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OK, I just confirmed that all the games I used for the test, are available for the GameCube, which surfaced as the least accurate during testing.
OK, so I just ran some tests. I created 20 iso files that I believe are cross platform (PS2, Xbox, Gamecube). I kept the names generic and without tags. I then imported them to LaunchBox under all 3 platforms (deleting the LaunchBox.xml file after each test). Following are the results: PS2 Gamecube Xbox (Note: I understand xbox emulation is almost non-existent, but I thought it would still benefit the test) Looking at the results, both PS2 and Xbox did not have any incorrect imports, but had many that failed to scrape. Gamecube was the worst, with several games scraped from a variety of platforms (PS2, Dreamcast, PC, Wii, etc.) Also note, that this was a quick test, I did not verify that these games were in fact on all three platforms, I did this from memory. I can do more accurate tests if needed, but I don't have time right now.
OK, I have updated it. Now, where do you want it posting? Troubleshooting or Emulation?
OK sure, I will rowspan the emulator cells that need it, rather than duplicate on another line, if that's OK?
I will run some tests later today and see if I can duplicate the issue. For me, this is just one of those things that sometimes happens, it is not really a big deal, I always expect to do some manual editing after mass scraping anything, it is never perfect.
Hi Deathbringer122, Kega Fusion will attempt to detect the console type automatically, however this is not always possible. In cases where it fails to do so, you can use those commands to specify it manually. The -auto option is the region or country command, auto it will detect the region automatically. If auto fails, you can specify the region with -usa -eu -jap (the default region is the last one used) Yes, using -fullscreen will make the escape key exit the emulator.
teasea, what platform are those for? *Edit* Never mind! Brain Fart! *Edit* Added!
James is planning to add game info sometime in the future. See here for a little more info https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/feature-request-option-to-exclude-file-extensions
Thanks teasea, I will add that to the list. Which reminds me, James, did you check that list I linked? Let me know if it is ready to post in the forum or if you need changes. Thanks
I am not sure how you do it now, but one option may be to add the platform name to the end of (as part of) the title, for example Cars 2 (Playstation 2). Using only a title search.
I have had a similar problem and I don't think your platform filter is the issue. I have scraped several games that are cross platform in a single go and around 1 out of 3 are wrong. This is using standard platform names that, I am almost be certain, you will have thought of. Besides the majority were scraped correctly. I have had these types of issues in the past and I think this may be a problem on TheGamesDB end and unfortunately out of your hands.
Ok, below is the link, take a look and let me know of any changes then when you are happy I will make the post. Link
OK, I will do it now
Yes no problem, happy to help. I cannot do it right now, very busy, but I should have some time over the weekend to get it sorted. Is there any emulators that you (or anyone else) want adding?
That is great I think I will wait and I can test it for you.
Yes, I have used the clean up and think it is a very helpful feature.
No No, I did not compile that list, it is one I have saved to reference when needed. I can't remember where I got it from, it was a while ago. I will however create a new list, specific to LaunchBox if you want me to? You will just need to let me know what content you want.
For anyone struggling to set-up an emulator, here is a list of some emulators with the required command-line parameters. Jason, maybe you could make a sticky thread specifically for this. Featured Item Emulator and/or Wrapper Command Line Extensions Scanned 3DO Interactive Multiplayer FreedoWrapper* .cue, .bin, .iso Atari 2600 MESS a2600 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .bin, .a26, .zip Stella -fullscreen 1 %file Z26 %file -v1 Atari 5200 MESS a5200 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .bin, .a52, .zip Atari 7800 MESS a7800 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .bin, .a78, .zip Atari 800/800XL MESS a800 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .rom, .bin, .zip Atari Jaguar Virtual Jaguar .bin, .rom, .jag, .cdi, .zip Atari LYNX Handy .lnx, .zip Atari ST MESS a800 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .atr, .bin, .cas, .com, .d88, .st, .stc, .stx, .xex, .zip Bandai Wonderswan Oswan 1.7+ %file -f .ws, .wsc, .zip OswanHack -r=%file -f BATCH n/a .cmd, .bat, .lnk (shortcut file) Colecovision MESS coleco -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .rom, .col, .zip Commodore 64 WinVice -autostart %file -drive8type 1571 -fullscreen -virtualdev -VICIIdsize .bz2, .gz, .d6z, .d7z, .d8z, .g6z, .g7z, .g8z, .d64, .d71, .d80, .d81, .d82, .g64, .g41, .x64, .t64, .p00, .tap, .prg, .zip Commodore 128 WinVice -autostart %file -drive8type 1571 -virtualdev -VICIIdsize .bz2, .gz, .d6z, .d7z, .d8z, .g6z, .g7z, .g8z, .d64, .d71, .d80, .d81, .d82, .g64, .g41, .x64, .t64, .p00, .tap, .prg, .zip Commodore Amiga Winuae -s use_gui=no -s gfx_fullscreen_amiga=true -0 %file .uae, .ipf, .adf, .adz, .gz, .dms, .fdi, .zip Capcom Play System 3 (CPS3) CPS3 Emulator .zip Daphne DaphneLoader v0.99.6 - 1.01* .bat DOSBox DOSBox (dfend_v2_beta_2 to generate conf files) -conf %file -noconsole .conf Flash Player Built-in (Actionscript 2) .swf Final Burn Alpha (FBA) FBA %name -r 640x480x32 .zip Future Pinball Future Pinball /open %file /play /exit .fpt GCE Vectrex MESS vectrex -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .bin, .gam, .vec, .zip Kawaks Winkawaks %file -fullscreen .zip Magnavox Odyssey2 MESS odyssey2 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .bin, .zip O2EM %file -fullscreen MAME MAME / MAME32 %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .zip Advance MAME %file -device_video_output fullscreen -quiet Mattel Intellivision Bliss / Nostalgia %file -fullscreen .rom, .int, .bin, .zip Bliss 32 MSX 1 MESS msx -rom %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .mx1, .zip MSX 2 MESS msx2 -rom %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .mx2, .zip Nebula Nebula .zip, .cue, .iso NEC PC Engine Magic Engine .pce, .zip NEC Turbo-Grafx 16 Magic Engine .pce, .zip Nintendo NES Nestopia / JNES / Virtual NES / NNNester .nes, .unf, .fds, .nsf, .zip Nintendo SNES ZSNES .sfc, .smc, .swc, .fig, .mgh, .gd, .zip Nintendo 64 Project 64 .rom, .n64, .v64, .z64, .jap, .pal, .usa, .zip Nintendo Gameboy VisualBoyAdvance-SDL -f -4 %file .gbc, .gb, .zip KIGB / VisualBoyAdvance Nintendo Gameboy Color VisualBoyAdvance-SDL -f -4 %file .gbc, .gb, .zip KIGB / VisualBoyAdvance Nintendo Gameboy Advance VisualBoyAdvance-SDL -f -4 %file .gb, .sgb, .gbc, .gba, .zip VisualBoyAdvance Raine Raine32 -g %file -nogui .zip Sega Dreamcast nullDC -config ImageReader:defaultImage=%file .iso, .bwt, .cdi, .b5t, .b6t, .ccd, .cue, .mds, .nrg, .pdi Chankast-launch wrapper* Daemon Tools and .NET installation required Sega Genesis KEGA Fusion %file -gen -auto -fullscreen .cue, .bin, .iso, .smd, .32x, .raw, .gen, .zip GENS %file -gen Sega 32x KEGA Fusion %file -32x -auto -fullscreen .cue, .bin, .iso, .smd, .32x, .raw, .gen, .zip GENS %file -32x Sega CD KEGA Fusion %file -scd -auto -fullscreen .cue, .bin, .iso, .smd, .32x, .raw, .gen, .zip GENS %file -scd Sega Master System KEGA Fusion %file -sms -auto -fullscreen .sms, .gg, .sg, .sc, .zip Sega GameGear KEGA Fusion %file -sms -auto -fullscreen .sms, .gg, .sg, .sc, .zip Sega Model 2 Model 2 Emulator .zip Sega Saturn Yabuse -i %file .iso, .bwt, .cdi, .b5t, .b6t, .ccd, .cue, .mds, .nrg, .pdi SNK NeoGeo MAME / MAME32 %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow .ngpc, .npc, .ngp, .zip WinKawaks %file -fullscreen SNK NeoGeo Pocket Neopop .ngpc, .npc, .ngp, .zip SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color Neopop .ngpc, .npc, .ngp, .zip Sony Playstation One ePSXe -nogui -loadbin %file .bin, .iso, .img Sony Playstation 2 ePSXe -nogui -loadbin %file .bin, .iso, .img Texas Instruments TI-99/4a MESS ti99_4 -cart %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .rom, .bin, .zip U64 - Killer Instinct 1 & 2 u64emu .img Visual Pinball Visual Pinball -play -%file .vpt Windows Media Player Windows Media Player wmplayer v10+ wmplayer v9 %file /fullscreen /fullscreen %file .asx, .wax, .m3u, .wpl, .wvx, .wmx, .dvr, .mid, .rmi, .midi, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .wav, .snd, .au, .aif, .aiff, .asf, .wmv, .wma, .avi, .vob, .m2v, .rm, .iso, .divx, .xvid ZINC ZINC / ZincGui .zip Sinclair ZX Spectrum MESS spectrum -flop %file -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -nonewui .zip, .blk, .dsk, .fdi, .mdr, .rzx, .scl, .szx, .tap, .trd, .tzx, .udi, .rom, .bin, .raw, .csw, .voc, .wav Spectaculator
Hmm, copying is not really an option at the min, don't have the local storage to duplicate my library at present. I could do it over the network to my server i suppose, but it will be very time consuming (I have copies of all my PS2, GameCube, Wii, Dreamcast and PS1 games digitized in my library). Maybe Powershell would work. Move all files, excluding ROM file types, to a temp location, then move them back again after importing. I could save the script(s) to be used again if required. Will look into that when I have time.
That's great and no rush Well, maybe a little rush with my first request to exclude file extensions, that one is driving me nuts :S Thanks Jason
A few other examples of the main menu with different images:
It would definitely be a great feature. I have done a quick mock-up to show you what I was thinking. Main Menu Games List Game Info I think something like that would be great.
Hi, Could you add an option to exclude specific file types when importing roms please? Currently, when I import rom files using the wizard, it picks up other file types,. For example, each of my games are in individual folders which also contain .bat, .jpg, .png etc. files and when I import, I get X amount of copies of the same game. Only one is the actual rom file, the others are the images and .bat files, which I then have to delete manually by right clicking, going to edit, checking which file it is and then deleting if required. It is frustrating and is the primary factor stopping me importing my full collection. Another nice feature would be the option to select a device/console first. Adding an additional/optional layer to the GUI, like a main menu, where users can choose a console and view the games only from that device. Also, +1 for the game info display. Thanks and keep up the good work
Actually, I did notice all the original images were still there and when adding the games the second time, a new folder was created and all the images were downloaded again creating duplicates. Maybe this could be made more efficient, so when adding games that were scraped previously, they can be linked to the original downloaded artwork. This would save users time and bandwidth. *for those without a backup*
Hi, Don't worry about delay, I'm sure you're very busy. I ended up deleting the LaunchBox.xml file and starting again, i didn't have a backup unfortunately :-/ but I do now The auto-backup sounds like a good idea.