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Everything posted by Hifihedgehog

  1. OK. This updated version of the script does the trick! Save it as a .ps1 file (call it BigBox.ps1). It switches the DPI scaling on the primary display to 100%, matching the marquee's 100% setting that Windows 10 vigorously enforces. This does everything you should need to get a marquee to work and will automatically activate and deactivate, enabling the DPI right before launching BigBox and disabling itself after closing BigBox. You will need to modify a few things in line in the script, but it is pretty self explanatory. # VARIABLES # You can find the registry setting we are targetting in regedit under HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\PerMonitorSettings # # - This is not in the registry until you have run it at least once already. # - It defines which monitor are you targeting if there is more than one. # - In versions of Windows prior to Windows 10, it appears that the DPI value is stored in HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop with the value LogPixels. # - Versions of Windows prior to Windows 10 also require a restart. # - There is useful information here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Batch/comments/4665jq/how_to_change_windows_10_display_scaling_via/d03gt72/ # # To find the MonitorID for your primary display, go to Device Manager and under Monitors, right click the Monitor You Want to Change the DPI on. # Select "Properties" under the dropdown menu. Go the Details tab and under properties, select "Hardware Ids". Note the 7 digit alphanumeric code (e.g. # ROW00000). You will need this later on. # Now run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors. Under this section, find the key/folder # that begins with the same 7-digit alphanumeric code you noted earlier. Copy that entire MonitorID and replace it with the one below. $MonitorID = "LGD0555268435617_00_07E3_3C^09AE1E606A1EC8EDE92BB1BEA71708CE" # Location on your computer of BigBox.exe $EXEPath = "C:\Users\sonic\LaunchBox\Core\BigBox.exe" # Restart the video driver function Restart-VideoDriver { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$GPUID ) # Enables then disables GPU driver. Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName $GPUID | Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$False Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName $GPUID | Enable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$False } # Set the DPI scaling function Set-DPIScaling { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$MonitorID, [Parameter(Mandatory)][int]$ScalingLevel ) <# Scaling levels: These change dependent on the screen. My Surface Pro 7's built-in screen has its default or recommended scaling level as 200%. 0 is the default or recommended setting. Whole number increments correspond with 25% increases in scaling level. In the case of my Surface, this would be some of the scaling levels: -4 = 100% -3 = 125% -2 = 150% -1 = 175% 0 = 200% 1 = 225% 2 = 250% 3 = 275% 4 = 300% This article has interesting information on DPI: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-8.1-and-8/dn528846(v=win.10)#Anchor_3 For a standard monitor with a default scaling factor of 100%, this would be some of the scaling levels: 0 = 100% 1 = 125% 2 = 150% 3 = 175% 4 = 200% #> Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:Control Panel\Desktop\PerMonitorSettings\$MonitorID" -Name "DpiValue" -Value $ScalingLevel } function Get-VideoCard { $videoDevices = Get-PnpDevice -Class Display if ($videoDevices.Count -gt 1) { # From my testing, additional GPU's show up first in the object return $videoDevices[0].Name } else { return $videoDevices.Name } } function Main { $GPUID = Get-VideoCard # Set scaling to 100%. Set-DPIScaling -MonitorID $MonitorID -ScalingLevel -4 # Restart device driver. Restart-VideoDriver -GPUID $GPUID # Launch game. # Added wait instead of while loop - untested but should work? Start-Process -FilePath $EXEPath -ArgumentList "oldschool" -Wait Start-Sleep 1 # Wait for game to exit. while(Get-Process -Name "BigBox" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Start-Sleep 1 } # Set scaling to 100%. Set-DPIScaling -MonitorID $MonitorID -ScalingLevel 0 # Restart device driver. Restart-VideoDriver -GPUID $GPUID } Main To run this script, you will need to do two things: 1. Open Windows Powershell (admin) and then run the following: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser ...and close PowerShell. 2. Create a shortcut by right clicking on the .ps1 file you created (i.e. BigBox.ps1). Right click on that shortcut you now created and select Properties. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the target add the following before file path (be sure to have a trailing space after the "-f"): powershell.exe -f Now, go to "Advanced..." and check "Run as administrator." Hit OK there and in the shortcut window because you are all set and ready to go. Incidentally, as a security precaution against malicious PowerShell scripts, Windows will not allow you to check the "Run as administrator" option (it is grayed out for all .ps1 files) unless you previously added the "powershell.exe -f " in the target box. Try running your script. It should now work! --- @Jason Carr, if you could somehow decouple the marquee window from the main window in a future release, this would make life so much easier on everyone. Based on what other devs are telling me, because BigBox's application windows (main and marquee) are tied to a single executable, Windows applies DPI to both unilaterally. If the marquee and the primary display have different DPI settings, the marquee window gets stuck on the primary display. Some marquee monitors have especially low resolutions (e.g. 1280x390 is commonplace) so changing the scaling on the marquee (ideal) isn't possible because Windows forcibly hard sets them to 100%. This forces you to change the primary display's scaling to 100%. This is absolutely undesirable especially with high resolution 4K displays becoming the norm because that means dealing with reading teeny tiny text on your display. That said, this PowerScript script above overcomes this issue in the interim by allowing users to only switch the DPI for their primary display when running BigBox via this script, thereby avoiding to have to strain their eyes to read a miniaturized UI. For Kodi users who use the Launchbox plugin to launch BigBox, this script workaround is a non-option, of course, making this issue all the more important to be attended to.
  2. I found this PowerShell script (link: https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell/comments/9ukhye/runezoom_a_simple_script_to_automatically_scale/) and adapted it below. I gave it a whirl but still no dice. # VARIABLES # You can find the registry setting we are targeting in regedit under HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\PerMonitorSettings # # - This is not in the registry until you have run it at least once already. # - It defines which monitor are you targeting if there is more than one. # - In versions of Windows prior to Windows 10, it appears that the DPI value is stored in HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop with the value LogPixels. # - Versions of Windows prior to Windows 10 also require a restart. # - There is useful information here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Batch/comments/4665jq/how_to_change_windows_10_display_scaling_via/d03gt72/ # # To find the MonitorID for your marquee display, go to Device Manager and under Monitors, right click the Monitor You Want to Change the DPI on. # Select "Properties" under the dropdown menu. Go the Details tab and under properties, select "Hardware Ids". Note the 7 digit alphanumeric code (e.g. # ROW00000). You will need this later on. # Now run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors. Under this section, find the key/folder # that begins with the same 7-digit alphanumeric code you noted earlier. Copy that entire MonitorID and replace it with the one below. $MonitorID = "ROW00000_19_07E0_E1^9AEC406B952C6F1BB1AD2DC261E55418" # Restart the video driver function Restart-VideoDriver { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$GPUID ) # Enables then disables GPU driver. Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName $GPUID | Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$False Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName $GPUID | Enable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$False } # Set the DPI scaling function Set-DPIScaling { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$MonitorID, [Parameter(Mandatory)][int]$ScalingLevel ) <# Scaling levels: These change dependent on the screen. My Surface Pro 7's built-in screen has its default or recommended scaling level as 200%. 0 is the default or recommended setting. Whole number increments correspond with 25% increases in scaling level. In the case of my Surface, this would be some of the scaling levels: 0 = 200% 1 = 225% 2 = 250% 3 = 275% 4 = 300% This article has interesting information on DPI: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-8.1-and-8/dn528846(v=win.10)#Anchor_3 For a standard monitor with a default scaling factor of 100%, this would be some of the scaling levels: 0 = 100% 1 = 125% 2 = 150% 3 = 175% 4 = 200% #> Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:Control Panel\Desktop\PerMonitorSettings\$MonitorID" -Name "DpiValue" -Value $ScalingLevel } function Get-VideoCard { $videoDevices = Get-PnpDevice -Class Display if ($videoDevices.Count -gt 1) { # From my testing, additional GPU's show up first in the object return $videoDevices[0].Name } else { return $videoDevices.Name } } function Main { $GPUID = Get-VideoCard # Set scaling to 200%. Set-DPIScaling -MonitorID $MonitorID -ScalingLevel 4 # Restart device driver. Restart-VideoDriver -GPUID $GPUID } Main This PowerShell script should work in theory but it does not because of some hard limitation in Windows 10 that prevents increasing the DPI scaling on low resolution monitors (e.g. 1280x390 resolution as in my case). I changed the MonitorID to match my monitor's, which I found under HardwareIds in the device properties in Device Manager as I describe in the code comments. It still refuses to work. Maybe @Jason Carr might have some ideas.
  3. Ah, the answer lies here in this registry path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\ScaleFactors I should be able to force the scaling setting using this post as my guide: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35233182/how-can-i-change-windows-10-display-scaling-programmatically-using-c-sharp
  4. So your answer has the key. What I discovered is Windows 10 sets hard limits on the DPI scaling for low resolution marquee monitors and will ignore the custom DPIs even when you set it. I noticed this when I thought about it more closely. My monitor is the 14.9” LTA149B780F and it supports a native resolution of 1280x390. DPI scaling is grayed out in the settings app with 100% preselected. This is likely a safeguard in Windows 10 so users still access the UI on the secondary display, or else setting a 200% scaling would render the start menu useless on that display. How do I know this? When I attempt to change to a custom scaling setting in the Settings app (it is supposed to apply to both monitors), the size or scale of screen elements do not change on the marquee display. That means Windows is only applying DPI settings to displays it deems large enough to still display its UI. The workaround to this whole mess is ugly: it means setting the DPI for both monitors to 100%. That may not be much of a big deal on a 1080p screen, but it means on my 4K 15.6” tabletop cabinet’s screen, everything becomes an eye exam and next to impossibly hard to read. However, BigBox with its 10-foot interface ignores the DPI settings and works just fine with nice large font. I really wish there was a way to set the DPI settings to switch to 100% scaling but only when I am running BigBox.
  5. OK. After a hiatus of a few days and some free time, I'm back. My problem is I can move BigBox's marquee screen to the second screen, but this only works if I have "System" or "System (Enhanced)" selected under "High DPI scaling override." The problem with this is these scaling ruins the image quality. See here with "System" or "System (Enhanced)" selected: Here is without (and the marquee not working):
  6. OK, I found the fix, @Mr. RetroLust and it actually does not involve (much to my surprise) changing the DPI scaling or the monitor refresh rate. (Thank you Windows 10 for your convoluted scaling problems.) BigBox's application settings need to be changed. I already had the High DPI scaling override on and set to Application. However, I had to check "Use this setting to fix scaling problems...". It all works now without a hitch and BigBox can now (as it should) actually control which displays the marquee and main windows appear on: EDIT: I spoke too soon. Not working after a reboot-ski. WHY?
  7. I'll give those two suggestions a try! Thank you, guys!
  8. I have the latest release, which is 11.4. In Windows, I see numbers 1 and 2 when I check the monitor numbers in the display settings. My primary (and main UI) display is 1 and the secondary display (and marquee) is 2. For some oddball reason, it is not showing up. It could be that it is the Intel graphics driver rearing its ugly head at me.
  9. A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is two thousand. I hope this helps clarify things. I have everything set right here, I believe. Thank you so much everyone for your help!
  10. Yes, I do. The issue is the desktop still shows on the secondary monitor. If I hover my mouse over the minimized screen, I can even see what should be on the marquee (e.g. Sega Genesis platform marquee image). It just insists on staying put and minimized on the primary display.
  11. I am having this same problem. The window refuses to open in the second display. What is the trick to get it to show up on my secondary display? I already have the marquee display set to display 2 but it remains minimized no matter what I do.
  12. Just tried this. For some reason, even after clearing the image cache and reapplying the theme, the color is now blue, not red.
  13. I am in the same boat but the answer is no, sadly. Long before I became a Launchbox user, they had considered adding touch support. However, based on community response, other (arguably) more important features took precedence, and it must have dropped off the radar. I just bought a 4K touchscreen with 100% Adobe RGB coverage and it is so luscious to behold. Touch is straight up awesome for touchscreen games like Wii U, DS, and arcade. All the touchscreen games that we remember from Chuck E. Cheese and the like are glorious. I would really love to see basic touch support added to complete the experience. Heck, even Kodi has touch support and I have Kodi connected to my Launchbox interface, so why not? Maybe someday if customer demand and the development timeline permits, it might be added.
  14. I just installed Bezel Project and selected all the cores under RetroArch. For the most part, it is working except the bezels do not show up if I try running MAME roms with the current MAME core. It will work with MAME 2003 but when I use the current MAME core, the bezels do not show up. Using MAME 2003 is alright sometimes except the problem is I am using a complete ROM set that is for .220 of MAME. So things like Dig Dug work with MAME 2003, but other ROMs will not unless I use the latest MAME libretro core. How do I get the bezels to show up with latest core? EDIT: I will answer my own question! I got it to work by changing the following line in BezelProject.ini from: mame=FB Alpha,FinalBurn Neo,MAME 2003 (0.78),MAME 2003-Plus,MAME 2010 ...to: mame=FB Alpha,FinalBurn Neo,MAME,MAME 2003 (0.78),MAME 2003-Plus,MAME 2010,MAME 2016 EDIT: Or not. I tried it and it still didn't work. Copying the folder contents of MAME 2010 to MAME does the trick, though! So I got what I needed but outside of the automation of the program.
  15. Thanks so much for this marvelous theme. It matches perfectly with Arctic Zephyr in Kodi. I noticed one minor mistake: the Sega Genesis's 4K platform video has a red background while the theme shows a green color for the menu. Could you match the colors for Sega Genesis? Thanks!
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