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Everything posted by Eddieh1979

  1. You can go here for a guide that should help
  2. Yeah, it definitely worked well. I'm currently playing a "spot the difference" game to see what changes you made. ? edit: Fixed the PlatformMarqueeView.xaml file and decided to share here in case someone else with a Vitrolight or similar display needs it. 1920x360 BigBox Marquee Fix.zip
  3. Oh wow! Looks awesome! I know of several people that will greatly appreciate this. Thanks again for your help!
  4. <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:transitions="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.Transitions;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf" xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" xmlns:cal="http://www.caliburnproject.org" mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="562" d:DesignWidth="1000" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Style="{DynamicResource UserControlStyle}"> <Grid VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Panel.ZIndex="1" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality"><Image.Effect><DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="99" /></Image.Effect></Image> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Panel.ZIndex="0" Stretch="Fill" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="LowQuality"><Image.Effect><BlurEffect Radius="99"/></Image.Effect></Image> </Grid> </UserControl> This is using "Mr.RetroLusts Marquee Screen Filler Magic" realistic marquee .xaml file and the only thing I changed was Vertical alignment from "Center" to "Top". If you look at the picture in this example, the Nintendo DS box doesn't scale to fit in the 1920x360 display area, and instead scales to fit in what it believes to be 1920x1080. If I could scale everything to fit in the upper 1920x360 area, that would be perfect. Thanks for your help!
  5. (Similar problem) I have a 1920x1080 display that was cut to only display the top third (1920x360). I got it to align to the top correctly, but I want images to scale/fit to the upper 1920x360 viewable area only. Tall images won't scale/fit correctly and go off screen, since Windows thinks I have a 1920x1080 panel.
  6. You are lucky that your marquee monitor is recognized as 1920x360 in Windows. I ordered my stretched (cut) display from Vitrolight off of Ebay and Windows detects it as a 1920x1080 LG TV. Not sure if there is a special driver or other trick to make it detect differently. I have to make everything align to the top in my xml file, but taller images won't scale to fit properly and scales to the full 1920x1080 dimensions. Makes me wish BigBox had a feature to just manually draw out a marquee window.
  7. After doing some reading on this forum I see there was a bug with the controller bindings in the last few releases. I personally experienced an issue where my keyboard button presses were often being recognized twice in rapid succession. Navigating the menu and selecting options has been frustrating ( launching multiple instances of games and constantly skipping over menu items etc). I'll try deleting the InputBindings.xml file and see if that resolves everything.
  8. I'm having this same issue on the default theme. I'm not sure how to reproduce the problem. I'll just scroll through the list and I will be stuck on the game details page with no information shown except for some logo art for the game. I have to force close BigBox. I can often navigate and fire up a game just fine, so it's very random. I can try changing themes and see if that helps, but I figured default would be the most stable.
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