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Rexnebular last won the day on June 2 2023

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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)



  1. Cool thankyou for the comment. you might be interested in some other things I'm doing with Ai. (still learning)
  2. jpeg cant store the alpha channel, png can, so if you want transparency you need png, tga, psd etc..
  3. +1 to what JereBear said.
  4. True. 👍
  5. Lots of times manufactures have exclusives to drive purchases, so if there were some I would add this just because I think the box is so unique. It was just a question out of interest, today was my first time seeing it.
  6. Are there any exclusive games that only came out on this system? It looks cooler then a PS2.
  7. I added Teknoparrot as a platform, the platform view is green but the game menu is black with green lettering. I downloaded the CTC but have no idea what file to load to edit the background color. Also I see no way to load the big box theme in the CTC I just see a bunch of random UI elements that don't match what I'm seeing. (don't hate me for being dumb lol) 1047897328_2023-04-0615-45-12.mp4
  8. I Just added a system overlay for this too. I'm not sure but I think I derived the name for the cfg from the folder name that the theme was using. In RA folder /Genesis Plus GX/ I have a "Sega CD 32X.cfg" file that looks like this. input_overlay = ":/overlays/Sega-CD.cfg" input_overlay_opacity = "1.000000" And in the /Overlays/ folder "Sega-CD.cfg" that looks like this. Plus the image.png overlays = 1 overlay0_overlay = Sega-CD.png overlay0_full_screen = true overlay0_descs = 0
  9. Thanks again Retro. This time it was the cache that was living in the past. ITs looking sweet now. 😁
  10. H Hey Retro, I tried that but it didn't seem to work. I tried them in the theme folder as well but no luck. My last problem was naming could this be a wrong name situation too?logo wheel.mkv
  11. One more question. I want to add a clear logo to the FM Towns system. How would I do that? the clear logo folders under theme are empty and the Platforms folder under Images is also empty.
  12. Thanks Retro, I renamed the .png to "Sony Playstation Vita" which is the folder name. Now it shows up! thanks again.
  13. I noticed that ps vita's system view has no console picture. Its in the files but is not displaying, I changed the file name to sony psp and it shows up under psp. So is the file name wrong? Its called Sony PS Vita.png, I cant find a reference to .png's in the view files. It seems like an easy fix if I understood what I was doing. lol.
  14. I got the pc 2 days early and started setting it up on the preinstalled win 11. Its just a bit wider then my NesPi4 case (very small). But the thing that blew my mind was the finger print reader, it's also a power button. So if its powered off and you touch that button it just logs you in automatically no keyboard needed no extra software to bypass windows login etc. Wow! so I can launch into big box with one button press, very convenient. So far everything is launching and Crazy Taxi was VERY crazy. 360 viva piñata was not as smooth as on my pc but that just needs some fine tuning. So far its looking good. I should say thanks for not letting me use a beta os, that would have just added more confusion I think.
  15. Thanks guys. My beef with windows 11 is that it F##D my surface tablet pro. Its a tablet that no longer has any tablet features. So $1200 of hate is directed at MS for that move. I guess I'll use win 10 I haven't got mine yet, how is the performance with the beelink and Bigbox? Any emulators that struggle to keep up?
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