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Everything posted by Bil

  1. For screenshots (sometimes box art as well), Lemon Amiga has no watermarks - www.lemonamiga.com For other sites with box art - mobygames and exotica - www.mobygames.com and www.exotica.org.uk
  2. Hi, just wanted to say thanks for the importer Antropus. I have tested it to import the MAME set and am eagerly awaiting the software list import feature, mainly to add MSX and X68000. :) For these systems (and others) I am currently using GameBase, but would like to eventually import those systems into LaunchBox.
  3. @weltall If you can get the WHDLoad games collection, FS-UAE will load them easily, just make sure to get the latest version, which is FS-UAE 2.7.13dev. A1200 kickstart should be enough to run them.
  4. As orac31 has shown, the ideal Amiga format type to use are the WHDLoad zipped files with LaunchBox. The only issue with this is the naming of the files, when imported into LaunchBox. There are .map files included with WinUAE Loader that have the filename beside the cleanname. Could these .map files somehow be read by LB to display the clean names? I've attached the WHDLoad map file...
  5. In the dev version of FS-UAE, the "Empty Floppy Drive Volume" clicking can be turned off:
  6. This is what I use to hide the editor: -minimized /exit /play
  7. What I do is use no-intro's P/Clone XML to have a 1 game 1 rom set (1G1R). (can also merge roms if wanted) More info here - http://datomatic.no-intro.org/stuff/xml_details.txt I use clrmamepro, but you can also use romcenter. In my case, the region preference is USA, Europe, Japan and then the rest of the regions. This gives me a set with mostly USA region, and then any exclusives to the other regions.
  8. Within the screenshots folder, I found that I can have folders for Titles, In-Game and Cart and LaunchBox will display them! If I want to reorder how LB displays them, I simply add a number to the folder name: 01-Titles 02-Action 03-Cart
  9. I have a LaunchBox folder and within that a folder for each LaunchBox library named -Arcade, Computer, Console, Handheld and Pinball. To make it easier to select which one I want to load, I also use Jumplist Extender - https://code.google.com/p/jumplist-extender
  10. I got confirmation that the CRC's should all be 8 character long, so that is indeed a error. Thanks for modifying the error message, there may be similar errors for other systems.
  11. This also happens to me, as my collection is quite large as well. What I do is have five separate LaunchBox's, one for Arcade, Computer, Console, Handheld and Pinball. Depending on which LaunchBox I use, the times vary from 3 seconds to around 6 seconds now. (before it was around 15 seconds)
  12. @mathflair if you have the time, could you please look at this SNES synopsis? It looks the same as the other synopsis's I have tried, but I get a "invalid file" when trying it in LaunchBoxTools.
  13. @mathflair I sent you another PM at EmuXtras
  14. PM sent
  15. Hey mathflair, could you please register at emuxtras.net ? I was about to send you your login info but I cannot private message you here.
  16. Could a images folder for 3D Box Art be added? Also an option to display either the normal Front or 3D Box Art? Edit: I've been adding a collection of titles and screenshots to LB, but have had to rename them adding "-01" and "-02" to the suffix of the name. However when I do a refresh, LB does not detect them, because of the rename. Is there some way to fix this? Or should I request a Titles folder ?
  17. The errors occurred when I scraped the Master System and Mega Drive synopsis files Here is the EmuXtras Synopsis Editor - http://www.emuxtras.net/syn3 The synopsis can be exported under site tools - export I'll ask an admin over at EmuXtras to add you if you like, so that you can view the Synopis Editor and export.
  18. I'm a member at emuxtras.net, which has a synopsis editor, but also generates 3d box art from full covers. Some examples:
  19. @mathflair I tried the tool with three different synopsis files, and on the whole it worked. I did get a error a couple of times though, which I have attached. There is one synopsis I tried which has " CD32" appended to the title, however I do not use this in LaunchBox. I would have to go through the synopsis and delete the CD32 part, so that the tool would match. Is there a workaround you could do, such as having a option in the tool to omit keywords in the title when matching?
  20. I use RocketLauncher with Future Pinball so that it automatically loads the table(s). The command line for RocketLauncher is: -f "path\to\LaunchBox.exe" -p RocketLauncherUI -s "systemname" -r So for Future Pinball I have: -f "R:\Frontend\LaunchBox\Pinball\LaunchBox.exe" -p RocketLauncherUI -s "Future Pinball" -r note: The emulator path in LaunchBox should point to the RocketLauncher.exe
  21. Thanks Jason, it worked!
  22. I opened the xml to edit that line, but there are 291 matches for true. Can you help me narrow it down? :)
  23. I exported the Win3xO collection from MEAGRE to LaunchBox, however the images were exported the old way that LB used to have them. When I run LB it does not detect the old folders so as to move them to the new folder structure. Is there some way to trigger the move?
  24. Bil

    Artwork edit location

    When I add or change artwork, it opens the location to where I have my games, which are not in the LaunchBox folder. Could you make it open where the images for that platform are located instead? (or have an option)
  25. I would say match against the title for now. The ID are the CRC(s) of the rom(s), which can be added in the EmuXtras Synopsis Editor - http://www.emuxtras.net/syn3
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