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  1. Never had this happen after an update but I am no longer able to load Launchbox or BigBox after the most recent update today. Receiving the below error:
  2. Another option may be to try the script on this page: Another script that seems to be working well.
  3. It's been a couple years since I did the button mapping but I have attached my json file and a picture of my layout in case that helps at all. I don't believe I have used any steam games yet where I have used the coin button but I have not had any issues with this setup. One thing that will mess mine up is if I use the "Enter" button next to the trackball to skip screens while the game is loading. The way mine is setup it will think I am trying to use my keyboard inputs instead of xinput and will switch to that so none of my xinput configuration will work once the game fully loads. I always use my A button (Player 1, Shift) on my mapping to skip those beginning loading screens. X-Arcade 4 Player Analog Bumpers.JSON
  4. kill xinput.exekill xinput.ahk Here are the ahk and exe files I tried for a kill script a couple of years ago that others were having success with. Again though it did not work for me and many others so I create a new ahk script for each steam game that I add to launchbox and use the script to exit out of everything using the dedicated Exit button on my arcade.
  5. Is there a way to add bezels to teknoparrot games in launchbox? I am trying to add a bezel to Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and I am struggling to find a way to do it.
  6. I ran into a very similar issue. See the below thread I started. If the first method in the thread doesn't work for you (it has worked for some but not myself and others) then try the method in the last post in the thread. That one worked for me.
  7. I would agree with this. I am seeing a large improvement but still getting the occasional hitch while scrolling or attract mode
  8. Same. After recent updates scrolling in or out of attract mode is very choppy and slow and it locks up after several hours in attract mode.
  9. I am seeing the same thing. Very slow and choppy when scrolling. Especially in attract mode. Before it was very smoothe and fast.
  10. I am having the same issue. I can only type letters from the keyboard but cannot navigate with a controller or arrow keys. Mouse/trackball does not work and there is no way to finish the search/click done
  11. Launch gt 2006. Press F2 to open game settings. Go to volume settings. Raise volume. Exit out.
  12. Mine also does not fit on the screen correctly when I first launch bigbox (right portion is off the screen). If I go into a system and then exit back out to the main wheel it then fits correctly
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