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Posts posted by damageinc86

  1. 1 hour ago, JereBear said:

    I couldn't find anything better than the ones you or @seaview59 found.

    I did take a shot at recreating it based off these images. It's not perfect but may suit your needs.



    That's some phenomenal work!

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  2. On 4/12/2024 at 11:33 AM, d8thstar said:

    just to report back, i tried it all, renamed the image to the platform name, that wasn't it (and I have plenty of images in the "Banner" folder for a platform with crazy names and they show fine)

    i tried refreshing ALL the image caches, nothing.

    i then found a "cache-BB" folder and in that folder was the bad image on the wrong platform.  so i copied the correct image from the correct folder, put it into this cache folder, renamed it to what the cache name was and bingo!

    no idea what was happening here but it just hated that image...

    EDIT:  Good Lord this is weird.  my above workaround worked, until i refreshed the cache images and then it reverted back to the wrong image, EVEN THOUGH the correct image was in the platform/banner folder.  so i did my work around again and for those two images, i changed the file properties to "read only" and now the image is sticking.

    That is wild.  I've never had to do that much before lol. 

  3. 22 hours ago, zugswang said:

    I am looking at setting PS1 up using m3u files for all disc games and want to know what actually happens when you come to the end of Disc 1 if you are using an m3u file, instead of the usual Disc 1 ?

    Does it just boot to Disc 2, 3 , 4 etc automatically when you complete a disc ?

    Any help appreciated (before I go and waste my time changing my setup) 😉

    I set up a few m3u files to use with my mednafen setup.  I have never played any of the games though lol.  So I'd also be curious what happens when you get to that screen.  I'm pretty sure there is a keypress to be made to swap discs, and that the m3u file is just a place that the emulator goes to look for the next disc automatically maybe?  I know there is an advantage to booting using the m3u,...

  4. 16 minutes ago, Jonny Severn said:

    Which download section do you mean?

    The launchbox downloads section.  Not the database.  The discs would be nice to have. Unless those are already all in the DB as well.  Wasn't sure, just curious. 

  5. 14 hours ago, jathlon77 said:

    Hello all, I have a beautiful Hyperspin setup on a drive that I would love to migrate to LB entirely. LB is much simpler for me to use and update. I have scoured the net but cant find a simple way to migrate my Rocketlauncher to Launchbox. Is this even possible? If so, what is the process? Is there any Third party SW?  I would love LB to have an option to import Rocketlauncher to LB. Thx for your help. 

    There should be a spot within RL to point it to Launchbox.  Then It looks for everything in Launchbox's folders, and from Launchbox you create the emulator "RocketLauncher", and point it to your RL, and it should all work together.  If you want to message me, I can get exact details of it tomorrow for you.

  6. If you can't do "per-platform" settings for that.  Then just temporarily change it to download japan artwork, download them for that platform,  Then revert back to US for the other platforms.  You can put any artwork you want into your LaunchBox\Images\Super Nintendo Entertainment System folder, as long as it is named correctly. 

  7. 2 hours ago, rick_donculus said:

    Thanks for the response. 

    -view cocktail doesn't quite give me what i want, since that mirrors the screen. But I was able to specify "-cfg_directory" to point to a different directory for cocktail game configs. I have to go into each game and switch the setting to Cocktail, which is tedious, but i only have to do it the first time I play each game in cocktail mode.

    I'd still like to figure out a way to get a playlist or category that is just these "cocktail mode" games, but this solves the biggest issue. Thanks!

    since you figured out how to point to your -cfg directory cocktail game configs, maybe you could still make a separate mame install with all of that, and a corresponding platform?  Then the cocktail mode playlist would really just be your copy of mame with cocktail configs platform. 

  8. 8 hours ago, jackhulk said:

    Options > Refresh All Images did the trick, thank you! Is this required every time there is an image change in the backend? Is it not possible to have Big Box do this automatically when launching?

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure you need to do it each time.  I always have just as a rule of thumb.  It could refresh on its own at some point.  But I just knew that it would be quicker to see my changes if I went and did it manually, because I never knew for sure if it would on its own.

  9. All this crap is why i always include all my photoshop files with my uploads.  That way nobody even has to ask if he/she can save a version without something.  The files are there, go spend your time turning off whatever layer(s) you want and saving a new version.  Even though you can easily make an action to turn layers on/off and bring up a save as dialog box, it's not my responsibility once you have the photoshop files! lol.

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  10. 6 hours ago, d8thstar said:

    so i'm trying to create a banner for my girlfriend.  i tried the creator but i am completely lost. watched the YT video and am lost.

    anyone willing to help create one?  just looking for basic white text on black background "Delia's Games"

    thanks all!

    Are you good with photoshop at all?  I have several templates in my file download.

  11. I can't offer any pearls of wisdom.  I use Rocketlauncher bezels for my non-retroarch platforms, and native MAME .lay bezels for Arcade.  i tested out the bezelproject to just see what types of bezels would be downloaded.  But that was it.

  12. On 2/5/2024 at 8:23 PM, d8thstar said:

    i’m so not a creator, was wondering if anyone would want to tackle a banner request?

    looking for a FMV banner.  i know very niche but hoping someone could help?

    thought is to add all FMV games and the. for each game, select the custom platform.

    Do you have any images already that you think might work well?  I could put them into my template and get one made for you.  Or you could try the template yourself.  Is there a clear logo for these?

  13. 18 hours ago, jackhulk said:

    Many thanks, that at least makes sense, but to resolve this issue is it possible to obtain an Emumovie list which matches file names to the full name of game, and if so where and how please? I can then easily obtain all missing videos via EmuMovies FTP. Without such a list however I don't see how this is possible as the file names are truncated and therefore it's not always possible to match long tailed game names with shortened file names.


    Right now I am simply manually grabbing videos from YouTube, but with 200 videos to grab, this is time consuming and frustrating as I know many of these videos will be available via Emumovies, but I cannot match the game to file name in order to FTP them.


    I think what faeran was saying is that the MAME team themselves have changed the rom filename, so if Emumovies still has their video file named as the old rom filename, then it won't show up if you have one of the new rom file names.  I myself have a very old MAME romset, so if this is something that has happened within the last 5 years or so, my video files would still be named after old rom file names.

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