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Everything posted by Antennae

  1. Did you figure this out? It does not work at all for me.
  2. Same problem here too. Tried a fresh Win11 install and it's still happening. Also this happens for me when just launching Retroarch directly (LB is not even installed yet).
  3. FWIW, Itch.io is the only storefront I use besides Steam. Would love to see this integrated one day.
  4. You can't do it per-emulator, because Steam sees each game as is it's own, y'know, game. The easy way is to set the controls in the emulator first, and save a controller profile and apply it to each game you want to be different. Alternatively, you could load the emulator itself as a non-Steam game and launch that way, but that kinda defeats the whole purpose of SteamLauncher.
  5. Bah, I will be away from my Big Box PC for a week sorry, @Lahma. I'll try it out again when I'm back.
  6. Just a heads-up, looks like the latest beta (a pretty massive update by the looks of it) breaks SteamLauncher.
  7. I'm trying out using Steam as my shell, and opening Launchbox from there. It works great and having Steam in charge of all the controllers is a wonderful thing, but you can't use SteamLauncher if going that route (Steam > Launchbox > Steam) which means I can't configure controllers on a per-game basis. I was thinking since each console basically has the same config, I could just add shortcuts to Steam for NES, SNES, Wii, etc, and have Big Box open directly to the given platform. Is there a shortcut I could create to do this? I'm imagining something like: "C:\Launchbox\core\BigBox.exe -PLAYLISTNAME" One solution I'm considering is just having multiple BigBox.exe and config files for every platform but it feels like that could get messy fast. Any ideas?
  8. Thanks for the detailed reply @faeran! Turns out the system I was testing with (Sega Saturn) does not yet have spines available on EmuMovies, hence my confusion. I'll look into the image packs posted here! Definitely looking forward to the advancements in this dept.
  9. What images are needed to make this theme look like the example images? Specifically: Proper box art on the sides/spines Jewel cases for appropriate games (Sega CD, PlayStation, Saturn, etc are all just sort-of CD sized boxes). The lone review on this theme says "you have to download the borders or the complete covers from Emumovies" but I do not have those options in the image search.
  10. @Lahma Would it be helpful to see the crash report?
  11. Not sure if this is just me, but attempting to disable the latest version of Steamlauncher in Big Box crashes the program (seems to work fine in regular Launchbox).
  12. So this is a nice surprise @Lahma, @fromlostdays, the issue I was having with CemU and the Steam overlay appears to be working now. I'm not sure if it was the latest Steam, SteamLauncher or BigBox update (Because CemU hasn't updated), but I'm crossing my fingers it lasts!
  13. That button is to update from @Lahma's server (not Steam), if you look- you'll see his last update was 5/23. So he has to update on his end before it can go out to everyone else's.
  14. SteamLauncher stop working yesterday for anyone else? Totally crashes launchbox when I try to launch a game. Works fine when disabled. Haven't changed any settings that I'm aware of.
  15. Ah yup probably! I had previously set my desktop config to "gamepad" as a workaround (but it's not a solution because I also use the desktop config in other software)
  16. @fromlostdays I'm curious, when you launch a WiiU game via SteamLauncher, do your controls work as normal (it's playable) or is Steam assigning it the desktop controller config? I can't help but assume the issues are related.
  17. Just thought I'd let you know, I tried uninstalling the driver with DDU, and it has the same effect (Steam defaults to desktop config, and no overlay). I'm wondering if it could be related to CemU not having an exclusive fullscreen mode. Steam is recognizing it as a launcher.
  18. No dice. Tried deleting the whole cache too just in case. Same issue.
  19. @Lahma That's on me for assuming you wouldn't want to help people unless it was related to your plugin 😂 Appreciate your efforts as always.
  20. Just out of curiosity, I tried adding CemU games to Steam with Steamrommanager, which sort of fixed the controls (only if I unchecked "Allow desktop configuration") but the overlay still did not appear with Vulkan.
  21. Sorry forgot to mention that- I did try selective startup with both options unchecked and actually nothing would launch via Launchbox (with or without Steam Launcher). I'm 90% sure the overlay issue has nothing to do with your plugin because even when launched via steam (as a 3rd party program) the overlay fails to appear and Steam goes with the desktop controller config.
  22. Windows 10, GTX 1660 TI Did a fresh install of CemU w/Default settings: OpelGL - Confirmed overlay and controls works as expected (massive screen tearing etc though) Vulkan - Steam loads the "desktop config" controls (joystick acts as mouse, etc). Overlay does not work (even with shift-tab) I will try DDU another day when I have time to mess something up!
  23. @fromlostdaysAlso found this reddit thread describing the same problem. Seems it's a problem with CemU. I'll try OpenGL but last I tried, I get vsync and performance issues with it. Not sure why the graphics driver would affect controller inputs 🙃
  24. Yes, been having this issue a few months now with CemU, but I'm pretty sure it's not related to SteamLauncher or Launchbox. I've tried using Glossi to launch CemU to Steam and that didn't work either. One "solution" I have is to use the "gamepad" profile for Steam's desktop config, but that will only work for a single controller and you can't use the desktop config anywhere obviously. It seems that (for some unknown reason) Steam will only recognize CemU as a desktop program, and (also for some unknown reason) CemU does not recognize Steams Xinput controllers. Let us know if you find an older version that works!
  25. Here's a minor thing- the dropdown text on the "selective use" tab is white-on-white, so it can't be read unless hovered over.
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