I'm having some issues with my 8BitDo Pro 2 controller when running SwanStation through Launchbox.
If the controller is connected wirelessly it says that it is Bluetooth Xinput and when playing a PS1 game will not recognize the L2 and R2 triggers. It assigns them as L1 and R1, so it is doubling up, because they already have buttons. I've pressed F1 key and gone into the controller input settings within RetroArch/Swanstaion and I can see that the shoulder buttons and triggers are assigned as 4, +4, 5 and +5, so they are supposed to be different, but somehow in game they are not.
It is listed in Swanstation as an Analog Dual Shock controller.
If the controller is plugged in via USB it is recognized as an XBOX 360 controller for Windows and all buttons work correctly.
Not sure what is going wrong. Any advice would be much appreciated.