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File Comments posted by thefritz11

  1. Any chance of tweaking this theme to work with launchbox database ID for file names for platform specific images? Someone did similar for the Pause Screen Theme but wasn't sure it was possible here as well? Outside my experience level.

  2. Sorry I missed that. I added it to root and removed from computer. In platform view (and yes I'm using a wheel view) the 1st click steam app loads directly as expected. I could not recreate other platforms starting steam app instead of loading platform page BUT the 2nd time I opened the steam app from wheel it went to platform page and required me to click the app/game to open  steam. That isn't as bad as the in platform category view since 50% or so of time when I click a platform category with plugin enabled it starts Steam app instead of intended action of opening platform options. Again this is wtih steam in root only.

  3. Really appreciate you taking the time here. To answer in order.


    1) Yes one app "steam". It is also named steam

    2) Best I can tell steam is only a platform see attached screenshot

    3)Nope (see attached)

    4) Yes, see screen grab

    So after triple checking all the above, even in platform view selecting steam does start the app as expected but the 2nd time I open anything from wheel say Super Nintendo it also opens steam directly the 1st time. Then opening steam no longer opens app but takes me to the platform page. Hopefully these answers sort of help. Really strange.


    screen grab.png

    screen grab 2.png

    sscreen grab 3.png

  4. Strange I followed everything and I'd say 50% of the time it works. And 50% clicking the steam platform opens the game selection screen and I have to click through. Also strangely sometimes clicking the arcade platform makes the steam program open directly from wheel instead of opening up the child options I have under arcade. Not sure why and really wish this would get implemented officially but really appreciate your help with your plugin over the years lol. Just going to live with it working sometimes for now but definitely strange as this is a clean install. I'll maybe post a video of it happening if I ever figure out how to do that just for shits and giggles and to prove I'm not crazy LOL. 


  5. I'm having a heck of time figuring out how to rename the EMUMOVIES control panel files I downloaded for MAME to allow me to have controls in your Pause Screen FS Theme. It looks like the files are named by the common rom name but the theme is looking for launchbox ID. I thought I ccould export or copy and paste the title, rom name and database ID and make a quick batch file but there seem to be no way I can find to copy and paste or exzport launchbox ID along with rom file name or title...any thoughts? thanks you so much in advance. My email is thefritz1@gmail.com if that is easier. 

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