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Everything posted by arzoo

  1. Glad you got the manual command resolved. If you're not using any animations, then you can use the Animation Editor to create a single frame animation that just lights your admin buttons and set that as the FE Active and Game Active animation. For mame only, this support link may help. A third option would be to wire the admin buttons to a dedicated LED controller and set that controller for "Cabinet LEDs". And as you mentioned, you could just hard-wire them to a 5v source.
  2. That's fine, just enabled the Debug Log option and run you script, then email me the debug.zip file.
  3. I'll need to see a debug file; turn on the Debug Log option (misc options tab), run your front-end and script, then email me the debug.log and/or debug.zip files and I'll take a look.
  4. Hi, I'm not sure what script you're referring to? But seems like you're looking to control the LEDs by sending commands directly to LEDBlinky, correct? The command you listed looks correct in the syntax so I'm not sure why it's not working. Maybe try with double-quotes around the parameter; LEDBlinky.exe 14 "BUTTON1,R,0|BUTTON1,G,48|BUTTON1,B,0". If that doesn't work, I'll need to see a debug file; turn on the Debug Log option (misc options tab), run your script, then email me the debug.log and/or debug.zip files and I'll take a look.
  5. You should be able to change the name of the game (remove the colon) using the Controls Editor. I'm not sure if TMNT is mame or some other system and I'm currently on vacation so I can't test this and provide exact details right now.
  6. There are two ways to have LEDBlinky identify an emulator/system as MAME; either using the Controls Editor "Emulator Is MAME" option as you mentioned, or by including "mame" anywhere in the emulator name.
  7. If no event identifier is specified, LEDBlinky will attemp to determine the event type by the first parameter; either a rom name or animation name (.lwax). For a rom it will default to GameStart event and for animation it will default to StartAnimation event. All other event types require the event identifier.
  8. The correct format would be without the angle brackets. In your example, LEDBlinky would accept 236470 as the game name and windows as the emulator, and trigger the GameStart event. I'll have to check you log when I'm home and have a few minutes.
  9. The GameStart command can optionally except both ROM and Emulator parameters. The error indicates a manual GameStart command was sent without a ROM parameter specified and without any prior GameSelected command. Hope this helps.
  10. I'll need to see your debug log to help with this; enable the Debug Log option (Misc Options tab), run LB and a game where you've configured a color using P1_JOYSTICK_UP, then email me the debug.zip file and I'll take a look.
  11. The LEDBlinkyInputMap is used by LEDBlinky, not LaunchBox, so I'm not sure exactly what your issue is? Are you getting a specific error message? Can you provide a bit more information?
  12. I'm assuming you're assigning the animation as the "Game Play Animation"? If that's the case and you also have the "Light Game Controls" option enabled, then LEDBlinky will light the active game controls, overriding any LEDs used by the animation. If you only want your animation to light during game play, then uncheck the Light Game Controls option.
  13. The trial version will work with BB and light up the specific buttons for each game.
  14. LEDBlinky can only import from mame.
  15. Sorry, I do not. Maybe someone else in the LB community can help with that?
  16. Glad you got the audio mostly figured out. I'm pretty sure there are other voice packs offered for Windows TTS, but I don't think they are free for download. Sorry, it's not possible to reorder the spoken controls.
  17. I've never heard of anything like that. Sounds like the emulator is taking control of the audio on your system somehow? Does this only happen with mame?
  18. If you turn on the Debug Log option (Misc options tab), run a few games that don't light correctly, then email me the debug.zip and/or debug.log files and I'll take a look.
  19. FE System Lists Names would be used for a list in LB that only contains emulators/systems (not games/roms).
  20. LEDBlinky runs fine on Windows 11. Based on what you're describing, it sounds like BB is sending LEDBlinky multiple GameStart and Game Quit commands (not sure why but that would have something to do with your LB/BB configuration). LEDBlinky does have an option that might help; using the Controls Editor, double click the emulator and select the "Ignore GameQuit Commands" option. You could give that a try.
  21. Maybe one of the joysticks is just malfunctioning? If you can't upload the latest firmware, I would suggest contacting Ultimarc for support.
  22. Based on the log it looks like LEDBlinky is detecting 3 Ultrastiks, is this correct? Each U360 needs a unique ID. You may also want to make sure each U360 has the latest firmware. Also, try the UltrastickTest app and see if that correctly maps the sticks.
  23. The I/O error is LEDBlinky trying to write a stream of messages to the log. Try turning off the Debug Log option and see if that helps.
  24. Wow, there's so much unrelated info flying around in this thread, not even sure where to start ? @Golfboy01 The log you posted above is not the same as the one you provided me via email a few days ago. In the log above, you're using LEDBlinky without any LED controllers, but you don't have the "No LEDs Mode" option enabled, so LEDBlinky is basically doing nothing. Try again with "No LEDs Mode" checked and email me back a new debug log if the ServoStiks are still not switching based on the selected game. @kmoney I'm not sure what's going on with your U360s and LB/BB, but in some cases there is a problem with LEDBlinky reading the U360 data. I have a fix in the works, but for now you can manually edit the LEDBlinky settings.ini file (use any text editor) and set DetectJoysticks=0 under the [OtherSettings] section. @C-Beats Thanks for trying to help with this. In the log that @Golfboy01 posted I do see one instance where LB sent the GameSelected (9) command with "gryzor" as the game parameter. There's just not enough data here to come to any conclusions.
  25. I don't see this as having anything to do with the platform name. This seems to be a global issue with LB/BB sending the correct commands to LEDBlinky. Here's my response on a similar thread; To provide some additional information on this issue, what seems to be happening is that LB/BB is not sending LEDBlinky the "GameSelected" command when a game is selected from a LB/BB list. The GameSelected command includes the Game/ROM name as a parameter. So then, when LB/BB sends LEDBlinky the GameStart command, LEDBlinky doesn't know which game is running and hence the error; "No ROM specified for Game Start event. Missing Parameters?" Maybe there's a version of LB/BB that has a bug with the LEDBlinky commands? Or maybe there's some combination of LB/BB configuration that for some reason doesn't trigger the correct code when a game is selected? As the LEDBlinky dev, I can only see what's happening on the LEDBlinky side. As for the LB/BB code, I'm just guessing.
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