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aderumier's Achievements

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  1. what do you think of this ?
  2. Hi, I would like to share my commodore64 video collection https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YYFYOxTPHVH2UKNHx1cVheVQhZh8r0is They are scrapped mainly from youtube, from different sources, with manual triage to find best video, no audio comment,... Majority of videos are in 1440p 50fps with scanline. Feel free to use them for your own collection. (I'm going to release a bigbox collection soon, with only cartridge games, with lemon64 database votes && rating )
  3. Hi, I have worked these 3 last months to fill the launchbox c64 database with missing youtube video links and also missing games Total Submitted Changes 4024 (I don't use c64dreams collections, I'm using f64forum nirvana kungfuflash cartridge collection, curated and imported in launchbox, that's around 3700 games) I'm currently scrapping the youtube videos, I'll send them soon on the forum.
  4. Hi, I'm also interested by the plugin. I have an huge c64 collection to sync, and it's really too slow through the web. Thanks for your work !
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