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Files posted by Maddoc1007
By Maddoc1007 in Sega ST-V
27 Sega ST-V 3d Game Carts and one blank Cart for missing games.
By Maddoc1007 in Arcade
Here are theme Videos for the Crystal System, Gaelco System, PGM, Psikyo, Sega System 16 and Sega System 32.
I created these as a stop gap as there weren't any i could find for these systems, these were created by me with Gimp and OBS Studio , i hope you like them.
pS: Rename to the naming convention of your platform.
Neon Redux
By Maddoc1007 in Custom Themes
Zipped with 7Zip.
Unzip and place in Theme folder.
5 Platform Views.
11 Game Views.
Platform Views.
1. Platform Wheel 1
Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Platform Video, Platform Description, Recent and Favourites.
2. Platform Wheel 2
Video Background, Large Platform Video, Vertical Wheel, Specifications & Details.
3. Platform Wheel 3
Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Specifications & Details, Recent and Favourites.
4. Platform wheel 4
Video Background, Horizontal Wheel, Banner, Medium Platform Video, Specifications & Details.
5. Platform Text List With Details
Fanart Background, Text List, Banner, Background Video, Specifications & Details, Recent and Favourites.
Game Views
1. Fullscreen Coverflow
Colored Background, Game Title, Platform Logo, Large Boxes, Ratings Icons.
2. Coverflow With Details
Background Video, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Game Title, Rating Icons, Platform Logo.
3. Horizontal Boxes With Details
Background Video, Details & Description, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
4. Text List With Details
Background Video, Games Text List, Banner, Platform Logo, Small Game Video, Medium Box, Rating Icons.
5. Vertical wheel 1
Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Large Game Video.
6. Vertical Wheel 2
Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.
7. Vertical Wheel 3
Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Rating Icons, Box Front.
8. Vertical wheel 4
Fanart Background, Vertical Wheel, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Rating Icons.
9. Horizontal Wheel 1
Background Video, Details & Description, Large Game Video, Horizontal Wheel, Ratings Icons.
10. Horizontal Wheel 2
Background Video, Game Title, Medium Game Video, Box Front Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
11. Horizontal Wheel 3
Background Fanart, Game Title, Medium Game Video, 3D Box Front Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
A Massive Thank You to @ea4492 for his wonderful Platform Logo's which can be downloaded from the download section.
Thank You to @SNAK3ATER who came up with the name for the Theme
Alternate Coverflow
By Maddoc1007 in Custom Themes
Hi i made a kinda different alternate Coverflow that can be used anytime and any theme there are no picture backgrounds, rather than give away the fun aspect download and try, remember as always keep a copy of your own Coverflow xaml in case you want to revert back. Full instructions are included in the zip.
Hope you like it,
By Maddoc1007 in Custom Themes
My New Theme VideoGlass
Happy New Year
Zipped with 7Zip.
Unzip and place in Theme folder.
5 Platform Views.
11 Game Views.
Skinned almost fully.
Platform Views.
1. Platform Wheel 1
Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Small Platform Video, Full Scrolling Details, Recent and Favourites.
2. Platform Wheel 2
Video Background, Large Platform Video, Banner, Vertical Wheel, Full Scrolling Details.
3. Platform Wheel 3
Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Small Platform Video, Full Scrolling Details.
4. Platform wheel 4
Video Background, Horizontal Wheel, Banner, Small Platform Video, Full Scrolling Details, Recent and Favourites.
5. Platform Text List With Details
Art Background, Vertical Text List, Banner, Full Scrolling Details, Recent and Favourites.
Game Views
1. Coverflow
Background Video, Game Title, Platform Logo, Large Boxes, Gif.
2. Coverflow With Details
Background Video, Scrolling Details/Overview, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons, Platform Logo.
3. Horizontal Boxes With Details
Background Video, Scrolling Details/Overview, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
4. Text List With Details
Background Video, Games Text List, Scrolling Details/Overview, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
5. Vertical wheel 1
Background Video, Horizontal Wheel, Scrolling Details/Overview, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.
6. Vertical Wheel 2
Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.
7. Vertical Wheel 3
Background Art, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.
8. Vertical wheel 4
Background Video, Curved Vertical Wheel, Medium Boxes, Medium Game Video, Rating Icons, Scrolling Details/Overview.
9. Horizontal Wheel 1
Background Video, Game Title, Large Game Video, Horizontal Logo Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
10. Horizontal Wheel 2
Background Video, Game Title, Large Game Video, Horizontal 3D Boxes Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
11. Horizontal Wheel 3
Background Video, Game Title, Large Game Video, Horizontal Boxes Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.
Thanks to @Jason Carr for testing it out for me.
Thanks to @BakerMan, @Nyny77, @viking for their wonderful theme videos and a thanks to all the theme creators here.
SciDoc 5.4
By Maddoc1007 in Custom Themes
Hi All
Here is my New Theme Scidoc.
LaunchBox Beta 7.16 up needed.
Inside the zip SciDoc 5.4 is a folder called SciDoc this is the folder you must cut out and place in your theme folder!
I have only tested and compiled this on a 15.4 Monitor hopefully it should also work fine on 4.3 Monitors as i do not have one to test it on.
Unzip and Copy or Cut the Folder Scidoc and place inside your Theme Folder in LaunchBox.
All the views are done it is almost fully skinned from top to bottom including the BigBox page and the Options page as well as the Music Popup.
A total of 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views.
In the Images folder for PlatformWheel3FiltersView there is an Overlay3NOSCANLINES.png Just remane it to Overlay3.png for No Scanlines in that platform view.
In the Coverflow with Details views just overwrite and Save in Notepad++
<ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/SciDoc/Images/CoverDetailsOverlay.png" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
<SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />
If you do not like the Overlay with the theme.
To use this theme fully turn off Platform Video Backgrounds and Game Video Backgrounds.
Platform videos for this theme should be in 16.9 aspect ratio . There should hopefully be no problems with the 640x480 Game videos in the game views.
Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Blue Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name. Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.
All Videos supplied with the theme are recorded from the visualizer milkdrop by me and are free under the BSD licence as far as my checking could ascertain.
With many thanks Maddoc1007.
Platform View Features:
Platform Wheel 1: Scrolling Data and Notes. Large Video. Horizontal Platform wheel. Recent and Favourites.
Platform Banner.
Platform Wheel 2: A New Type look for Platforms A more 3d Look in Appearance.
Vertical Platform wheel. Large Video. Data and Scrolling Notes.
Platform Wheel 3: Singular Item Logo Wheel per platform. Largest Video View. Can be skinned either With or Without Scanlines. Scrolling Notes. Recent and Favourites.
Platform Wheel 4: Another 3d Looking View (I call it the HoloDeck). Scrolling Data and Notes. Small Video.
Platform Banner. Recent and Favorites. Horizontal wheel.
Platform Text List With Details: Scrolling Data and Notes. Large Background Artwork (Non Video). Platform Banner.
Recent and Favourites.
Game View Features:
FullscreenCoverflow: Background Video. Large Coverflow Box's. Game Title. Platform Name Logo. Gif.
CoverFlow with Details: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Small Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Horizontal Box's with Details: Fanart Background. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Wheel 1: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Medium Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Arcade Name Logo. Cart Art. Screenshot. Small Box's CoverFlow.
Horizontal wheel 2: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Large Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Arcade Name Logo. Cart Art. Screenshot. Medium Box's CoverFlow.
Horizontal wheel 3: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Large Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Arcade Name Logo. Screenshot. Small Box's CoverFlow.
Text List With Details: Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons. Game Title. Game Box's.
Vertical wheel 1: Background Video. Game Box. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Scrolling Wheel.
Vertical Wheel 2: Background Video. Game Box. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel). Screenshot. Cart Art.
Vertical wheel 3: Background Fanart. Game Box. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel). Screenshot. Cart Art.
Vertical wheel 4: Curved Vertical Wheel. Background Video. Medium Game Box. Medium Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes.
Rating Icons.
BigBox page and Options page fully skinned, as well as the Music Popup, and the Games Marquee Shows Box Front Box Back and Marquee.
Platform Marquee Default.
Sorry for lag in Videos my computer doesn't like recording software.
Thank you @CriticalCid for showing us how to use background videos, Thanks also to @Nyny77, @viking and @BakerMan for their awesome Theme videos and to all the other theme creators. Also thanks to @Jason Carr for his help.
SciDoc 16.10
By Maddoc1007 in Custom Themes
Hi All
Here is my New Theme Scidoc.
LaunchBox Beta 7.16 up needed.
Inside the zip SciDoc 16.10 is a folder called SciDoc this is the folder you must cut out and place in your theme folder!
have only tested and compiled this on a 16.10 Monitor hopefully it should also work fine on 16.9 Monitors as i do not have one to test it on.
Unzip and Copy or Cut the Folder Scidoc and place inside your Theme Folder in LaunchBox.
All the views are done it is almost fully skinned from top to bottom including the Bigbox page and the Options page as well as the Music Popup.
A toal of 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views.
In the Images folder for PlatformWheel3FiltersView there is an Overlay3NOSCANLINES.png Just remane it to Overlay3.png for No Scanlines in that platform view.
In the Coverflow with Details views just overwrite and Save in Notepad++
<ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/SciDoc/Images/CoverDetailsOverlay.png" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
<SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />
If you do not like the Overlay with the theme.
To use this theme fully turn off Platform Video Backgrounds and Game Video Backgrounds.
Platform videos for this theme should be in 16.9 aspect ratio but should also work with 4.3 Videos as well as i have created the overlays to take advantage of the way 4.3 videos left align themselves. There should hopefully be no problems with the 640x480 Game videos in the game views.
Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Blue Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name. Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.
All Videos supplied with the theme are recorded from the visualizer milkdrop by me and are free under the BSD licence as far as my checking could acertain.
With many thanks Maddoc1007.
Platform View Features:
Platform Wheel 1: Scrolling Data and Notes. Large Video. Horizontal Platform wheel. Recent and Favourites.
Platform Banner.
Platform Wheel 2: A New Type look for Platforms A more 3d Look in Appearance.
Vertical Platform wheel. Large Video. Data and Scrolling Notes.
Platform Wheel 3: Singular Item Logo Wheel per platform. Largest Video View. Can be skinned either With or Without Scanlines. Scrolling Notes. Recent and Favourites.
Platform Wheel 4: Another 3d Looking View (I call it the HoloDeck). Scrolling Data and Notes. Small Video.
Platform Banner. Recent and Favorites. Horizontal wheel.
Platform Text List With Details: Scrolling Data and Notes. Large Background Artwork (Non Video). Platform Banner.
Recent and Favourites.
Game View Features:
FullscreenCoverflow: Background Video. Large Coverflow Box's. Game Title. Platform Name Logo. Gif.
CoverFlow with Details: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Small Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Horizontal Box's with Details: Fanart Background. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Wheel 1: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Medium Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Arcade Name Logo. Cart Art. Screenshot. Small Box's CoverFlow.
Horizontal wheel 2: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Large Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Arcade Name Logo. Cart Art. Screenshot. Medium Box's CoverFlow.
Horizontal wheel 3: Background video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Large Game Video. Rating Icons. Game Title.
Arcade Name Logo. Screenshot. Small Box's CoverFlow.
Text List With Details: Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons. Game Title. Game Box's.
Vertical wheel 1: Background Video. Game Box. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Scrolling Wheel.
Vertical Wheel 2: Background Video. Game Box. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel). Screenshot. Cart Art.
Vertical wheel 3: Background Fanart. Game Box. Large Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes. Rating Icons.
Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel). Screenshot. Cart Art.
Vertical wheel 4: Curved Vertical Wheel. Background Video. Medium Game Box. Medium Game Video. Data and Scrolling Notes.
Rating Icons.
Bigbox page and Options page fully skinned, as well as the Music Popup, and the Games Marquee Shows Box Front Box Back and Marquee.
Platform Marquee Default.
Sorry for the Video Lag my computer doesn't like recording software.
Thank you @CriticalCid for showing us how to use background videos, Thanks also to @Nyny77, @viking and @BakerMan for their awesome Theme videos and to all the other theme creators. Also thanks to @Jason Carr for his help.
Default Vertical
By Maddoc1007 in Legacy Themes
Hi as promised here is the Default BigBox Vertical theme specifically for Vertical Screens, Arcade Machines etc.
Unzip and place unzipped file in your LaunchBox theme Folder. You should now be able to scroll and see your menu items in the BigBox and Options Screens. All Background Images and Background Videos will fill the entire screen so it is advisable to have Vertical Videos for your Platforms and Games, if not please be advised that normal Platform Videos and Game videos will fill the entire screen if you set show Platform or Game Videos in settings.
This is a work in progress as Jason said that when he has time in the new-year he will sort out the fonts sizing that is needed in certain aspects of the menu and options screen which currently cannot be done in xaml, but i have used a alternate method for the time being in order that you will be able to see what you are navigating in these menu's.
Platform and Game Views are reworked to take advantage of Vertical monitors.
For people having trouble on some views please be advised that the New Views recently added are not skinned for Vertical Orientation yet.
Below is a list of working Vertical Views
Working Views Platforms
Platform Text List with Details
Platform wheel 1, 2, 3, 4
Working views Games:
Coverflow with Details
Text List with Details
Vertical Wheel 1
Horizontal boxes with Details
Also note that as this is the default theme reworked by me it is still solely the property of @Jason Carr and UnbrokenSoftware.
Thanks to @Jason Carr for allowing me to manipulate this theme for Vertical Machines.
So Happy Christmas to All and a Very Merry NewYear.
Sammy Atomiswave
By Maddoc1007 in Sammy Atomiswave
2D and 3D Cart Images for Sammy Atomiswave.
Sega System 16
By Maddoc1007 in Sega System 16
2D and 3D Cart Images for Sega System 16
Sega System 32
By Maddoc1007 in Sega System 32
2D and 3D Cart Images for Sega System 32