes sense. I just don't understand why all of the 4:3 mame games work as expected with the shaders on then. They all use core provided too.
  6. Wait, I use core provided because that sets my vertical games to their max resolution that fits on my screen. It works as expected. I would assume that is full, unless full stretches images. You're saying that mega bezels doesn't like to work at their correct resolution and size? I'll have to manually change the size from core provided and check. I really don't want to set all of my vertical mame games to a manual setting though. Again, just to be clear, the games are working correctly at full size when the shaders are off. I havent touched any other setting, including the scaling. They only shrink when when shaders are on, and only in vertical games.
  7. I left bezel overlays on if that's what you're saying. I haven't touched the Scaling. The moment I turned the shader off, it goes back to its normal size, sitting between the bezels.
  8. I think this it's just mega bezel. All I did was load a slang shader under mega bezel folder in retroarch. What I think is weird is that all of the normal horizontal games scale correctly. Only vertical ones are small. And yeah... there are a million settings for the shaaders.
  9. Just started 19xx after getting the mega bezel shaders installed. The screen is like half or 1/3 the size it should be. This is only an issue with the shader on.
  10. The newer default theme. I'll have to test other ones later.
  11. If I'm scrolling, stop on a game and hit "start" within a second, the game's video (and sound) continue to play forever. This causes confusion from guests, and also requires us to restart the game. Is there a way to mitigate this?
  12. Yeah, all of my roms are on an external hard drive. I also backup mu "emulation" folder in C as well since the customizations, settings and art are all in there too.
  13. Yeah, I use RA simply for its one stop shop for bindings and settings, including the mega bezel reflective shaders. Setting up the non RA emulators like sega model 2, super model 3 and demul were painful enough. Mame is the only one that "just works" most of the time, especially for light guns and track balls. (To he fair, setting up light guns in RA flycast was difficult due to setting up controllers and bindings the right way and in the right order) The less reminder info I need in a word document when some obscure shit goes wrong with an emulator, the better.
  14. You did thanks! Tbh retroarch's settings are a mess. It's not clear what is retroarch wide, vs core wide, vs "directory" wide, vs game wide. And its also a pain to navigate to each to save or delete them.
  15. Interesting. Makes sense but they implemented it poorly. There's no way to know it's intended behavior, or why it's happening.
  16. I've never figured out why this happens. I still need to open retroarch separately and save and settings for it in there (retroarch.cfg) All core and game overrides save fine however.
  17. He added this pretty quickly. For each platform, platform category or playlist, click edit and in the bottom left is a checkbox like "show/hide in big box'.
  18. I'm cross posting this here for visibility because I feel that it solves a really annoying issue that has been plaguing light gun users in supermodel 3 games for years now. The solution can be ran before games launch in additional apps if desired: Windows does not keep or report back a consistent list of mice that are plugged in. That means that after every boot or new usb device is connected that your mouse assignments might change. In turn, you need to update your Supermodel.ini file to reference the correct number for your mice (light guns). This is super annoying. I've automated the process of determining what your light gun's mice assignments are and then auto updating the Supermodel.ini to reflect that. The powershell script is INCREDIBLY naive and needs manual editing of variable to get working on your machine. If anyone want's to generalize it make it more efficient, please do! The trick---------- The novel part of this that I don't think people knew about until today is this: 1. You can assign unique names to your "Generic HID Comapitable" devices via the registry. 2. This lets you run "supermodel.exe print-inputs" and programmatically determine your gun's mouse indexes from that output. Requirements----------- Here are the things you must do to prepare to run the script: Ensure that you have mouse bindings in your Supermodel.ini already. The numbers can be wrong, that's alright. Just bind the buttons you want to be updated when the assignments change. If you want to have non-mouse bindings in addition to your mouse bindings, put those to the right of your mouse bindings. Example: InputCoin1 = MOUSE5_MIDDLE_BUTTON,5 Go to device manager and drop down the mice. You'll see a bunch of "HID compatible devices". We want to find our guns and change that description to something unique. To do this, find your gun's hardware ID (gun4ir's starts with 2341 always) by right clicking each HID device -> Details -> Hardware ID in the dropdown. Then copy its "driver key" value from the same area Open up regedit and go to SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet001 -> Enum -> HID. Now ctrl+f and find your devices. Edit their "DeviceDescr" key and add something unique to the very end, and differentiate each gun. Example for my first player's gun: @msmouse.inf,%hid.mousedevice%;HID-compliant mouseGUN1 While you're there, add a brand new value called "FriendlyName". Set that value to reference the same as above. This will change the name in the device manager so you can find the guns easily again if needed instead of it reading "HID compliant device" Take a moment and understand what we're doing: open the command prompt, cd to your supermodel 3 directory and run "supermodel.exe -print-inputs". You MUST be IN that directory or else it will complain about not finding supermodel.ini. Ok, you ran it. Now scroll up until you see it reporting your mice. You should see the "HID compliant devices" but also your new, unique DeviceDesc values (gun1 etc). Great! Now we have a consistent way to map our lightguns! Setting up the script------------ At this point, you can simply update your config manually using the numbers on the left for each lightgun. However, I've provided a powershell script you can manually edit and then run to find the devices from that output and update the config for you: #Set working di rto supermodel diretory so that it can read Supermodel.ini and not error out Set-Location -Path "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\" #Get-Location #Find gun1's mouse index $inputs = & "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Supermodel.exe" -input-system=rawinput -print-inputs $gun1info = ($inputs | Select-String "GUN1").Line $gun1index = $gun1info.Substring(1,1) $gun1formatted = "MOUSE" + $gun1index Write-Output $gun1formatted #Find gun2's mouse index $inputs = & "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Supermodel.exe" -input-system=rawinput -print-inputs $gun2info = ($inputs | Select-String "GUN2").Line $gun2index = $gun2info.Substring(1,1) $gun2formatted = "MOUSE" + $gun2index Write-Output $gun2formatted #Read in Supermodel.ini $content = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Config\Supermodel.ini' #Edit Supermodel.ini mouse related lines #This assumes you have one mouse assigned per bind/value already. It will not touch any bindings to the RIGHT of the mouse text #(Need backtick in front of capture group variable in the replacement else it won't print the value) #Update gun1 $content = $content -replace '(InputStart1.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputCoin1.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunX.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunY.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputTrigger.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputOffscreen.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunX.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunY.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerLeft.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerRight.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" #Update gun2 $content = $content -replace '(InputStart2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputCoin2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunX2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunY2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputTrigger2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputOffscreen2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunX2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunY2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerLeft2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerRight2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" #Write new file #Write-Output $content $content | Set-Content -Path "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Config\Supermodel.ini" #Make guns rumble so we know this all worked cmd.exe /c "echo F.1.2.1 > \\.\COM11" cmd.exe /c "echo F.1.2.1 > \\.\COM12" The script is very primitive and requires you to change these variables or lines: Set-Location -Path... to your supermodel 3 folder The value to search for after Select-String (ex:GUN1) in the $gun1info and $gun2info lines Your supermodel3 exe location in the $inputs lines The path to your supermodel.ini file after the "#Read in Supermodel.ini" line Your supermodel.ini path again after the "#Write-Output $content" line The most complicated part: adding or removing buttons you want bound in the big chunks under the "#Update gunX" lines. SImply copy and paste one of the lines and put in extra button you want bound. Please recall that you need the mouse's already bound to all of these in the supermodel.ini else the script can't match on them to update the numbers. Simply delete specific lines if you dont want some bound (like coin and start for example). Auto running the script--------- You can now set the script to run at startup or launchbox game start if you make a batch or cmd file to execute it. Instead of that, you can easily convert the ps1 script into an executable by installing PS2EXE via " Install-Module -Name ps2exe " in powershell and then running something like "Invoke-PS2EXE \thisscript.ps1 \newexecutable.exe" Dump a shortcut to that exe in your windows startup folder, or point to it with additional apps in launchbox Sorry if this is confusing. I just realized this was possible today and figured out this process and script. Between this and issuing COM commands to gun4ir via echo, this should make supermodel 3 "just work" for light guns! I hope it helps!
  19. Windows does not keep or report back a consistent list of mice that are plugged in. That means that after every boot or new usb device is connected that your mouse assignments might change. In turn, you need to update you Supermodel.ini file to reference the correct number for your mice (light guns). This is super annoying. I've automated the process of determining what your light gun's mice assignment is and auto updating the Supermodel.ini to reflect that. The powershell script is INCREDIBLY naive and needs manual editing of variable to get working on your machine. If anyone want's to generalize it make it more efficient, please do! Requirements----------- Here are the things you must do to prepare to run the script: 1. Ensure that you have mouse bindings in your Supermodel.ini already. The numbers can be wrong, that's alright. Just bind the buttons you want to be updated when the assignments change. If you want to have non-mouse bindings in addition to your mouse bindings, put those to the right of your mouse bindings. Example: InputCoin1 = MOUSE5_MIDDLE_BUTTON,5 2. Go to device manager and drop down the mice. You'll see a bunch of "HID compatible devices". We want to find our guns and change that description to something unique. To do this, find your gun's hardware ID (gun4ir's starts with 2341 always) by right clicking each HID device -> Details -> Hardware ID in the dropdown. Then copy its "driver key" value from the same area 3. Open up regedit and go to SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet001 -> Enum -> HID. Now ctrl+f and find your devices. Edit their "DeviceDescr" key and add something unique to the very end, and differentiate each gun. Example for my first player's gun: @msmouse.inf,%hid.mousedevice%;HID-compliant mouseGUN1 4. While you're there, add a brand new value called "FriendlyName". Set that value to reference the same as above. This will change the name in the device manager so you can find the guns easily again if needed instead of it reading "HID compliant device" 5. Take a moment and understand what we're doing: open the command prompt, cd to your supermodel 3 directory and run "supermodel.exe -print-inputs". You MUST be IN that directory or else it will complain about not finding supermodel.ini. Ok, you ran it. Now scroll up until you see it reporting your mice. You should see the "HID compliant devices" but also your new, unique DeviceDesc values (gun1 etc). Great! Now we have a consistent way to map our lightguns! Setting up the script------------ At this point, you can simply update your config manually using the numbers on the left for each lightgun. However, I've provided a powershell script you can manually edit to find the devices from that output and update the config for you: #Set working dir to supermodel directory so that it can read Supermodel.ini and not error out Set-Location -Path "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\" #Get-Location #Find gun1's mouse index $inputs = & "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Supermodel.exe" -print-inputs $gun1info = ($inputs | Select-String "GUN1").Line $gun1index = $gun1info.Substring(1,1) $gun1formatted = "MOUSE" + $gun1index #Write-Output $gun1formatted #Find gun2's mouse index $inputs = & "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Supermodel.exe" -print-inputs $gun2info = ($inputs | Select-String "GUN2").Line $gun2index = $gun2info.Substring(1,1) $gun2formatted = "MOUSE" + $gun2index #Write-Output $gun2formatted #Read in Supermodel.ini $content = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Config\Supermodel.ini' #Edit Supermodel.ini mouse related lines #This assumes you have one mouse assigned per bind/value already. It will not touch any bindings to the RIGHT of the mouse text #(Need backtick in front of capture group variable in the replacement else it won't print the value) #Update gun1 $content = $content -replace '(InputStart1.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputCoin1.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunX.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunY.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputTrigger.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputOffscreen.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunX.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunY.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerLeft.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerRight.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun1formatted" #Update gun2 $content = $content -replace '(InputStart2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputCoin2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunX2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunY2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputTrigger2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputOffscreen2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunX2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunY2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerLeft2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerRight2.*?)(MOUSE\d)',"`$1$gun2formatted" #Write new file #Write-Output $content $content | Set-Content -Path "C:\Emulation\Emulators\Supermodel 3 rawinput\Config\Supermodel.ini" #GUN4IR ONLY #Make guns rumble once so we know this all occurred #Uncomment the next two lines and replace the COM ports with your gun's ports. Set them in device manager -> COM ports first #cmd.exe /c "echo F.1.2.1 > \\.\COM11" #cmd.exe /c "echo F.1.2.1 > \\.\COM12" The script is very primitive and requires you to change these variables or lines: - Set-Location -Path... to your supermodel 3 folder - The value to search for after Select-String (ex:GUN1) in the $gun1info and $gun2info lines - The path to your supermodel.ini file after the "#Read in Supermodel.ini" line - Your supermodel.ini path again after the "#Write-Output $content" line - The most complicated part: adding or removing buttons you want bound in the big chunks under the "#Update gunX" lines. SImply copy and paste one of the lines and put in extra button you want bound. Please recall that you need the mouse's already bound to all of these in the supermodel.ini else the script can't match on them to update the numbers. Simply delete specific lines if you dont want some bound (like coin and start for example). Auto running the script--------- You can now set the script to run at startup or launchbox game start. You can install PS2EXE via " Install-Module -Name ps2exe " in powershell and run Invoke-PS2EXE \thisscript.ps1 \newexecutable.exe to create an exe version of the script. Dump a shortcut to that exe in your windows startup folder, or point to it with additional apps in launchbox Sorry if this is confusing. I just realize this was possible today and figured out this process and script. I hope it helps! Please ask questions if you need clarification.
  20. Omg. Somehow my game.xml file for lost world got set to analog_gun1 instead of gun1.
  21. I can't believe I'm asking for more help on this, but jurassic park lost world is somehow going WILD with its gun calibration. I just got done setting all of my light gun games to run the 4:3 or 16:19 COM port scripts for gun4ir content aspect ratio and the games all worked... except jurassic park! Even the other supermodel 3 guns aim fine! The issue this time is that if I calibrate my light gun in jp's settings, the shots are way across the screen. What's so strange is that the little red dot for stage select is accurate, but the in game shots (big white X when in scene mode) is half way or completely off the screen. The built in cursors also perfectly align with my light guns so I know that's working. Example: Aim towards the bottom left of the screen. Your blue calibration square is in the top right! The screen x and y coords look weird too. When my gun and curso is the very to p left, they are: x:262 y:377 And when my cursor is in the bottom right, they are: x: -9821 y: 12 How doe this make any sense if my resolution is set to 2560x1440?
  22. I finally have time to figure this out. For some reason, echoing those values into my gun's COM ports does nothing. M3.0 to M3.1 and back again does not change fullscreen to content aspect at all. I'm running this from an elevated command prompt as that is required and the commands complete successfully. Is there anything else I'm missing? C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.0 > COM11 C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.0 > COM12 C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.1 > COM11 C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo M3.1 > COM12 I also tried the set command from this post but it also did not work: https://batchloaf.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/simple-trick-for-sending-characters-to-a-serial-port-in-windows/ My guns firmware is 2.64 and my gun4ir gui is version 1.26beta. Edit: I just had success triggering the solenoid with this command: C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo F0.1.1 > \\.\COM12 It needed the full path. NOT just "COM12". However, the "Mx.y" options are still not working for aspect ratio changing. Edit 2: The fix was to make sure that the "Content aspect ratio" option in the top level of the gui was set to 16:9, and to use the full name of the COM port "\\.\COM12". My option was set to undefined. I have no idea what that option means or why it stopped the COM commands from working.
  23. Ok yeah I saw that one. It seems like platform and playlist selection still beeps though.
  24. I like leaving attract mode running with low volume so people can hear the games video's gameplay. However the "select" ping sound is really annoying when it's switching through platforms and playlists. It's louder than anything else. How do I disable this sound when attract mode is running?
  25. Same. It's a multi layer mess of mapping mame controls -> retroarch controls -> xinput so I just gave up. There must be an easier way to map this.
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