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Everything posted by SrfrBoyBobby

  1. It’s funny how our careers can influence our cabinets. I work in lighting and build a lot of LED fixtures. That’s part of the reason I would respond the way I mentioned. Just though that was a cool tidbit. RedHoodRobin64 you can turn on the “black” color layer and it might give the greyed out look due to the layer being set to overlay. If that doesn’t work maybe change the layer setting to another style as mentioned I. The video. It’s quick and easily repeatable. Another option is set the “black” layer to normal and reduce the opacity. Many ways to approach this but these are the simplest without modifying layers to much.
  2. Sorry, I’m a bit MIA this weekend but if you double click to the right of the layer name (demo in the previous tips and tricks video) it will pull up the fx tools box and you can check on the drop shadow, outer glow, etc and there is individual options for each of those effects. Hope this points you in the right direction. I would probably add a bit heavier drop shadow and or outer glow to make the clear logo pop more. It’s looking good and the suggestion were spot on from Retro808. Im not as worried about the leds burning out as mentioned because I would just replace it. It would bug me to much but if you built one that didn’t have leds I can see that. Having all the buttons visible whether they are illuminated or not is a good middle ground in my opinion. I also put that wood grain to match your panel but it honestly could be anything if you wanted to change it. It could make things pop in a different way but really it’s what you want to make of it to make your cabinet special.
  3. I like it but I think I would put something like the flyer artwork or cabinet. With the arcade stuff the art will be kinda hit or miss so maybe ether or…. Also, I think I would put the controls right after the main start slide. Maybe reduce the time before transitioning to the next slide on the first slide. It does look great and I like the use of the clear logo. art flyer example:
  4. So glad to hear and hope you never have one again.
  5. I hadn’t thought about using obs for that. I was trying to figure out which route to go. I think the video marquee collection I linked had power point files in it like you were mentioning using. I might mess with that. I used to edit but I was using Avid nitrous system through my old job and unfortunately don’t have access anymore. A lot of people use Adobe premier the last I checked. Really tho I like the cheesy power point transitions and it might be enough to edit with. I feel it really captures the 90’s vibe. That’s kinda my golden era of running around in the arcades.
  6. No problem, I’m glad I could help. Can’t wait to see your concepts and I hope the video will help give you the footing to make any adjustments you need to the file. I had a lot of family health stuff come up about 5 years ago and we are still fighting through things but I see the light. I use my arcade to “tune out” and focus on different things. A community like launchbox has really help me and I like to contribute to maybe help others.
  7. youtube link if you don't want to download the tips and trick video
  8. Here is a single side button layout. I also included a tips and tricks video. I fumbled around a bit in the video but nothing was scripted so... it is what it is. I hope it helps and I think it should give you a good base to modify this file for your needs. CPO art single.psd 2022-03-01 10-38-18.mkv
  9. Not really following you on this ledblinky question. I have it all p1 button 1, etc. In Ledblinky. The text in this photoshop file I just put easy to identify place holders as I was unsure of others ui_control setups and button layouts.
  10. The only way I can find to do this is add your bios, uncheck skip main menu, while game cube booting hold “A” on controller and the main menu bios will pop up. You might be able to duplicate an game entry to use as an main menu entry in BB/LB and write an ahk or something like that to hold “A” for a bit when you launch the game just long enough to trigger the menu. Personally I would just hold “A” best of luck and Game on!
  11. Do you happen to have steam running? When using an Xbox controller and steam running I have found there is a controller setting “guide button chord configuration”. I cleared out all of this in steam and I think it resolved it for me. FYI I use my Xbox guide button as my BigBox pause.
  12. Awesome! Great to hear you found a solution. Best of luck and Game on!
  13. I should be able to help with most of those items. Work for me will be crazy for a few days but I should be able to knock it out this weekend.
  14. Are you looking for one side? I might be able to help reorganize the file into a template you need.
  15. I’m away from the arcade for awhile but I can point you in the right direction. I built the original art on in illustrator with measured out guides lines. You can reorganize the groups and layers to make each button more self contained then set your move tool to group instead of layer. This will keep all the elements together. Use guides and snap to functions to help keep consistency and more use the top bar to put in exact coordinates.
  16. Looks great. For looks I would recommend giving space between cartridge, box art and console.
  17. https://lifehacker.com/how-to-automate-anything-in-photoshop-30821813/amp here is a link that shows an intro into photoshop automation. Hope this helps
  18. No problem. The cover art stuff probably wouldn’t be to bad. It’s just a consistency thing so they flow right when you scroll through your playlist. There are batch automation type things you can do with photoshop and other programs to take care of a a lot of repeat tasks in bulk. I’ve fumbled through it before but I am no expert. I think I saw In tge forums a marquee building type thrid party thing. Might work but I’ve never looked into it.
  19. Here you go. I included a pdf kinda showing the layers visibility I was mentioning. I also have placed here the psd file for the example here too. This should give you a bit of a head start. I also removed the eclipse tops of the buttons to match your control panel better. Adobe Illustrator tend to be better for vector based art but photoshop works too. There are advantages to each and to be honest the best is a combo of both programs. CPO art UMVC3 wood.psd How to change CPO artwork to wood.pdf
  20. Turn of the visibility of the Replace me layer and turn on the layer below and it is all in the file. I’m away from the computer but I can share screen shots tonight.
  21. Sure thing. The font size stuff for the amount of text you want to put will be the biggest thing. I recommend starting with an easy game or platform to get a feel for it then really try a heavy text one to set your template for the rest of the build for continuity.
  22. Nice! I made everything into groups so if you go to move a button make sure you pay attention to the colors, eclipse caps, extra. The text is not grouped to the button but broken out per button. The text and arrows are all white with fx color overlays and drop shadows. The text sizing, font, locations and all that individuals will have to play with. I can only make a starting point.
  23. I figured I should start this as its own topic. I setup a lot of groupings to help navigate
  24. Here is some art files to create your own Control Panel images for platforms or games. Every button has different color overlay layers that can be easily turned on and off. There are a few example art overlays in the file. To add your own custom panel art just place a file *.jpg file named "replace me.jpg" in this folder after you unzip it. The current replace me file is an linked image and should automatically place you artwork. You may have to resize this image in the CPO art.psd to properly fit your art. Best of luck and Game On! CPO ART.zip
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