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Everything posted by Anothrworld

  1. Is anyone able to easily add an "S" at the end of each of these platform categories to make them plural?
  2. Would love to have the option to add scanlines to the video snaps in a future release if possilbe
  3. Oh wow they look amazing. I just recently started using this theme and its fantastic!
  4. Are these various views available now or are they going to be included in a future update of the theme?
  5. I’ve been using the CTC for the best couple weeks and am blown away by what this thing can do. Considering the amount of time that goes into developing something like this I would be happy to pay for further development.
  6. Perfect! I love it. Thank you so much 🙏🏻
  7. These logos are looking great. If it’s not too much of a bother, would it be possible to make the color on the magazines logo a warmer tone? The only reason I ask is because it is right next to my Handhelds logo and it is a really similar shade of green. If it’s too much of a hassle, no worries. Thanks again!
  8. Those are fantastic! Thank you so much for creating those for me, and so quickly! I really appreciate it.
  9. Is it also possible for someone to make a logo in this style for magazines or maybe one that just says media?
  10. Did you ever figure out how to do this?
  11. I just setup up openbor in LB using the bat file. Is there anyway to launch the games in full screen? Or do I have to go into the video options every time I start a game to select full screen?
  12. Ok, so it looks like I had to disable the LB startup screen in order to get the controller working
  13. Im pretty sure everything is the same. I'm just launching the games batch file from LB and the batch file is located in the Hypseus emmulator folder. I cant understand why I cant get the controller to work through LB. It's probably something really obvious I'm overlooking
  14. When I run hypseus as a standalone my controller works fine. It’s only when I launch a game with LB that I’m having issues
  15. So should I be using the joystick API and not the gamepad API? These are the instructions I followed to get my controller to work: “So assuming you are using the latest version of hypseus for this to work (*2.10.1*). Yes, just take this file: https://github.com/DirtBagXon/hypseus-singe/blob/master/doc/hypinput_gamepad.ini - RENAME to `hypinput.ini` in the main folder. Then **importantly** you need to **add** the `-gamepad` argument to your `.bat` files arguments so that hypseus knows to use the gamepad format of config (*for each game bat file)*. After that, the configuration should be self explanatory in the `hypinput.ini` file you have just created.
  16. Just wondering if you ever figured out how to set hypseus up with launchbox. I used batch files but when I run the games through LB it doesn’t recognize my game controller
  17. This is the best set I have seen so far! Is it possible to have the white border on the yellow cartridges removed? Thanks for the work you do!
  18. Is there a tutorial and how to add these to an existing big box theme?
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