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Everything posted by CookiePLMonster

  1. FWIW I am encountering the same, on Windows 10, but it only started happening after I wiped SteamLauncher's config.xml. Before that it crashed for me upon opening SL's settings, but not on startup. EDIT: Confirmed - I sourced a premade config.xml and LB now boots. However, it crashes on opening SteamLauncher settings and the callstack hints at the same issue, but with a vtables.xml file: debug.log gets created properly (although empty), so it definitely is not an issue of LaunchBox's directory ACLs.
  2. I can confirm that this is my issue - I launched DuckStation and then minimized it without bringing LB to focus, waited a bit, then switched to LaunchBox. My playtime reflected the time I had spent idling in the game and stopped updating after I checked it in LB once.
  3. Bit of a shameless plug - I created a script to migrate Playtime Tracker times to the native LaunchBox field: Playtime Tracker shows playtime in a "Playtime" Custom Field, but it's not reliable, especially with a Free version. The source of truth for the plugin is in its own data files - located in per-game Plugins\Playtime Tracker\[gameid].txt files.
  4. Hey, after upgrading to 12.5 and migrating my playtimes from a Playtime Tracker plugin to the inbuilt feature I noticed my current playtimes on PS1 (using DuckStation) don't quite match up. From what I can see when troubleshooting, LaunchBox stops counting playtime as soon as I minimize DuckStation, and it doesn't resume counting when I maximize it again. I thought this could be related to a Game Startup/Game Pause feature, but both are disabled. I enabled logging to see if there's anything I can spot, but I couldn't notice anything of value. Attaching the debug log nonetheless, in case it has something I missed. EDIT: It's worth noting that while this log was created with a Steam Launcher plugin, I reproduced the same issue with this plugin disabled. Debug 2021-12-12 11-00-47 PM.log
  5. Playtime Tracker Migration View File This Python script migrates playtime data from the Playtime Tracker plugin to a native LaunchBox playtime entry introduced in 12.5. Python 3 is required. To use, either launch the script from LaunchBox directory OR pass path to LaunchBox as the first argument, for example: python migrate_launchbox_playtime.py "C:\Programs\LaunchBox" WARNING: This script OVERWRITES playtime already specified in LaunchBox with playtime from Playtime Tracker (if present), so playtime counted by LaunchBox but not Playtime Tracker will be overwritten! However, games without a Playtime Tracker entry present at all will remain untouched. Submitter CookiePLMonster Submitted 12/11/2021 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This Python script migrates playtime data from the Playtime Tracker plugin to a native LaunchBox playtime entry introduced in 12.5. Python 3 is required. To use, either launch the script from LaunchBox directory OR pass path to LaunchBox as the first argument, for example: python migrate_launchbox_playtime.py "C:\Programs\LaunchBox" WARNING: This script OVERWRITES playtime already specified in LaunchBox with playtime from Playtime Tracker (if present), so playtime counted by LaunchBox but not Playtime Tracker will be overwritten! However, games without a Playtime Tracker entry present at all will remain untouched.
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