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Everything posted by magicray1028

  1. ah ok cool i knew i wasnt going crazy. no worries, i did end up having to old school it, strangely adding applications still works but removing no longer does. I did try downgrading as well but that also didnt work . only manually removing it from launchbox did. Let me know if it works! be happy to buy u a beer for ur trouble.
  2. Hi viking! everything was working great but on the bulk remove app after 12.15 , i can remove stuff but the changes dont stick and revert after i close launchbox. is it a permissions issue of some sort?
  3. Has anyone else noticed the bulk remove application plug in is no longer working as of 12.15? i can remove applications but after closing and reopening launchbox the changes dont save.
  4. i fixed it, it was the stupid nahemic thing
  5. on 12.14 bigbox on a 4K resolution, the images start zooming in on everything, from artwork to videos to text. in options when scrolling its constantly trying to resize text and images and doing weird spazzing. not sure if this is some kinda auto scaling issue.
  6. Update its a 12.9 bug, doesnt exist in 12.8
  7. Hi Team has anyone found a reason why using joytokey when opening a game thru launchbox no longer works? for example im opening house of the dead 3 and i have 1 and 2 mapped to start. i use joytokey to make my xbox controller start to 1, but thru launchbox only my keyboard works, controller doesnt?
  8. ironically in lauchbox it works perfectly, just big box has the problem
  9. i managed to get everything working with that script before except mame. im using a serial command to change my Gun4IR settings upon mame launch, but that command seems to stop the ahk from refocusing on mame. this is my current code in the running autohotkey section. It closes and accomplishes everything except regaining focu Esc:: Run, %COMSPEC% /C echo M3.0 > COM3 Process,Close,Mame.exe Run,taskkill /im "Mame.exe" /F if WinExist("LaunchBox Game Startup") { WinActivate WinWaitClose, LaunchBox Game Startup } if WinExist("LaunchBox") { WinActivate } if WinExist("LaunchBox Big Box") { WinActivate } ExitApp
  10. is there a way to fix the bigbox focus issue when launching games with AHK? for example if i launch a game like haunted museum which i wrote a AHK script for, upon exit i will lose focus and my controls will no longer work until i alt tab or click my mouse. Same for mame if i add GUN4IR aspect ration change script in the running script section.
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