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Posts posted by FistyDollars

  1. So this has been an ongoing issue for me for a while, and I thought I'd post here and see if anyone could help:


    Occasionally (and it only happens like 1 in 20 times or so) I'll start LaunchBox and the window, instead of being the size I left it at, will be shrunk to around 640x480 or so in the upper left corner of my screen. In addition, the button bar will be disabled for some reason. I've NEVER shrunk it to this size, and I have no idea why it does this. I then have to resize my game details pane and stretch the window back to where I had it.


    Am I going crazy? Is it gremlins? Can someone help?


    edit: @Jason Carr @Jason Carr @Jason Carr can I Beetlejuice you into replying? :-D

  2. You'll be wasting ratio if you do that, point the new torrents at the 3.1 versions so you'll have some overlap and won't have to redownload everything.

  3. I'd like an option to not have to scroll all the way down the game details page, past any images and the game description, just to see the achievements.

    Also, an option to not have it say "No Achievements Available" for systems that Retro Achievements doesn't support would be nice.

    I just got started messing around with Retro Achievements and am having a blast, it's super nice to have this feature already built into Launchbox.

    • Like 1
  4. Speaking of issues (and sorry if I don't post this on the PD forums, I don't post much there and have a different username anyway), Taito's Super Space Invaders doesn't seem to progress past the intro movie. It just plays and crashes?

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  5. @eXo Don't know if it's already been fixed in the 3.1 versions, but Stormovik: SU-25 Attack Fighter and SU-25 Stormovik appear to just be duplicates of the same game (to give you an idea of how far I am in adding the collection to the database)

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  6. I wouldn't bother with Virtual Console for anything that's just a rom being sold. If it's a remaster or 3D version that changes the original in any way, I think it deserves it's own entry. We had this issue when figuring out what to do with the Wii, and we removed any Virtual Console entries from that platform.

    A notable exception would be Donkey Kong: Original Edition, since that's a version of the original NES game modified to have all 4 levels. Or the Pokemon re-releases, since they have new functionality added.

  7. @eXo, I have a question for you. In the RPG 2.0 Collection (I haven't checked the 3.1 version so I can't be sure) the game(s) "Solar Winds: Galaxy & The Escape" are listed as one game for the purposes of the collection. However, they're two parts of a game (Solar Winds: Galaxy and Solar Winds: The Escape) that were released nearly a year apart (with different boxes and everything), and don't have a compilation release as far as I can tell. For the gamesdb, I try to be as accurate as possible, so I'd prefer that they be listed as two separate games, however that would mean that whenever someone tries to import the games from Launchbox, it's going to be erroneously matched to either one or the other. I had a similar issue with Mechwarrior 2, but thankfully a compilation was released so I just pretended that that's what the eXoDOS collection included.

    I suppose I could just include both versions of the covers and duct-tape the two entries together, but it just seems sloppy. Thoughts?

  8. 13 hours ago, eXo said:

    So even after FistyDollars and others have completely finished adding every last DOS game, if you scrape from there versus using my packs, you will loose several classification types. I also disagree with the artwork used in the games db on occasion. Such as the US release of a game having a shitty budget repack, so if you scrape from the games db you get the budget game release scan, where-as in my pack I put in the original cover art. Other times it is the reverse, for whatever reason the games db has a german cover for a game when there is a perfectly good english cover.

    Basically, I can't control what gets uploaded or changed in the games db. By making sure the metadata I include in my release packs is as perfect as possible, I don't have to worry about what happens in 5 years if some tool gets on there and screws up 50+ games by uploading their personal fan made covers or deciding that all the genres should be switched, so they start retroactively deleting existing genres and adding new ones. If you think that sounds crazy, then just take a look at MobyGames. That places has info getting changed all the time, and not always for the better. And that goes through approvers who are very specific about what gets by. Here, anyone who uploads like 10 things gets to be an approver.

    For what it's worth, whenever I audit a game for the gamesdb, I make sure to add all interesting variants of the covers. If there's a US box I'll add it, but I'll also add any interesting European boxes or what have you. If there are multiple variants of a region's box, I add them all. I like variety. Regarding the German boxes, we seem to have a surprisingly high number of contributors from that area, so that might explain it. 

    But I agree about the quality control. We do what we can, but we're still a relatively small community, and the database is still very much a work in progress. Hopefully @Jason Carr can implement some of the suggestions you and others have made regarding the database. 

    I'm currently working my way through the middle of the "S" 's and will be doing the Win3xO collection when I'm done (and adding the games from the 3.1 release when all the volumes are out)

    • Thanks 1
  9. So I had submitted this entry a while back, and went to download the images for it from the database. It only lists the clear logo, disc image, and screenshot of gameplay as available to download. Weirdly, those images aren't showing up on the database website itself (!?!?!), and instead it just shows the box front, box back and game title, which again, didn't show up as available in Launchbox itself.

    So half the images only show on the site, and half only in Launchbox. This is so weird.

    @Jason Carr, can you help?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    I've been working on this most of the day so far. I fixed the previous moderation issue and cleared out the batch of crap submissions that were really annoying. Let me know if anyone runs into any further issues. :)

    My hero!

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  11. At this point I'm rejecting the windows games with the single 3d box, even if they're technically correct, because I think they're too low effort. A new game should have more than a (sometimes) spelled correctly title and a dubious quality 3D box to be added.

    And yeah, moderation's still not going as fast as I'd like, unfortunately. 

  12. I think that in very special cases like this one or other cases where there are identically named games, exceptions can be made in the database for scraping purposes. It's technically against the guidelines, but I'd rather bend a rule or two to help people enjoy their games than mindlessly stick to the rules. BTW I was one of the moderators that approved the Double Dragon (Neo-Geo) name change.

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    • Thanks 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Typhon said:

    Along with the games mentioned above, "Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa" for Famicom Disk System will currently not link up, because they have it thrown in with the Nintendo Entertainment System stuff.

    Also, "Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo" (NEC PC Engine-CD), and "Ys Book I & II" (NEC TurboGrafx-CD) are both thrown in with the TurboGrafx-16 stuff.

    The (temporary?) workaround is to navigate (in Launchbox) to Tools/Manage Platforms/PlatformName/Edit/Scrape As, then select the platform that the game is listed as being a part of on the Retro Achievements page. You'll want to do this only after you've already downloaded all of your metadata (I'm assuming) for the actual platform, of course.

    If a game is listed on the wrong platform, you can always submit a change of platform request on the game's entry page by clicking the edit button where it says "platform" and changing it to the correct one.


    EDIT: I misread what you said, and am a dummy.

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