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Sega System 32

3 files

  1. Sega System 32 | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc

    Moving forward I have decided if a game has a clone/variant that has a different name due to region, I will configure for it and provide an image for it independently.
    Also, I have made the decision to drop DINPUT. This is for multiple reasons. Firstly, I personally only use XINPUT. Secondly, I only provide images of an XBOX controller. Thirdly, not all DINPUT controllers have the same Input ID's/Button layouts. I was making the DINPUT configs with a PS4 controller. Fourthly, it takes too much time to get these out configuring for both. The majority of users are using an XINPUT controller.
    If you were using a PlayStation controller there is an app called DS4 Windows which makes Windows think your PlayStation controller is an XINPUT device.

    Important Sega System 32 Info: This platform had a lot of games that use 2 screens in one cab, side by side. This is not ideal for single player. MAME allows you to display one full screen with these machines. So, I have configured the parent versions to play with one screen/1 player and a clone to play with 2 screens/2 players.
    In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
    You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
    These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
    Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
    I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
    Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
    NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
    The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
    NVRAM files are also here. A lot of games need fixes or calibration in the service/test/dip switch menus before they'll work. There's also a bunch of unlockable content, preferable settings and a whole world of strange and wonderful crap in these menus. This will also be covered in this project.
    Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
    However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
    Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
    Download NVRAM files and place in NVRAM folder of MAME.
    Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
    Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
    Developer intended cheats are also listed below.

    Air Rescue
    arescueu Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dual Screen Setup:
    -The parent version 'arescue' has been setup for 1 screen/1 player use.
    -The clone version 'arescueu' has been setup for 2 screens/2 player use.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Due to this game having 'main' and 'slave' pcbs for their respective screens, both need to be configured separately.
    -Nothing of particular interest. Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Alien3: The Gun
    alien3 Controls:
    -Setup for 2 controllers or 2 mice. You can also use 1 controller and 1 mouse for 2 players.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Due to this game having 'main' and 'slave' pcbs for their respective screens, both need to be configured separately.
    -Gun vibration disabled.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Arabian Fight
    arabfgt Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Initial Players set to 5. Default is 2. I'm not 100% certain what this does. The manual states "Sets the number of players allotted", but I can't see that it makes any difference.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Free Play set Burning Rival
    brival Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Dark Edge
    darkedge Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Dragonball Z V.R.V.S
    dbzvrvs Controls:
    -Left & Right punch are also on LT&RT, in the spirit of the Sega Activator style input system this game had at shows/conventions.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set F1 Exhaust Note
    f1enu Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dual Screen Setup:
    -The parent version 'f1en' has been setup for 1 screen/1 player use.
    -The clone version 'f1enu' has been setup for 2 screens/2 player use.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set F1 Super Lap
    f1lap Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder
    ga2 Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -By default this game only allows 2 players. The cabinet type needed changing to 4 Players for maximum enjoyment.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Hard Dunk
    harddunkj Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dual Screen Setup:
    -The parent version 'harddunk' has been setup for 1 screen/1-3 player use (on the same team)
    -The clone version 'harddunkj' has been setup for 2 screens/2-6 player use (multiplayer versus)
    -For multiplayer, when using 1 screen you can only play on the same team (1-3 Players). If you want to play on opposing teams you need to use dual screen, as the 2 opposing sides have a dedicated screen.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Holosseum
    holo Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Jurassic Park
    jpark Controls:
    -Setup for 2 controllers or 2 mice.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set OutRunners
    orunnersu Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dual Screen Setup:
    -The parent version 'orunners' has been setup for 1 screen/1 player use.
    -The clone version 'orunnersu' has been setup for 2 screens/2 player use.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Volume Adjustment is here but not needed as defaults are fine.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Rad Mobile
    radm Controls:
    -This game has an issue. If you use the analog stick too fast the game will get confused and fix the last known steering position, causing weird steering. Changing analog values did nothing to fix the issue. Will probably need a proper MAME update to fix.
    -Using the analog stick slowly is the only way around this.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Rad Rally
    radr Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dip Switch/Test Menu:
    -Automatic Transmission set in dip switches.
    -Difficulty, Link ID & Cab Type changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Free Play set SegaSonic The Hedgehog
    sonic Controls:
    -This one needs some explaining. It's a trackball game where in order to move faster, you'd roll the trackball faster. Unlike a lot of other trackball games that use a trackball for simply positioning a cursor.
    -Due to how trackballs are emulated to an analog stick, moving faster is an issue for games with a 'top speed' that require a larger 'analog saturation range'. To explain, if you move the stick a little bit it's the same as rolling the ball slowly, move the stick all the way and it's the same as rolling the trackball fast. With some games, left at default, moving the stick all the way isn't moving the trackball fast enough to effectively play the game. So, increasing the analog sensitivity / range is required.
    -This game needs the trackball to be rolled really, really fast for top speed, meaning the analog sensitivity/range needed to be adjusted. So moving the stick all the way in a direction is the same as rolling the trackball top speed, instead of quarter speed that the defaults leave you at.

    Setting X & Y Trackball Saturation to 200 gets the best results. You can go faster but controling it becomes absurd.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Cab Type set to 3 Players. 2 Players is the default. I hate when they do this.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Slip Stream
    slipstrm Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Soreike Kokology Not really a game and all in heavy Japanese. Not using or configuring. Soreike Kokology Vol. 2 Not really a game and all in heavy Japanese. Not using or configuring. Spider-Man: The Videogame
    spiderman Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Stadium Cross
    scrossa Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward.

    Dual Screen Setup:
    -The parent version 'scross' has been setup for 1 screen/1 player use.
    -The clone version 'scrossa' has been setup for 2 screens/2 player use.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Volume Adjustment is here but not needed as defaults are fine.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup / Super Visual Soccer: Sega Cup
    svs Info: This game has 2 different game names for the US and EU versions. I have configured for both to suit your region.

    -Everything was straight forward.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Game time set to 5 mins per half. 10 min total seems like a good amount of time. You can set up to 9 mins per half but this felt excessive. 2 mins is the default.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Title Fight
    titlefu Controls:
    -This game used two, 8 way digital joysticks per player. The player would use these like they are throwing punches. This is of course bound to the left & right stick.
    -To duck left or right you'd have to move both joysticks in the same direction.
    -However, thanks to some clever configuring, this is now also on LT & RT. Making this way more playable.

    Dual Screen Setup:
    -The parent version 'titlef' has been setup for 1 screen/1 player use.
    -The clone version 'titlefu' has been setup for 2 screens/2 player use.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Game time set to 3 mins. 1.5 mins is the default.
    -Advertise Sound set to ON.
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set


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  2. SEGA SYSTEM 32 3D BOXES (20)

    -These have been added to the LaunchBox Database
    A collection of all flyers converted to 3D Boxes for the Sega System 32 Arcade System.


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  3. Sega System 32

    2D and 3D Cart Images for Sega System 32


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