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Everything posted by balduin

  1. Hi, is it possible to change the font?
  2. I have an up-to-date (v13.17) licensed version and cannot use Big Box after changing some theme options. Big Box freezes, see attached screenshot. I use COLORFUL Dark theme but I also got the same freeze with other themes. I run LaunchBox on a USB-3 stick.
  3. I tried to adapt a LUA script from Bob-Z (https://github.com/Bob-Z/RandoMame/tree/main/autoboot_script) to auto-run the C7420 Home Computer Module for the VIDEOPAC+. All is working except F2 (Play), INS (Speed-Up) and the "RUN" type-command in the end. Here's my LaunchBox commandline: c7420.lua
  4. Thanks for your reply! Loading cassettes (.wav only) in MAME is working fine when typing the LOAD"1" command manually and the Return and ESC. I own the real thing, so I know how it works and that's why I love to add it in LaunchBox. I just thought to give this a chance in LaunchBox as it's very handy just putting auto-command lines. I know that I've put "-cart" twice so that I can also run cart-only software directy, so it's not the problem here. The issue here is that somehow it's stucking after the first letter "L" and then it skips to the return (\n) command, instead of typing LOAD"1". Maybe it needs some slowing down thingy, that it will type correctly?
  5. Thanks, but still nothing more than the first letter L and then Err22: After pressing Enter you also would need to press the ESC key (\n) on the EXL100 so that the tape can be read but MAME would be needed to be in keyboard focus mode otherwise you exit MAME ;). My question here: Are there also commands for ESC, SHIFT etc?
  6. Does somebody has an overall working command line for the Exelvision EXL100 system? The first one loading carts is fine, but when loading tape software (only WAV are supported, no k7) with EXELBASIC I always get a typing error after the first letter L. The tape loading command for EXL100 is: Here's my command-line, which is all fine until the autoboot_command: Thanks for you help!
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