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iDOMN8 last won the day on January 13 2023

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Wanted a proper cover for this version of the game and so now we have another option. Enjoy folks!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    back once again to bring you folks another cover! This time we have Sacred 3 and as always I hope you guys get some use out of this.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Hello again! I was finally getting my ps3 stuff squared away when I could not find a proper 3d box for this game and so here we are. Enjoy!
  4. this is absolutely what I needed and it of course worked! A thousand times thanks!
  5. Where do i put these chd files then? I have them in a zip file? just in the main directory where the games are? Also wouldn't that have come in the full rom set?
  6. hey everyone! I have recently gotten my Launchbox sorted and installed I have been in nostalgia heaven! with that being the case i have installed the full mame rom set that is the most recent one. Two of the games I really wanted were killers instinct 1 and 2. The second I try to launch either of those games the screen goes black for a few second and then I'm right back to the Launchbox launcher screen. I wondered if anyone else had this issue and if there was any sort of a fix. I am sorry of this has been posted elsewhere and I appreciate any and all help.
  7. I wondered if simply renaming it would do the trick as I had done so with other programs in the past though I wasn't sure if there was anything that would have affected it working correctly with LaunchBox. I appreciate your response.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Another cover variant i wanted to share with you all. This time I wanted the cover to closely resemble the PS 4 copy and so this is the result. Included screenshot with the other KOF games for comparison, Enjoy!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hello again! Another game for my collection with a missing 3d art box and I wasn't a fan of the original artwork so I decided to make my own. I'm happy to share it here as well. Enjoy!
  10. I did just check the link again and this was just updated 4 hours ago so no it wasn't there before. It still has more than just just the .exe there and, it is also named "mamearcade64.exe" not "mame.exe" which is what the file downloaded from here is.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hey everyone! Whilst getting my collections sorted out, I noticed there was no 3D cover for this version of the game and so I created one and wanted to share with anyone else that needs/wants it. I am not a pro like some of you so go easy lol. I used a template found here as a base and added images I found online and edited into an acceptable case. Credits to the person that made the original template (I forgot your name!!). I'll gladly add credit if this is you and thanks! I hope others can get some use of this cover.I have included a screenshot f my cover next to the original games cover for comparison.
  12. despite the posting it seems to be for MESS not the main MAME as far as I can tell. I do not see the "mame.exe" file that seems to be whats tin the archive from here and the only file that needs top be replaced. I have included screenshots of the directory for comparison. As you can see from insert more coins there are several folders and a "mamemess64.exe" where as with the file from here there is only a single file and as I mentioned it is "mame.exe"
  13. Looks like it isn't posted there yet. https://insertmorecoins.es/category/emuladores/sistemas-arcade/mame/ only shows (Mame 0.250 32 & 64 bits no nag (including MESS)) as the most current posting there.
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