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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. And their forums are apparently down for the moment. But I emailed them, so we'll see what happens.
  2. Thank you Death. The issue is the search for TheGamesDB, unfortunately. This is the call that I use to search TheGamesDB by name: http://thegamesdb.net/api/GetGame.php?name=ico That's what it would be for ICO. For whatever reason it doesn't return any results for names less than three characters. It works fine for anything more than three characters: http://thegamesdb.net/api/GetGame.php?name=doom I made a blog post about it on their site a while ago; I guess I should go follow up.
  3. Yes, we should make a sticky thread for it for sure, but I think the best approach would be to automatically fill things out based on what emulator it is in LaunchBox. Also, one thing to note, LaunchBox currently always runs the commands so the rom file name is always last. I think that should work for all of those anyways (just have to reorder the parameters), but we should definitely update the parameters there. Thanks again, bd. I'll figure out some way to get it posted (might just make a blog post about it too).
  4. Dude, that is amazing. Thanks a ton for that. Seriously. I guess you must have compiled that yourself?
  5. Hehehehehe...yeah, I'll see if I can get that in the next version. In the mean time, you might be able to do a search filter in Windows Explorer by extension, and then just temporarily move out the files that you don't want into another folder (but that probably won't work if you're using subfolders). Ah, you could back up the entire folder (make a copy), delete all the non-ROM files (should be easy by filtering or sorting on extension in Windows Explorer), run the import, and then replace the folder with your backup copy. A big pain, yeah.
  6. I agree, guys, that would be pretty great. There are definitely plenty of UI improvements to be made. I'm going to make a "preview" view the priority here at this point, because obviously it's important to be able to view the metadata outside of the editor window. I do like the platform screen as well; ultimately I'd like to have the ability to do that with other things too, like developer, for instance. I'll start with platform though. That in particular will take some significant development though, so unfortunately this one won't likely be as fast coming, but we will head in that direction. Thank you both for your continued input; it's very helpful and appreciated.
  7. Awesome! Any chance you could share the program you wrote?
  8. Nice! And thanks for sharing your emulator settings!
  9. Hey bd, sorry to hear and sorry for the delay in my response. Unfortunately it sounds like your LaunchBox.xml file must have gotten corrupted when the game crashed your system. Did you happen to have a backup of it? Running the install again over the top of your previous installation won't fix a corrupted LaunchBox.xml file. You'll need to either delete the LaunchBox.xml file or install into a new folder. Unfortunately, though, you'll probably have to start your collection over unless you have a backup of the LaunchBox.xml file. It'd probably be a good idea to have LaunchBox automatically make backups of that file; I'll look to add that feature.
  10. Hi miles, thanks for the note. Yeah, I have batch edits like this on my to do list for sure. In the mean time, I'm not sure how comfortable you'd be editing the XML file, but you could open up the LaunchBox.xml (in your LaunchBox folder) file in a text editor and do a search and replace to batch fix the items. Just make sure you close LaunchBox and make a backup of the file before editing it, just in case something goes wrong.
  11. Jason Carr


    Wow, looks like Project64 1.6 uses a completely non-standard way to handle the file paths; they add quotes to them: http://www.pj64-emu.com/faqs/general/how-do-i-use-pj64-with-frontends-htpcs-arcade-or-cabinet-setups/ They changed this with version 1.7 (obviously because it was a bad choice to begin with; it breaks drag and drop functionality and isn't well supported by anything else either). So, hmm. I'll add a to-do to my list to allow not using quotes.
  12. Thanks Draven! All good input; nit-picking is a good thing. I do have some major GUI improvements (such as these) planned out. I'm already pushing the limits of basic Windows graphics, though, so at some point I'm going to need to start doing things with DirectX, so I can implement better animation and the like. So that is definitely on my to-do list, but I do have a number of other more technical things to tackle before I can get there.
  13. Hi death, I've been thinking about this one; probably the quickest way to get support for multi-disc games would be to allow you to use an emulator for the additional apps. That way you could right-click on the game and select "Play Disc 1" or "Play Disc 2". I'd just have to add a "Use Emulator" checkbox to the additional apps screen. How would that work? I can probably work that into the next version.
  14. I think maybe I need to come up with a list of popular emulators and pre-populate these settings. Obviously most users aren't likely going to know how to configure them all properly. I'll add that to my list.
  15. It looks like putting "-nogui -cdfile" into the command line parameters (without the quotes) does the trick.
  16. Alright; I managed to get remember filters into version 2.16 that I just put out. Hopefully I can expand on it with a "kid mode" feature in the future.
  17. Thanks bd00; that's a good idea. I had planned to implement that but for some reason I got sidetracked on it. I might be able to sneak it in to the new version that I plan to release tonight. Also, it's worth noting that I have a "kid mode" feature planned for development that would restrict games based on their ESRB Rating. I haven't started development on this yet though.
  18. Sorry for the delay here Liam. If you can, use your keyboard to go to the Options dialog. What do you have selected for your joystick/gamepad?
  19. Wow, looks awesome jtrain. That's a great idea. I'll look to see if I can implement some sort of collapse or nested option at some point here.
  20. Thanks, Martin, good idea. I added it to my list.
  21. It's coming, slowly but surely. I can get you a beta version soon probably.
  22. Well, looking at the settings, it looks like Dark Forces only supports the X axis and the Y axis. The right analogue stick uses additional axes so unfortunately the only way you could make it work is with a mapper program like XPadder.
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