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Everything posted by jtravapd

  1. i think i fixed the issue myself after reinstalling a new version and then copying over a backup .rar it just started working once again.
  2. so after rolling back to a older version back to 12.16 which i had saved in my update folder, i then copied over all my backup files from my most recent backup , and instead of getting a corrupt error message, i received this error message instead.
  3. i even tried dropping back to a older version from my updates folder and got the same error message when trying to launch launchbox again.
  4. hello guys, i have looked through the forums and couldn't find anything similar so I was hoping someone here could help me out. I have used my launchbox/bigbox build for over a year now with no issues at all. I have it on a 16TB external drive hooked up to my gaming pc and everything works great. Im using version 13.0 and haven't changed anything except yesterday I decided to see if I hooked up my drive to my Rec Room Masters Arcade Cabinet, would most of the games work, or would I have a ton of button mapping etc. to do to get things working. It turned out, almost everything worked right away. I just needed to setup Exit to my Exit button on my arcade, but I didn't even bother doing that, i just used my xbox controller and exited out and then reconnected the drive back to my gaming PC. I just wanted to test out how it would be on my arcade cabinet. Well, now I just tried to launch BigBox while sitting at my gaming PC and now I get the error that I attached below. I've tried a ton of times, I get the same error every single time. I did go into my backup folder and found older backups of my Platforms.xml file from yesterday, copied it to my root folder and overwrote the supposedly corrupt file , and I still get the same error message. So now I dont know what I should do. I cannot get into launchbox or big box at all. If i try and launch BigBox, I get the error message, but the startup video plays. then I just get a black screen. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I have no virus scanner on , on my arcade cabinet or my gaming pc, so I dont know what could have caused a file to be corrupted. I also have done as instructed and replaced the file with a backup version and this still didn't fix the issue either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You,
  5. Just curious how did you enter or get a cabinet code for the microsoft store version? Zen said only the steam version has the cabinet code feature. i tried using the microsoft app , not only doesn't it have the options anywhere listed in the app, i emailed them, which is why i had to switch over to the steam version and then got the cabinet code
  6. before you even launch launchbox , windows should recognize the trackball as a mouse right? thats how my x-arcade tank stick and atgames gamer pro controllers worked. the trackballs both acted as a mouse , i clicked on launchbox to load it up and inside launchbox it continued to act like a mouse. There was no setting up any specific controls for launchbox itself. Only the inside of the actual emulators themselves. But maybe the extnension controller is different somehow. i don't think it should be though. Is it working as a mouse in windows? if yes, it should work in launchbox by itself with nothing further to add, only settings it up inside mame, and the rest of the emulators. hope that helps.
  7. I made this quick tutorial for all you guys just starting out. It may seem overwhelming but launchbox makes it simple. In my opinion nothing comes close. However , there are other builds out there that are nice to look at, and nicely put together. Adding them to your launchbox build allows you to boot directly into bigbox and have access to everything if your using a home arcade. So in this video i will show you how easy it is to add for example the brand new coinops gold release or pinball emporium right to your launchbox/bigbox setup so you can just have to launch one program when you boot up and not have to exit out back to windows to play games on another build you may enjoy. in the video i use the example of ghost and goblins that just came out today to show you exactly how to add any game, build, whatever .exe you want to your launchbox build. Its as simple as dragging and dropping with your mouse. In the video you will see my builds have artwork, but as i explain you will need to add the artwork because no scrapers are going to find front end builds artwork. wherever you get your programs from, i suggest clicking on the artwork , and save as to your photos folder as a .jpg or .png so you wont just have text in whatever theme your using in bigbox. a 5 second process that youll be happy you grabbed that art after you install it into your build. here is the video, good luck and have fun. remember to thank the makers of these programs, including launchbox, its alot of work put into them. Tutorial on how to add coinops and pinball builds to your launchbox/bigbox setup
  8. I posted this in the noobs section to help out people , but i just made a quick tutorial on how to add and run coinops builds from inside my Launchbox/Bigbox build. If anyones interested in my actual game list i can upload that for you , but this video was to show noobs how amazing bigbox launchbox is. So i made a quick video to show them how i added coinops builds i like, such as the new coinops gold plus build and the all fighters coinops build to my launchbox build so i can just boot into one program on my home arcade and still launch other specialty builds such as the coin ops gold+ release. To show them why they should choose launhbox/bigbox, because its my personal favorite, but can also add and play other special builds without having exit out of bigbox just to launch a new specilty build. in this video i have my coinops builds in my windows category but im probabaly gonna make its own seperate category called "front ends" or "coinops builds" the new capcom arcade game that just came out gave me the idea when i was addiing it to my launchbox build. Capcom basically just copied all the coinops mini builds out there. here is the video if you want to check it out. like i said though its more for noobs to show them what they can do with their launchbox builds. i added coinops gold , coinops fighters, and pinball emporium all to my launchbox build. even found the artwork needed to make it look nice in bigbox. Launchbox/BigBox with Coinops & pinball emporium build
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  9. Sorry for the noob question, but I have a registered version of launchbox/bigbox and for the most part i've only really used launchbox. (Don't ask me why, but I wanted to learn the most i could using launchbox). I have a pretty good handle on launchbox, im able to import and setup all my games and systems i want and everything usually works fine. The problem is when i launch Bigbox. I assumed with bigbox i would just download a theme and everything should just work, but for me it doesn't. Do you have to set up bigbox a certain way? I was under the impression you set up launchbox, and bigbox just basically used all of launchboxes settings etc. I have weird visual glitches in all my themes (which happens in launchbox also), but just wondering are there more then 18 themes? I feel like there are way more then 18 themes, but for some reason I dont have access to them. Is there a way to gain access to other themes or are there only 18?
  10. I didnt need help, I was just wording the original posters question better so people could understand better what he was asking for. While yes some people may want some weird button setup thats not what the original poster was asking for. He was asking for a normal xbox 360 controller setup. This will come in handy if for instance you didn't know what button 1 and button 2 are on the xbox controller? the xbox controller has only letters. So i totally understand what the original poster was asking for. It takes alot of guess work to figure out do i make button x = 1 , y = 2, a= 3, b = 4 or whatever . This is where someone uploading their setup would help a whole lot. thats why i uploaded my tank stick file, because its better then the stock one that comes with mame. And its much easier to just drag and drop my tank stick file then try and set up a trackball, two players, and two pinball setups.
  11. This is a old post but , I know exactly what your talking about, and there are people here who should but are just making life tough for you for whatever reason or not. If they don't know I will explain it better for them so you don't have to. What he is asking for , is does anyone have a copy of their controller setup for mame for different controllers? What does that mean? The file that is created after you manually go into settings and setup every button for every controller. He knows how to go in and change the buttons , what hes asking is does anyone have a file he can just place into his ctrlr folder in mame so he doesnt have to sit through and figure out what button1 on the xbox controller is ? Should he set button one to X? what number should he set the right trigger to? He knows he can go in and figure it out trial by error, but is asking if someone could be helpful and if they have a xbox controller, can they just upload your settings file, so he can download it and just drop it into his folder because the files he already has isn't working. Anyone who has created a setting for a xbox controller , go to your mame directory , open the ctrlr folder and you will see a list of controllers that come automatically. If you created a setup file please just attatch it to your post so he can try and use it. Buddy Dacote, sorry for your trouble, also don't this forum is usually very helpful. Some people just prefer to pretend like your the problem instead of answering your question. I personally use a tank stick, I dont have a xbox controller but i think i explained it enough to where anyone here who is using a xbox controller should have no problem uploading their controller file for you. I did attach a tank stick controller file for anyone who has a tank stick and wants their setup file so they dont have to set it up themselves. Mame comes with one, but X-arcade has their own they say to use over the one that comes with mame, so that one im attaching here for whoever uses a tank stick with their mame setup. Hopefully someone who has a xbox controller can upload their file as well. its only a 6kb file. Have you tried opening up the custom files you downloaded , and just copying and pasting their settings into a new file? Maybe there is something in their file that is wrong so its not working. X-Arcade.cfg
  12. hello everyone, I have a really amazing launchbox collection. I use it constantly because my home arcade machine in the other room allows me to stream my desktop to the arcade unit, and with the track ball i can use the mouse , once you launch games, etc, the controls of the arcade automatically takes over, so its awesome having launchbox, and bigbox while using this feature. the problem im having is i dont know what i did, but now none of my arcade game work. they launch , then it will say game over and close right back down to launchbox or bigbox wherever i was last. it also has affected my neo geo collection. Not one of those roms will run either. I dont know if there is away for me to delete all the arcade and neogeo games and then reinstall them over from scratch. If not i have 26,056 total games. I really rather install the somewhere over 4000 mame games, and the around 180 neogeo games. any help would be appreciated. Can i delete the entire arcade folder and neogeo system and reinstall them so nothing else gets ruined? everything else is running beautifully. im running mame 0.226. thank in advanced if anyone can help.
  13. Also, i tried to delete that original post when i started this one here, I can still go back and read it through old links. also tried to message neil to tell him i was breaking his balls after he called me lazy and impatient because i literally had to sit there for over 24 hours re-importing everything, but sarcasm doesn't come across in typed messages well. After sitting there and going back and forth importing system after system this summed it up perfectly.
  14. i have all the backups you stated, but for whatever reason, including a manually backed up file half my platforms were missing and all the roms from inside launchbox. A backup from september finally contained some of my platforms. As you can see above i had a huge library but only arcade was left standing after it crashed during the update. Does me being on WIndows 10 version 19041.546 have anything to do with causing launchbox issues?
  15. thank you jason , i will try that immediately. Thats also why i listed programs running on my system because something has to be interfering with it. I will try and report back. thank you for the help. Do you recommend clicking the box that chooses emu over launchbox on the screen before?
  16. i clicked delete on the first thread i did when i posted originally because i realized it should have been posted here instead. At the top of the thread i clicked moderation actions, then delete before posting here. Is that the correct way or does a moderator have to do it? Another moderator and I were busting each others balls back and forth, nothing nasty, just clean fun, but the issue of fixing the problem got lost. I then got a message i had a reply to the post i deleted. weird. no problem. Thats why i came to this area for tech support.
  17. @DOS76, that error is what caused me to lose half my launchbox setup. I was in the middle of a update and that same error popped up, except normally when importing roms it just continues importing. However , in the middle of a software update, the entire program shut down and when I restarted I had to "reinstall/import" all these roms all over again 767 future pinball roms 100 turbo graphics 16 roms 60 turbo graphics 16 cd roms 120 3DO roms 1705 sony playstation roms 1020 PSP roms 650 Visual Pinball 106 fx3 tables it took over 24hours of it running nonstop. Seems excessive for 12 cores running @ 4.2ghz. On m.2 Nvme Drives. Also I didn't move any roms, just kept them all in the same locations. My only thought from a technical aspect, would be the downloading of all the artwork etc. that is what takes up the majority of the time, even on a wired gigabit connection. Is it possibly a timeout caused by whatever server we are scraping from? Could that cause an error though?
  18. Not really sure what I did to deserve to be talked to with content, your first reply had the same type of negative attitude but i ignored it as maybe you just misunderstood my post. You were rude, but I just ignored it, as every single tech message board when someone posts there is always someone who casts stones at the person asking for help because it couldn't possibly be the software, or that person should know everything in and out about one particular program . However this is now the second time you make claims that "i don't put any effort in", and "i have no patience" two claims that are not only false, but childish and I would expect better conduct from a moderator, considering I literally thanked you personally in another post for replying so quickly. My issue was with loosing all my imported roms. Because of the "ImageDupeGrouper has stopped working" error. My launchbox update crashed halfway through the update. After rebooting, I had to re-import and set up everything listed below. So not only were you wrong about the launchbox error causing the crash, you were rude to me about it. Sure I did have update to beta versions clicked, but if you lost all your roms because the update wasn't able to complete I wouldn't say, well its your fault for updating to a beta version. 767 future pinball roms 100 turbo graphics 16 roms 60 turbo graphics 16 cd roms 120 3DO roms 1705 sony playstation roms 1020 PSP roms 650 Visual Pinball 106 fx3 tables My computer isn't a slouch, but importing all those roms (even keeping them in their original folders) took over 24hrs. of me going back and forth to set it all up again. So not really sure where your getting your information that im lazy and that it wasn't launchbox. Because it absolutely was the launchbox imagedupegrouper error that crashed my update that caused me to lose everything. I'm glad no other person has ever had a problem with launchbox, and you created these forums just for my particular computer that only has software errors. (that was sarcasm) Either way, as a moderator your the one who is going to have any answers for us if something goes wrong. I'm pretty sure treating people like garbage isn't how moderators should respond to people who are just asking questions. The correct response to someones question if you don't know the answer isn't to call them names and blame them. Try , sorry we will look into the problem, but your roms aren't lost , they are still on your hard drive, you just have to reimport all of them again. Hopefully you see what I am trying to explain to you as adults and fans of the same hobby. That being said, Pinball Fx3 is more considered a front end for the older versions of the game. lol. https://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2017/10/17/zen-studios-pinball-fx3-decide-zen-not-enough/ See you can still bust someones balls and not be rude about it.
  19. Hello, I moved this post from the wrong area to this area in hopes someone can help me fix it. It happens when importing roms, I will have to close the program "imageDupeGrouper" because of the error it has stopped working. It doesn't stop the process of importing roms though. That will still continue, and maybe 30 minutes later I will get the same error message again. I guess it restarts or something on its own. I was thinking does this have something to do with launchboxes scraper? Does anyone know what this error is? and possibly how i can fix it? Im not out of disk space, i have 3 1TB M.2 nvme internal drives and 2 4tb USB3.0 SSD external drives, 32 gb ram, and not that it matters in this case but a i9-8950hk undervolted @ 4.2ghz, with a desktop gtx1080 (not the mobile light version). All drivers are up to date. Also im connected using ethernet with a gigabyte connection. Thats all the information I thought you could possibly need, other then that, i only have aida64 running in my taskbar, along with windows 10 virus protection. I have no itunes installed on my computer, and I close afterburner and the xbox app before running launchbox. Reason why Im giving you the software is maybe thats whats causing the issue. Google hasn't been able to help me. Does anyone have any idea what is could be? Is it a setting in our options menu? I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to figure out how to fix it.
  20. Im pretty sure, most of us are the same, its not enough we have thousands of games we never even play on our launchbox, but we still hack our retropies, and firesticks etc. lol. If you are sick in the head like me, I highly recommend buying the NEOGEO Arcade Stick Pro. Its literally like $100 in Walmart right now. and all you need is a usb stick around 4gb in size an download the Hylostick Pro v1.1 hack. this is the second hack. the first only unlocked all the neogeo games on the device. this second hack just makes this arcade stick a must buy. here is what the new hack gives you , just by plugging in the usb stick to the front of the arcade stick. The best part of this hack is the quality of games you get. I mean just the CPS games alone are awesome. Here is a summary of what the hack gives you . i would post the link for the download but i dont want to break any forum rules. A quick google search though for version 1.1 and you'll easily find it. Not only are the games amazin. The arcade stick has enough room inside to easily upgrade all the buttons and the stick itself if you want to. they are fine for me, but i know especially with fighters , you want pro parts. HyloStick Pro is a USB launcher that allows you to unlock the power of your Arcade Stick Pro. This package (v1.1) includes 150 selectable neo-geo games, custom art, backgrounds, animations and a bios selection menu including UNIBIOS for your neogeo titles. All of this in the familiar user interface as your arcade stick pro. In addition to neo-geo, we have included the following: - Custom backgrounds and animations for Capcom Play System (CPS1,2,3) 71 titles - Custom backgrounds, animations and folders with a sample of games for * Classic Arcade (27 titles) * Brawlers (53 titles) * Shooters (61 titles) * Genesis/Megadrive (83 titles) * SNES/SFC (31 titles) __________________________________________________________________ Changes to public release v1.1 __________________________________________________________________ - Auto refresh between language folders (Game Systems) - Import/Export Save States - Unique background images and animations for each language folder (Game Systems) - Diagnosis mode (press A+D repeatedly at launch)
  21. ive been building computers since i was 12, and have been a computer engineer since 2000. Software has never been my strong suit. however, when the update popped up, and i backed out, (which the message said was recommended) the software shouldn't have destroyed my setup until the final click and reboot. Or don't have it say click here recommended if its not gonna function properly. thank you for such a quick response. And yes i opted into betas , but they normally are easily undone just by loading up one of your back ups which i have many. Why doesn't the backup system work properly? the last 4 backups i loaded were completely corrupt. didn't have any of my systems loaded, or anything. like i said i had to go back over a week ago. now just added ps1 and ppsp is gonna be a nightmare. and forget pinball. even with emu logged in, it recognizes 1 out of every 30 tables.
  22. YES, so lietrally on the right side of the launchbox where it would normally say arcade , consoles, all, etc. it now says arcade broken down into like 15 categories, none of which i ever enabled. all my systems are gone except dreamcast which now has one rom showing. the worst part is the pinball setup which , really needs to be updated here, because i tried following the directions posted here by many people and i knew just from dealing with steam and roms that there was no way that was going to work. so i had to edit the steam.api file to finally get pinball fx3 working perfectly, but because launchbox doesn't recognize any of the pinball emulators natively, we have to manually write out different settings in the emulator setup menus and for people not used to doing that, its impossible to get. so i was happy enough just to launch fx3, without steam having to fire up, using my hacked steam api, but then would have to load whatever table i wanted individually . not a big deal, but it would be nice to see the tables scraped on the main screen of launch box. i have found a backup from last week, which now got rid of all the extra categories and my roms are now back in where they were. however the week of work trying to get my 3 pinball emulators to work are all gone as well as some systems. so now i have to start over. i wish someone would post a full instruction thread of how to actually set up the differnt pinball emulators, fx3, future pinball, visual pinball. some people show you how to just find your emulator and roms but leave out all the other tabs that need to be filled in.. im just angry, my complete ps1 library is gone, that took my computer hours to upload. its just frustrating.
  23. i literally spent days uploading and scraping (which half the time never worked really) , only to get a message that a beta update was available. i clicked on update and halfway through the update i got a failure message, it was the same failure message you sometimes get while scraping for pictures or artwork, i dont remember the exact words. so that function failed and i was given three options. the one that said recommended was just to cancel the update. well now my launchbox is completely destroyed. the folders on the left side that separate the consoles, arcade etc. aren't even mine. When i connect to the website my full rom collection and emulators are all there but whenever i try to restore from a back up it does nothing. What am i supposed to do? I'm pretty angry that if i paid for the full license something as simple as this cannot be synched back and fixed im gonna be really upset. i mean i have all these backups in my back up folder and not one of them is anything i even had on my system. How is that even possible? Is there a way to just reinstall everything from scratch and then synch from my cloud back up? please someone let me know.
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