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Everything posted by jimbone007

  1. I use launchbox to launch dolphin and my games but I can only get the wiimote to work when I open dolphin and the go to controllers/refresh. Then If I launch a game through dolphin not launchbox it works but if I exit that game and dolphin and then reopen dolphin and try the same game it won't work. Is there a way for dolphin to recognize the control is hooked up and synced automatically or will it only do that for dinput controllers?
  2. Thanks for the info. I think I'll just create separate ini files for each game since there aren't that many and the majority I want to maintain the aspect ratio so they have bezels.
  3. When I go into the mame menu video options/screen #0 and turn maintain aspect ratio off it works but then when I exit the game and relaunch it reverts back to being on. How do I get this to save? Also can this be applied to all mame games in a certain collection. Light gun games for example?
  4. I just tried opening house of the dead 2 before demulshooter in the ahk script and that fixed it. 2 player works as it should for both hotd2 and ninja assault. I had to recalibrate player 2 for ninja assault also. now ninja assault is white in the sides of the screen instead of black though any idea why or how to fix that?
  5. I'm not using retroarch I'm using demul as the emulator and 2 player works with maze of kings, death crimson ox, and confidential mission just not hotd 2 and ninja assault for some reason. I read on another forum where the creator of demulshooter told someone with the same issue that demulshooter needs to be run as admin because what was happening was that it wasn't opening the program like it should which is why it didn't work but i am running as admin. As far as the mouse I mean the system cursor. The lightguns act as a mouse so the system cursor shows. there is a option to hide mouse cursor in lb but it doesn't work maybe because I'm launching with a ahk
  6. I'm back trying to get naomi lightgun games working with my gun4ir using demul launchbox and demulshooter. So far I have multiple running 2 player the only ones I cant get to work are house of the dead 2 and ninja assault. They work great 1 player but when I try to play two player the two guns only shoot as one. so where the "bullet" lands shows both colors but in one spot when using either gun. Anyone else have this problem or know the fix? Also I'm having a hard time hiding the mouse cursor in all the naomi/demul shooters.
  7. I was wondering if anyone has video snaps, screenshots, 3d box art and clear logos for Snes hacks and fan made games? I have a Large collection of smw hacks and was hoping someone else has already created media for these and is willing to share.
  8. reupload please
  9. Looks great but I get a error Oxc10100be when trying to play it on windows and it won't play in bigbox. Any idea how to make it work? thanks
  10. Perfect! Thanks!
  11. It looks like My roms are labeled (U) and the config is (USA). I switched the config to (U) to match and tried the rom in launchbox and it loaded with the bezel. Thanks for the help! Is there a way to rename all the cfg files at once? renaming thousands of files will take forever haha.
  12. Update. I found where the bezels are located and can manually add them to each individual game but I would like for them to all be automatically applied to all games like it did for nes. Anyone know how to do that?
  13. I recently installed the bezel project on my pc and it works for some cores with retro arch but not others and I can't figure out why. For example it works the NES but not SNES. I'm using compatible retro arch cores with both but only one works. I'm sure its a simple fix that I'm just overlooking but any help would be great.
  14. Thanks for the help everyone. I ended up asking over on the ahk forum and got what I needed. Link includes a download link for the software needed and ahk script to make everything work along with instructions on how to install the software. Just plug in your emulator/game and resolutions. Here's the link for anyone else trying to do this : https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=81921&p=459348#p459348
  15. Where do I find the log file? the resolution does change in the emulator for the emulated game but not for my pc. My pc stays 2160 and the game runs 1024x764. Which is fine for games other than light gun games which is what I want running the most.
  16. 1. No I don't 2. Yes I tried the throttle settings also 3. Yes they all do with the exception of luigis mansion arcade on teknoparrot unless I manually switch to 1920x1080 the game isn't full screen. I just played around with the settings again and got the same results. If I change the res in sm3 to 3840x2160 or 1920x1080 Its way to big and doesn't fit the 4:3 aspect ratio of the screen. I only see the corner of the game in the center of my tv. If I leave the sm3 res at 1024x768 and the pc res at 3840x2160 the game is sized properly and is in 4:3 aspect ratio ( same as my guns are set to) but the guns are way off even after in game calibration. If I set my pc to 1024x768 and keep the sm3 on 1024x768 then it properly fits the screen and the guns are accurate. I know something doesn't seem right but after days of messing with it the best solution I found was to just switch my pc res to match the sm3 res and make it playable that way which is why I was looking for a simple way to just change the pc res automatically back and forth when games launch. I'd prefer to have it all run properly and with most current versions but when I tried that It just created more problems for some reason. I tried multiple versions of the emulator including the latest build from the forum. I followed tutorials along with messing with the power pc/ throttle settings. multiple roms from different download collections. Messed around with the gun4ir settings also. Maybe it is the gun4ir software but I've got probably half a dozen other emulators working with them with very little issues remaining.
  17. Its version 795. I have tried messing with the powerpc frequency and if I remember correctly it was way to fast or way to slow and I couldn't find a medium ground which is why I went back to using the older version I'm currently using. I have the res in the supermodel.ini config set to 1024x768. If I change it it changes the size of the emulated screen and wont fit my monitor (tv). If I leave it where it fits my tv but don't change my monitors (tv) res to the same as sega model 3 it will still fit my screen but then the accuracy is so bad that I can't even calibrate the guns. If I change my monitors res to 1024x768 then it all works properly. fits full screen and the accuracy of the guns works close to perfect however I don't want my screen res to be this way as it will affect other emulators and games and I don't want to keep switching it back and forth every time I want to play sega model 3 which is why I'm looking for a way for my lb to just automatically change my pc's res to match the game I'm playing because I told it what it needs to be through command line or by whatever means will work. My problem is I don't know how to do that lol. To be clear I'm using a tv as my monitor but I am not changing any settings on my tv just my pc as far as res.
  18. I'm not sure how to try doing this?I have sm3 as the emulator in lb. Are you saying I need to I need to put the resolution in where it says Defualt command line parameters in the edit emulator settings of lb?
  19. I also want this for other games besides SM3 though. Luige's Mansion arcade needs to run at 1920x1080 to be full screen. I'd rather not have to exit bb to change my res so I can play this 1 game full screen. If I could force it to either change resolution when games launched or to go full screen through command prompt or ahk I'd prefer to do that but I don't Know what I need to type in to make that happen.
  20. Its only sega model 3 that I need to change my pc res to match the emulators res of 1024x768 for the guns to be accurate. I have most of the other emulators/games working on 3840x2160. I have the gun4ir set to 4:3. Its not the gun4ir that's the issue its sm3. I'm running a older version of SM3 because the newer ones didn't change the accuracy problem at all and it runs the games way to fast. I stuck with the version of model 3 I got running the best but I have to change the resolution of my pc to match the res of the emulator to get any kind of accuracy in the game after calibration.
  21. Certain games Require different resolutions to make them playable ( sega model 3) or just so they are full screen (luigis mansion arcade) and I was wondering if there's a way to change my pc's resolution automatically upon launching a game and then for It to switch back to what Its default is when closing the game? For example my resolution is 3840x2160 but in order to play sega model 3 games I need to have it set at 1024x768 or they are unplayable with my gun4ir guns. So When I launch the game in 3840x2160 I'd like it to change to 1024x768 to play the game then when I exit the game the res would go back to 3840x2160. I was thinking ahk but I'm not that great at creating my own ahk. Any help would be great.
  22. Okay, thanks for checking. Can you post an example of the ahk for button remap?
  23. How do I map buttons in jconfig? It wont let me change button mappings and I need to to get elevator action death parade to work
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