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Everything posted by SrfrBoyBobby

  1. IMG_6246.MOV
  2. Wow I never thought of that in ledblinky. I just finished programming my arcade mame games all custom call outs and colors. I might use this technique on my steam fighting games. How are you working around steam/pc game keyboard/co troller limitations (I.e. street fighter v only allows 1 keyboard and a controller or 2 controllers)? I found a program that saved me and made it so easy now. Check out keyboard2Xinput I have sharing the website with everyone because I was looking for this exact type of app for years https://gitlab.com/SchwingSK/Keyboard2Xinput you can make the keyboard be assigned as Xbox controllers. Very flexible and supports up to 4 keyboard Xbox controllers. It broke steam wide open for me and no more problems. I also make “remap” games with with when they don’t let you in game. I also have work around a to get ledblinky working after a steam game launches. They usually don’t hold the profile during the boot up of the game.
  3. The bezels are not loaded by launchbox. The bezels are loaded through mame. I would start by checking mame artwork paths. Also verify if the bezel folder name matches the mame rom name. Your launchbox might be loading a different rom then what you have the folder name as like Sfiii bezel and Sfiiiu rom.
  4. No problem! Love the idea of the separate control panels for the the different players. I use an ipac2 and 2 Pac64led controllers. One led controller per side and may center position is on the left side board. Here is a picture of the cp layout. I have swapped the sticks to IL euro stick which feel like all of my favorite classic American cabinets. The center position has been swapped to a servostick. Best of luck with the pup packs and send a message if you hit a wall.
  5. there maybe other free options but rewasd does work well once you figure out how it functions
  6. Unfortunately, I don’t have a thrustmaster wheel to test this but maybe you can use a program like ReWASD https://www.rewasd.com to make the controller be seen as a different device. Per their website “reWASD permits to emulate Xbox 360 or DualShock 4 for any gamepad we support” Check to see if they support the Thrustmaster and you might be able to make the system see it as an Xbox controller when you are on the main menu screens then default back to no applied changes when you launch a game. It’s not the best answer but hopefully it can point you in a direction.
  7. Wow sorry that screen settings is really bad to read. Maybe this is a little clearer. If not I’ll take a screen capture a bit later.
  8. Nice. I like the rotating screen. Is it manual or does it rotate automatically? I love my cab and buttons. They are the eclipse ones from groovygamer. It took a long time but I just completed custom ledblinky colors and callout for all of my mame games. Totally worth it but the cab would have been done years ago if I just choose single color leds As for the pup packs, They were a bit of a pain to get them to behave how I wanted but it is possible. I had to play in the pinup popper pup screen setups and manipulate them. The dmd I messed with one table and the registry stuff as showed in the video for a long time to get the position right. I wrote down all of my coordinates for future me too. I do have problems still with the extra pinup popper windows opening for toppers and stuff opening open top or behind other windows causing focus issues so I turn them off in pin up popper. Here is a grainy video of a pup pack running and a pinup screen settings I have. 66681556634__03A730BA-634C-4CAD-BD54-5A60B37F482D.MOV
  9. No problem. The backglass stuff took me a minute to figure out. I found that the screen arrangement in my windows display settings had to be exactly how the video shows and my windows display numbering does not line up with how my computer actually numbers them. I run mine on a temporary monitor until I figure out how I want to handle the marquee. Best of luck!
  10. I ran into this same problem and was not able to fix. Also when I launched another steam game after it would have the same issue. It has to do with the Steam hack they used in pfx2. You might be able to write an ahk script to kill the steam background processes the skidrow one starts so when you start the other it clears all of that instead of a reboot. I opted out of the pfx2 because I didn’t want to risk my steam account. I don’t know if it will but it ended up not being worth it to me. I did Visual Pinball X and play it a ton. It was a pain to setup the VPX and a lot of learning on my side. Here is a pretty good install video if you are interested. It uses pinup player but works in LB BB
  11. Have you verified that the emulator path is setup properly? Also that ps1 is associated with an emulator? Tools>Manage>Emulators… check the emulator path here and then double click on the emulator > associated platforms. I use Retroarch and below is my settings. Obviously my paths will be different. Hope this helps
  12. I was running into a problem where Amazon games I added through the importer would launch the Amazon games app as well. This was fine until you exit the game and the app would be on top of BigBox. I was able to get around this by editing the application path to the game exe directly. This solved my issue but I was wondering if I missed something when I imported these games or if it was just an api thing. Thanks for any feedback and hope this help solve this issue for another.
  13. I couldn’t reproduce this issue on my system. I imported forza 5 from my Xbox Game Pass. I did notice there is a login at “Would you like to specify any custom options”. I checked force login in and went through that before I imported. I hope this helps.
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