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Everything posted by Zombeaver

  1. That didn't work for me at all. I'm using the Mame Git core in Retroarch, although I tried Mame 2014 as well. Neither are saving anything that's changed in the tab menu. Nothing is creating/saving cfg files anywhere - not in the retroarch folder/subfolders nor in the folder where I have my actual roms.
  2. @TONBOX777 Can you elaborate a bit more on what you did? I've had this problem as well and would be interested in a solution. My default mappings for MAME in Retroarch work for most games but in the instances where there's something weird that has to be changed I've been using MAMEUI because I ran into the problem you're describing where any changes made via the MAME Tab menu don't actually save in the Retroarch core. The FBA core is nice because it has per-game remapping that you can do in the core options (which I have gotten to work), but the MAME core doesn't have that feature. FBA has it's own set of issues though, such as occasional sound problems and just overall smaller compatibility.
  3. Cadet Stimpy said So you used something such as this (but from C|Net)... Blu-ray setup discs for your HDTV That looks very similar, yes. The one I used is in the special features for T2: Skynet Edition. I believe the original blu ray release came with its own separate disc, but it' built in with the Skynet one. It's actually an extremely useful tool for properly calibrating your TV. Cadet Stimpy said BTW, I like your 'screen-name' (assuming it's a reference to Zombies and beavers - for reasons I may not comprehend ). My home state (Oregon) has a beaver on the back of their state flag, and who isn't intrigued by Zombies? Thanks haha. It actually started out as a stupid not-really-reference to Grim Fandango. I think Zombeaver has a nicer ring to it than Demon Beavers though... so uh... yeah. Also...it's a movie. But I had it first! :( Cadet Stimpy said Anyway, since I lack motivation, on occasion , would you please supply that C|Net link you referred to. Thanks, in advance. The settings can be found here. Cadet Stimpy said I believe Vizio TV's, in general, provide some of the best 'bang for your buck' you can get these days. Exactly. It's not quite as feature rich as some other (significantly more expensive) TVs out there, but I already had all the various peripherals that I needed to compliment it, to the point that those extra features would just be redundant. It's got a stellar picture for the price!
  4. RTings is a pretty good site for the review portion - I used it when shopping for our newest TV. The calibration settings they listed for the TV were complete garbage, however. CNET was much better in that regard. I used the CNET settings as a base and then the THX calibration disc that comes with the Terminator 2 blu ray to do some final tweaking - CNET's settings were pretty spot on while RTings's were pretty garish. It's a Vizio e55-c2 and I'm very happy with it despite a couple quirks.
  5. @craiganderson I've made some platform images that I've got on my imgur. They're in the image thread but not on the Dropbox link.
  6. I'm confused...what's the problem you're having with closing PCSX2 via Launchbox? I use the two in conjunction and haven't had any problems... --nogui and --fullscreen launch paramaters + AHK script to close on ESC works perfect for me
  7. @Jason Interesting... I find myself running into more and more reasons as the days go on to be glad that I haven't switched from 7 yet...
  8. So long as it has it's own dedicated .exe on your computer, you should be able to add it. I think the Xbox app is basically just a wrapper like Steam, Origin, etc. It still has to install somewhere on your computer and as long as it has it's own executable you should be able to add that to Launchbox (not the Xbox app itself). Now, it may or may not require that you're actually logged into the Xbox app to work - if it's anything like Steam or Origin, some games can work standalone and others can't. I know little to nothing about the Xbox app in W10, so take all this with a grain of salt, but Steam games work through Launchbox so I would think you could do the same with these, you'd just need to add the game-specific .exe to Launchbox.
  9. Huh? Sorry, no clue what you're talking about - you'll have to be a little more specific. What games? What platform? What emulator? What is it you're trying to do exactly?
  10. I've never used it, but I believe this is what you're looking for.
  11. @DOS76 I just checked and mine is indeed the European version.
  12. I've wondered about this myself. $50 would be the equivalent of 2.5 years of yearly licenses which seems pretty fair to me. From other software that I've used that work on some type of subscription model, the lifetime option (if there is one) tends to be between 2-3 years worth in price. I think $60 might be pushing it, honestly. Some type of upgrade option for current premium users would be nice too :)
  13. @appollo147 You can only set one default emulator for a platform, but you can add as many usable emulators as you want and can swap them out on a game by game basis. You would just go to Manage Emulators -> Add and then name it whatever you want and direct it to the appropriate exe for that emulator. Then you can right click on the game you want to change emulators on and then go to the emulator tab and choose whatever emulator you want. This is pretty essential for some platforms like Dreamcast where there isn't necessarily a best emulator for every situation (although Demul is still, on average, significantly better than nullDC, there are a few instances where nullDC is better).
  14. No problem! Glad to help! One final note though, based on your image - in the event that you ever want to play PSX games on Retroarch with the Mednafen core, you'll need to use PakkISO on your .ecm files. ePSXe can natively read disc images in .ecm format but Mednafen cannot. ECM is basically just further compression of a disc image and PakkISO is a fast and easy tool for removing that compression. All you have to do is drag your .ecm files onto an .exe that comes with PakkISO called "unecm.exe" and it'll do the rest of the work for you.
  15. So I took a look at mine and it's actually a .img + .ccd + .sub not a .bin + .cue. Based on the .ccd I'm inclined to think that it does in fact have CD audio (which is working in mine, by the way) because it has this in it: I'm not actually sure about creating .ccd files, although the instructions you listed above seem pretty straightforward. I can confirm, however, that the second and final parts of those instructions are incorrect. You do not need to use CDR Mooby for this and you don't need to load this as a CD in ePSXe. That may have been necessary in some earlier version, but it isn't currently. You can directly load it as a disc image and it will play the music, assuming your files are correct. In Launchbox, direct it to the .ccd file (not the iso/sub files). In ePSXe, sound plugin should be "ePSXe SPU core 1.9.0".
  16. SentaiBrad said What emulator are you using? Based on the title, pretty sure it's ePSXe haha. A version number might be useful though. I swear I don't remember running into anything weird with Star Gladiator though, I'll have to look when I get home. You may want to check that CDDA is enabled in ePSXe (although I think it is by default?). EDIT: It's also possible that it's a bad rom... there's plenty of them floating around.
  17. You shouldn't need to do any of that to be honest with you. All you need is a .bin or .img and a .cue file. You can make .cues yourself - it's extremely easy. All you need is to open up notepad and put in the following: FILE "Insert game name here.BIN" BINARY TRACK 01 MODE2/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00 Obviously the "Insert game name here" is going to actually be "Star Gladiator" or whatever you choose to name it. Then you just save that as a .cue file type and choose that as your rom to load in Launchbox and you should be good to go. I don't think Star Gladiator actually uses CD audio like Twisted Metal or Loaded, so you shouldn't need to do anything else. Take a look at this list. A bin/img (there are other types but those are pretty common) plus a cue file like I listed above should work. I'll double check mine when I get home.
  18. @Jason they're right on the main site under Downloads -> console/computer/whatever -> specific platform subsection -> 240p video snaps. Like this for example. Not all sections have the 240ps available, but many do. Pretty much everything from Dreamcast backwards has them. Whether or not those are in the API I don't know.
  19. Thanks @Jason! It's recognizing the login now. One question though - can you not download the 240p video snaps via the free account in LB like you can on Emumovies main site? The download query has results for "snap" but it seems to just be screenshots, not the actual video snaps.
  20. Yeah we obviously have different roms - I don't have that at all. It's just "Start" and "Options" on the main menu for me.
  21. @DOS76 I'm not sure what you mean by "choose Part 2". I've started a new game, beaten the first boss, and played through the first level and didn't notice anything weird.
  22. @DOS76 Ah, I see, I'd never gone that route so I didn't realize it was that complex, I definitely like my way better haha. I think a very easy solution to this, one even easier than adding additional apps as a possible emulator, is to simply add in a delay function on the emulator - basically just adding in the "Automatically Run After Main Application" as a checkbox under manage emulators -> emulator details. If that were there you'd be set because then you just setup SSF as a normal emulator and then check the "after main application" button and it'd function like what I'm doing now. Basically you just need something that will make it so that Launchbox runs the cue/mds/whatever just as if you'd created a windows shortcut to it and then runs the emulator. Pictures!
  23. Jason Carr said @DOS76, it should work as-is to auto-mount a disc with Daemon Tools as an additional app before running the emulator, assuming you check the box to automatically run the daemon tools command before launching the game. Or I could be misunderstanding something... Unless I'm misunderstanding, I think this is basically six to one half-dozen... which is fine. This is how I've got mine setup: Doing it this way will mount the disc and then launch the emulator (setup as an additional app) once complete.
  24. @Jason I upgraded to the newest beta this morning and I'm also getting the login error on my free account. I'm able to login with it fine on the actual website.
  25. I figured out what the issue was with Three Dirty Dwarves. It's the first instance that I've run into where you MUST use the bios in order for it to work. I ordinarily have SSF setup to not use it and in most cases it's fine. I just made a copy of my SSF folder and saved the config in that folder to use the Bios and then directed the SSF reference in LB to that version for launching. Also, completely inexplicably but apparently by design...you have to hold Start+C to actually start the game from the main menu (whoever the hell decided that should have been slapped).
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