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Posts posted by Baggio

  1. 5 hours ago, Cineaste said:

    Out of curiosity, did you manually assign 1311 images to your PS2 games? I checked mine and all seems well. The name matching changes should only really be an issue for files that have not been imported via the built-in scraper.

    It's some I made myself and a mis-match of packs I curated, so they weren't scraped from LB.

    Mainly it was all the games with special characters that weren't being picked up because of the lack of the _ conversion and when you have 4-5 per game they soon add up.

  2. @superrob3000 wow thanks,  I'll give it a go asap

    Just to give the devs an idea on what this new name matching has done on some platforms I randomly tried.  So this is missing media I got from the cleanup tool in 13.12 and then 13.14

    Platform - 13.12 - 13.14

    NDS - 2 - 58

    NES - 0 - 248

    GBA - 0 - 37

    Wii -13 - 495

    Megadrive - 0 - 54

    PS1 - 1 - 56

    PS2 - 3 - 1311



  3. So i have a question regarding my missing images.  I ran an image cleanup and have way too many files that I'd have to rename that it's not finding now due to the new matching.

    So going off my last post the previous version found all these images fine so would I break anything if I ran the 13.12 Setup.exe (I don't have 13.13 for some reason) overwriting 13.14, then ran the Image Renamer Plugin to change the files to the games titles and then reinstall 13.14?

    Alternatively, should i just wait for the next beta if you are adding the 3rd step @faeran mentioned?

  4. 14 hours ago, Rlad said:

    You can use the clean up media option to at least see what files aren't associated. Then 'move files to folder' button, rename and/or re-add from there.

    Not a bad idea but i also have a problem with the clean up media.  For some reason, it picks up all the images i have in the arcade - controls information saying they are not in use but they are and I'm not sure why.  Thinking about it actually, it may be because they are used in a pause screen.

  5. I'm also missing a lot of images and videos now the logic has changed.

    With the title Heavy Fire: Afghanistan and the image/video named Heavy Fire - Afghanistan it used to be picked up now it isn't.  Just like Ford Racing: Full Blown with files named as Ford Racing Full Blown and AAAHH!!! Real Monsters named as Aaahh Real Monsters

    Renaming them properly with Heavy Fire_ Afghanistan and Ford Racing_ Full Blown obviously picks them up but it would be a massive headache trying to find ones that are named incorrectly 😂

    Can't we just have it just to ignore special characters in the title when file matching or would that cause more problems?

  6. This looks like an absolute godsend for me, if I've read correctly whats its doing lol.

    I have come to find out that I have to reconfigure my controls for the gamepads and lightgun every time I load up Teknoparrot after I've shut down my PC which you can imagine is an absolute pain.   I was looking at modifying a script posted in the Gun4ir discord for Supermodel that picks up the device IDs and changes the corresponding values in the ini file but looking through the TP XMLs it may be beyond my scope.

  7. Hi guys,  I have recently moved my large collection of manuals over to my NAS and am symlinking them back to the root launchbox manuals folder but get this error when I try and view them.


    I have tried turning off the built-in function in the options but that opens Acrobat and it doesn't load them full screen like the BB one does.   Any ideas what I can do to get them to work?  

  8. I have a solution but can't quite execute it lol

    So I have to load the game in borderless and then press F3 for it to go fullscreen.

    Now I am using a script in the running section in the emulator but am struggling to get something like,

    #IfWinActive, %MFMEWindow%
    F3:: ; Press F3 key
    Send, {F3}

    added to it and working for it to go fullscreen after it closes the splash screen and notes.

    Heres @fruity script that im trying to add it too.

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2 
    WindowClass = TLayoutNotes
    MFMEWindow = MFME.exe 
     IfWinExist, ahk_class %windowclass%
      { WinClose, ahk_class %windowclass%
      SetTimer, TimerCloseWindow, -4000
    WinCLose, ahk_exe %MFMEWindow%


  9. A little update is that it appears to be something to do with the backdrops as when I enable "random backdrops" it breaks a lot more games 😂 

    Also choosing anything other than fullscreen in load mode and they work as well so i'm guessing if i can figure out how to change the monitor size from the defaults of 1538 x 864 i may be able to get them all working.

  10. Has anyone else come across this type of error?



    This is happening for a few games and the addresses change slighty, this error was for Monopoly Hot Property.   The game runs fine when ran through MFME but I get the errors when it's being launched through Launchbix for some reason.   I've tried adding MFME as an exception in DEP and deleting and re-scanning the DB but neither had any effect.

  11. I just did an image clean-up with the image clean up function and after it finished I moved the files and I had a look through my platforms to see it it removed any images it shouldn't and i found some images were missing.

    Now the strange thing is the box backs and spines are named Dragon_s Lair II _ Time Warp for example and are shown still in LB and werent moved with the clean up tool but the box front which is named exactly the same and was picked up as not in use and move/deleted.  This has happened with quite a lot of files with a dash in the filename and with the underscore in the images filename.

    Just to put it out there image naming on Launchbox is the bain of my life, i don't know how much time i have spent remaining files 😂   Can we not have Launchbox ignore commas, hyphens, dashes and apostrophes in titles/filenames so it matches them, instead of having to use underscores in the image file?

  12. 14 hours ago, uberrr said:

    Could you make a bat to extract first page from PDF also? I'm also getting low quality jpgs from ComicUtilityBelt and i cba to pay for acrobat

    Here you go.

    Extract First Page PDF.zip

    Below is a work in progress but it converts the folder of PDFs into JPEGS.

    For this to work Ghostscript needs to be installed https://ghostscript.com/releases/gsdnld.html

    PDF to JPEG.zip

    I'll try to get these into one batch file at some point.

    • Like 1
  13. I've only just come across this and it sounds like exactly what i need for my NAS.

    I'm struggling to get it working the way I want though.  From reading your release notes we are able to cache non-archived files and that's what I'm trying to set up.  Basically, I just want it to copy the game from my NAS to my LB SSD on launch, so do I need to set up each emulator in the extraction settings or can I have one setting for them all?

    At the minute I can't get it to cache anything, because i can't get my head around it lol


  14. On 8/21/2023 at 12:21 AM, JaysArcade said:

    Once you install imagemagick, you run a batch file. I run it in the folder with the seed image and then copy out the images to another folder when its done.

    for /l %%x in (1, 1, 34) do (
       echo %%x
       magick convert "Mad.png" -font "Segoe-UI-Black" -pointsize 155 -fill white -strokewidth 7 -stroke black -gravity south -annotate +0+0 "XL #%%x" "Mad XL #%%x.png"


    The things to focus on are:

    On the first line, the 34 means create up to 34 images. Change this according to however many you need. Not sure what the 1,1, are but probably means start at number one, and increase by one for each file.

    On the second line, tell it to convert Mad.png which is the seed png I already made with space on the bottom for the new text. Font and pointsize should be self explanatory. Fill text with white and add a black stroke. The 7 indicates how thick the stroke. Gravity is where you want the text. SouthWest would be the bottom left, SouthEast bottom right, North is the top middle, etc, etc. The Annotate means to write on the image. The +0+0 is the XY offset from whatever gravity you set. the "XL #%%x" is what you want it to write. So this would write XL #1, XL #2, XL #3, etc, etc. The "Mad XL #%%x.png" will be the filename it writes. So the files will be Mad XL #001.png, Mad XL #002.png, Mad XL #003.png, etc, etc.



    Brilliant thanks for this.  This will come in very handy in the future no doubt 👍

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  15. 3 hours ago, KingSlayer420 said:

    I've been away for a few weeks playing some ps2 games, it turns out I have a obsession with the actual video games as well and forget to check back on threads I created 😁 I see Baggio has been busy in my absence adding a bunch of cool batch scripts and other useful stuff, I'll add those to the front page, thanks for all that btw I will use those when I get back to adding some new mags.  

    No worries bud.  You're bang on about me being busy with this as I have made another 9 UK magazine sets that I need to send you.  You’ve got me well into it now lol

    Regarding FlipPDF, I love the style but it was the converting to exe’s that made me steer away from it becuase I dont think you can convert them back to PDFs. That meant if I ever needed them in PDFs again and i would have to find and download them all again which as you know is no easy feat 😂

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