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Everything posted by bd00
I don't get any game descriptions at all, for any games, for any platform. Only when I use the batch update, or scrape a single game manually, do they download. Maybe it is AV or firewall or something, will look into that tomorrow. It does seem odd that all other info is scraped fine though. On another note, I will share some of those ideas, I'll keep it short. I'll start small. 1. A favorite button on the charms bar or game info panel, to quickly mark a game as a favorite. I imagine a star and when a game is a favorite, it is highlighted in yellow. 2. A random button/hot-key/menu-item. Pressing it selects a game at random from your library. I think this would be a nice quirky addition for those times when you don't know what to play or you want to try something new but don't know where to start, etc. 3. Another batch updater to scrape any missing info or images from games in your library. So if any games have been updated on thegamesdb, it can be easily reflected in your library. This is probably a big one. 4. An option to ignore prefixes such as "The" or "A" etc. when sorting your library. 5. Some sort of organization for games with multiple disc's. Maybe merging into a single image, with a pop-up dialogue asking which disc you want. I imagine this is a tricky one. 6. Trailer button on charms bar or game info panel, when pressed will play the trailer, preferably keeping it in app like the image display you just added. 7. Finally, this is a big one. A local scraper that scans the ROMs directory for images and nfo or xml files, etc. before referencing thegamesdb. Maybe with an export feature too, or possibly changing how/where LaunchBox saves image files. That's it for now.
The image viewer is great, simple but effective. I am still having the issue of the game info not downloading. It works fine for some games, but not for the majority. I will try adding the games again. *Update* Still not getting the game description's. If I update the games manually it works fine. Also, just noticed the edit button in the game info panel, nice addition, very handy. *Update 2* Reading back over, I think I may be mistaken. Is this by design? Do the game descriptions not download when scraping, but only when downloading manually (via the menu item)? Other than that, I can't find any more issues. I don't have a problem with the positioning of the info as nmc described. Excellent work Jason I have a few idea's too, but like nmc said, they can wait till after this next release.
That's fine, it is a minor inconvenience and nothing more, I certainly won't be complaining. I just downloaded beta6, will have a quick look now.
Firstly, this is a great update Jason, excellent work. I like the "charms bar" you have added and although it does obstruct the view slightly, it is only visible when hovered over, so it don't think it is a big issue, if anything it draws your attention to it, it feels "active" which is what you want right? You don't want it to blend in since it is only there when the user wants to use it, you need it to take focus. I really like it. I agree, the opening the image in an external application is not ideal, something to be worked on, but it is a great start and the flip box cover works great too. I don't have any game music (yet), that is something I will be looking into at a later date, so I cannot comment on that feature. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the file filter option, this makes my life so much easier. One thing though, is there a way to add multiple extensions? I tried a some of the common methods, but they do not seem to work. This is not a major issue, I can just scan the same directory a couple of times for each extension, no big deal, far better than the options I had previously, but it might be worth considering in the future. That's all for now, only played with it for 5 mins, going to spend some more time with it right now. Thanks again Jason
Oh wow, i missed it again I will skip to the beta 5 release, downloading now. Thanks James
Yes I agree, I think the function being there would be an excellent addition, regardless of animation. Keep up the good work
Almost forgot, following on from my post in "Dexter's Collection", I have a new feature request. As mentioned previously in another thread, adding more layers to the GUI would take a lot of work (this was regarding having a "Main Menu" to choose a platform first) so I have come up with a different idea that might be much easier to implement. When you sort your collection by platform, you get the bars which separate each. How about adding a expand/collapse function to those bars? For example: All games can be hidden and only the bars shown. Add an icon to expand: When the icon is clicked, the platform expands and the games are shown. This can then be collapsed to hide the games again. When expanded, an icon to collapse: This could be taken a step further for aesthetic purposes and allow the users an option to add a platform logo and console icon: You could have an option to start with these expanded or collapsed. Would this be easier to implement? What are your thoughts?
I too see the problem you have with the information icon. Having icons above sounds like a good idea, but I am not sure how it would work with different box sizes. Would it wrap tightly to the actual image, or remain in a uniform position regardless of the image size? How would it affect the spacing between games on the above/below rows? etc. I guess it is something you will need to play around with and see what feels right. Icons on the side might work for games with tall posters (like dvd boxes) but may be problematic for wider images, like the N64 boxes. An icon to the left of the game name might work and it wouldn't need scaling since the text size remains the same despite the size you choose for posters. However, the amount of space for titles is already limited and games with longer names already exceed their allocated space and placing an icon here would make this worse. Maybe a transparent bar at the top of the highlighted area with the info icon and space to add more icons as new features become available. Like this: For the example i have added a couple of icons for "Zoom" (enlarge the box art), "Flip Box" (view the back of the box) and "Remove Game" (quick access to remove a game from the library). Finally, the new features you have added all work fine for me, I did not encounter any problems.
Oh wow, i missed this Downloading the beta now, will post back.
Like it. I was considering the same thing. I even contemplated having multiple instances of Launchbox, one for each console and then having a setup like above, only linking to the console-specific instance of Launchbox rather than the emulator. So opening, say Gamecube, would not load Dolphin, but rather open the Gamecube specific version on Launchbox with the games. This is not ideal, but it is kind of what I am looking for right now and it would work OK. Updating would be a nightmare though I have not yet implemented this, I have been waiting to see how the next version pans out. This also brings me onto a feature request that might be quite easy to implement and solve the issue until (if) we get GUI layers, but I will open a new thread in "Feature Requests" for that.
Thanks Jason
*Bump* I'm sorry, I know your really busy
Yes sorry, that's what I meant, like the Steam import feature. I don't really have many games in Origin & Uplay myself, but I thought it would be a nice feature that would be desirable to PC gamers. A good universal launcher that is clean, snappy and easy to set-up is hard to come by and if you get it right, you could attract a much larger user base.
Yup that worked Thanks!
My brother gave me some spare codes he had for Uplay last week and it got me thinking; could you add support for Origin and Uplay? I am not entirely sure how this works, because I have never used Uplay's client yet and the last time I used Origin was a while ago, but I assume they work like Steam... ?
Sorry i have been really busy lately, but I have just put a big project to bed so I will have more free time. If there is anything you need, just ask.
Thanks Draven. It seems I am unable to edit the post, is there a time limit?
How about a small info panel on hover, just like you have now (without images) and then add a button to view extended info (inc. images) which will bring up a large panel with all the information. Also, I do have controllers configured, so that was probably what it was.
Sorry for the delay, I will download the beta 2 later try to do some testing over the weekend. As for the hover vs. panel, how about 2 buttons that appear over the poster when hovering, "Play" and "Info". Play will take you directly to the game and info will bring up the info panel (using the same type of panel you have now only bigger). Would this be easier to implement with with what you have now? Maybe in the future an option to "pin" it as a permanent panel? If you catch my drift? Did anyone else have problems when scraping? Or the random mouse cursor?
I had a play with 2.17 beta for 10mins tonight. The game info is a welcome addition and works fine, but it would be better if it had a little more information, most notably the game description. This is what I am seeing: I also had a problem when scraping images (steam import), I got the following error: It also seemed to take a lot longer than it used to. I also got a random and rather large cursor appear on the screen, that just seemed to move from one place to another and disappear. I failed to get a screenshot and I am not sure what caused it so I had trouble replicating the issue. It was a larger than normal pointer, with a thick black border and filled with the LB cube logo colors. I was not controlling it. I did a ROM import, but it pulled all those other files (that i mentioned in a previous feature request) so I promptly gave up. I don't have time right now to manage it. That is as far as I got. Give me a few days and I will try to do a more thorough test. So far it looks like a positive step in an exciting direction Keep up the good work Jason.
Great work with this sincro
Count me in I will check it out later tonight or tomorrow sometime.
KK, done! https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/command-line-parameters-arguments
System Emulator Command Line Extensions Scanned 3DO 4DO -StartFullScreen -StartLoadFile .cue | .bin | .iso Acorn BBC Model B / Master 128 BeebEm .ssd | .dsd | .uef Apple II MESS AppleWin SEE HERE! Arcadia 2001 MESS arcadia -cart "Drive Letter:\full path\ROM_name.zip" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow Astrocade MESS astrocde -cart "Drive Letter:\full path\ROM_name.zip" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow Atari 800/800XL MESS a800 -cart1 -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .rom | .bin | .zip Atari 2600 MESS a2600 -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .bin | .a26 | .zip Stella -fullscreen 1 Z26 -v1 Atari 5200 MESS a5200 -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .bin | .a52 | .zip KAT5200 Atari 7800 MESS a7800 -cart "Drive Letter:\full path\ROM_name.a78" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .bin | .a78 | .zip EMU7800 Atari Jaguar Virtual Jaguar -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .bin | .rom | .jag | .cdi | .zip Atari LYNX Handy .lnx | .zip Atari ST MESS a800 -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .atr | .bin | .cas | .com | .d88 | .st | .stc | .stx | .xex | .zip Bandai Wonderswan Oswan 1.7+ -f .ws | .wsc | .zip OswanHack -r=-f Colecovision MESS coleco -cart "Drive Letter:\full path\ROM_name.rom" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .rom | .col | .zip ColEm -cv Commodore 64 (C64) WinVice SEE HERE! .bz2 | .gz | .d6z | .d7z | .d8z | .g6z | .g7z | .g8z | .d64 | .d71 | .d80 | .d81 | .d82 | .g64 | .g41 | .x64 | .t64 | .p00 | .tap | .prg | .zip Commodore 128 (C128) WinVice -autostart -drive8type 1571 -virtualdev -VICIIdsize .bz2 | .gz | .d6z | .d7z | .d8z | .g6z | .g7z | .g8z | .d64 | .d71 | .d80 | .d81 | .d82 | .g64 | .g41 | .x64 | .t64 | .p00 | .tap | .prg | .zip Commodore Amiga WinUAE -s use_gui=no -s gfx_fullscreen_amiga=true -0 To load a config file: -f A1200.uae (e.g. of a A1200 setup) .uae | .ipf | .adf | .adz | .gz | .dms | .fdi | .zip Capcom Play System 3 (CPS3) CPS3 Emulator .zip Daphne DaphneLoader v0.99.6 – 1.01* .bat DOSBox DOSBox (dfend_v2_beta_2 to generate conf files) -conf -noconsole .conf Fairchild Channel F MESS channelf -cart "Drive Letter:\full path\ROM_name.zip" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow Final Burn Alpha (FBA) FBA %name -r 640x480x32 .zip Future Pinball Future Pinball /open /play /exit .fpt GCE Vectrex MESS vectrex -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .bin | .gam | .vec | .zip Kawaks Winkawaks -fullscreen .zip Magnavox Odyssey2 MESS odyssey2 -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .bin | .zip O2EM -fullscreen MAME MAME -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .zip MAME32 Advance MAME -device_video_output fullscreen -quiet Mattel Intellivision Bliss -fullscreen .rom | .int | .bin | .zip Nostalgia -f Bliss 32 MSX 1 MESS msx -rom -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .mx1 | .zip MSX 2 MESS msx2 -rom -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .mx2 | .zip Nebula Nebula .zip | .cue | .iso NEC PC Engine Magic Engine .pce | .zip NEC Turbo-Grafx 16 Magic Engine .pce | .zip Turbo Engine --fullscreen .zip Nintendo DS (NDS) DeSmuME .nds | .zip Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Nestopia .nes | .unf | .fds | .nsf | .zip JNES Virtual NES NNNester Super Nintendo (SNES) ZSNES .sfc | .smc | .swc | .fig | .mgh | .gd | .zip Snes9x -fullscreen .zip | .gz | .jma Nintendo 64 (N64) Project 64 To get Project64 1.6 to work with LaunchBox, you must create a .bat file with the following contents: cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Project64 1.6" SET STRING=%1 SET STRING=%STRING:"=% start Project64.exe %STRING% NOTE: Change the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Project64 1.6" to wherever your Project64 Install is located. Then when adding an emulator to your N64 import, point LaunchBox to the .bat file rather than the Project64 .exe .rom | .n64 | .v64 | .z64 | .jap | .pal | .usa | .zip Mupen64 Plus (Retroarch) -L cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll Mupen64 v0.5 -nogui -f -g Nintendo Gameboy VisualBoyAdvance-SDL -f -4 .gbc | .gb | .zip KIGB VisualBoyAdvance Nintendo Gameboy Color (GBC) VisualBoyAdvance-SDL -f -4 .gbc | .gb | .zip KIGB VisualBoyAdvance Nintendo Gameboy Advance (GBA) VisualBoyAdvance-SDL -f -4 .gb | .sgb | .gbc | .gba | .zip VisualBoyAdvance Nintendo Gamecube (NGC) Dolphin /b /e .elf | .dol | .gcm | .iso | .wad Nintendo Wii Nintendo Virtual Boy Mednafen SEE HERE! Raine Raine32 -g -nogui .zip ScummVM -f .1c Sega Dreamcast nullDC -config ImageReader:defaultImage= ALSO SEE HERE! .iso | .bwt | .cdi | .b5t | .b6t | .ccd | .cue | .mds | .nrg | .pdi Demul See Here! Sega Genesis / Sega Mega Drive KEGA Fusion -gen -auto -fullscreen .cue | .bin | .iso | .smd | .32x | .raw | .gen | .zip GENS -gen Sega 32x KEGA Fusion -32x -auto -fullscreen .cue | .bin | .iso | .smd | .32x | .raw | .gen | .zip GENS -32x Sega CD KEGA Fusion -scd -auto -fullscreen .cue | .bin | .iso | .smd | .32x | .raw | .gen | .zip GENS -scd Sega Master System KEGA Fusion -sms -auto -fullscreen .sms | .gg | .sg | .sc | .zip Sega Game 1000 (SG-100) MESS sg1000 -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .zip | .sg Sega GameGear KEGA Fusion -sms -auto -fullscreen .sms | .gg | .sg | .sc | .zip Sega Model 2 Model 2 Emulator .zip Sega Model 3 SuperModel Emulator -res=1280,1024 -fullscreen Change the resolution (1280,1024) to whatever is required. Sega Saturn Yabuse -i .iso | .bwt | .cdi | .b5t | .b6t | .ccd | .cue | .mds | .nrg | .pdi SNK NeoGeo MAME -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .ngpc | .npc | .ngp | .zip MAME32 WinKawaks -fullscreen SNK NeoGeo Pocket Neopop .ngpc | .npc | .ngp | .zip SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color Neopop .ngpc | .npc | .ngp | .zip Sony Playstation One (PS1) ePSXe -nogui -slowboot -loadbin ALSO SEE HERE! .bin | .iso | .img pSX 1.13 .cue .bin .ccd .img .sub .mdf .mds Sony Playstation 2 (PS2) PCSX2 --nogui --fullscreen --fullboot ALSO SEE HERE! .iso | .bin | .mdf | .nrg ePSXe -nogui -loadbin ALSO SEE HERE! .bin | .iso | .img Sony PSP PPSSPP --fullscreen .iso | .cso Texas Instruments TI-99/4a MESS ti99_4 -cart -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .rom | .bin | .zip Visual Pinball Visual Pinball -play .vpt Sinclair ZX Spectrum MESS spectrum -flop -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .zip | .blk | .dsk | .fdi | .mdr | .rzx | .scl | .szx | .tap | .trd | .tzx | .udi | .rom | .bin | .raw | .csw | .voc | .wav Spectaculator NOTES: Retroarch users can use -c configs\<your_emulator_config_file>.cfg to load personal configurations. For more information or support see this thread (click here). WinKawaks users can use this script to make importing the games to LaunchBox a much quicker and less tedious task. This will also work with other emulators, such as the Sega Model-1/2/3 emulators. Linky Mednafen users can find all command line options for all supported platforms HERE! If you want something adding or you see anything that needs correcting, just leave a post and I will update the list when I can.
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