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Posts posted by ALIE

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Thanks @ALIE; remind me what doesn't work on mobile? My Android phone seems to be working fine.

    The drop down menu I circled with white only appear for me when using the light theme.  I'm on a Galaxy Edge 7 using Chrome. 


  2. Well up until the Sub Zero one,  non of them really did anything for me.  

    But I do have a question the one we can download (talking subzero) does it also have the LaunchBox Web Address in it? Because I would prefer out if I'm being completely honest. 

    The other issue for my system obviously not everyone. But I think it would be repeated around 2 and a half times before LaunchBox actually opens. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, BlueArrowUK said:

    I use paint.net :)

    Cool I'll give it a go.  Would it be possible for one of you guy's who obviously knows what you are doing to record the process. Maybe more people like me with no idea or experience would learn :) quickly. 

  4. ok i have added my bios picked a game and its under the cd rom menu but i have no idea how to play anything :)

    ok got confused that the logos below had to be grey for it to work.  


    now i just need to figure out how to make controllers work but the setup screen makes little sense.

    got it not confusing just me being stupdio.

  5. Just now, Bedwyr said:

    No. But it's a worthy skill to learn how to compile from a repo if you're motivated enough. Commonly googling a tutorial or some Stack Exchange answers will do it. If you're like me and know how, but are just too lazy, waiting's fine. :)

    Plus my 3DS is still in excellent working order and I kinda prefer the actual portable format.

    Yah I think waiting is best for me :) have they mentioned a estimate on when it can be downloaded like a regular emulator. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Bedwyr said:

    I mentioned in the other thread Austin's most recent experiments with Citra. It's getting there!

    Yah I hear Citra is getting pretty good. But if I'm not mistaken you can't just download the latest version pre compiled? 

  7. 2 hours ago, Crush said:

    Phoenix is a good 3DO emulator: http://www.arts-union.ru/node/23

    It is in Russian but i can provide a rough translation file in English if anyone wants it.


    I would love that or if Brad finds that English version maybe he can share it. I was reading and maybe it's bragging or a bad translation but do they claim 100% compatibility?  If it's so good why isn't it more know.

    Nevertheless very interesting. 

  8. 55 minutes ago, Zombeaver said:

    Thanks Jason.

    My one request for playlists would be the ability to quickly switch between platforms and playlists in Big Box via hotkey (which could be assigned to a controller button). Preferably you could do this from anywhere but even if it was relegated to the platform screen that'd be something.

    I second this we talked about it quickly in the YouTube comments. I think i made a ticket but yah hopefully it can be done if it isn't a time consuming one :).  


    @Jason Carr a question with the next big feature probably being Nested. Any chance of seeing more platforms added to the database before or soon after? Would love to Nokia n gage in the database and in LB.  Yah there's no emulator but still for a collection management point of view :)  I'm sure there's more systems people have maybe we could get a list made before hand. 

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  9. 48 minutes ago, SentaiBrad said:

    It's a matter of opinion at this point, so not necessarily. The eXoDOS collection is MUCH larger, more complete, is a complete package. When it's working so that you can essentially drop the eXoDOS collection in to LB (exo and Jason are working on it), then it's a no brainier. For now, try and work with what you got, and see if you like it.

    is this still true? looking at a site with pleasure in it xD . the eXoDOS sets i see is from 2014 and Total D just had a update.

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