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Everything posted by smackm

  1. Thx for the tips. My intention was to get everything onto one drive ( 8GB SSD ) . Like you i have my data spread over many HDDs. It realy takes a toll on the performance. I allways make a backup of my DATA folder when i do some major changes. I just split my new drive into two partitions copy everything over and give these partitons the old drive letters. Never worked with Symlinks but i will look into it.Sounds very usefull. Thank you 😊
  2. Thx for the hint. Didnt see that option. I will give it a try 🙂
  3. All good 😉 That is exactly my plan. Like you said there is a way for all the media but i couldnt find anything for the roms itself. I was just trying to find a way not having to re-import 😁. I will get that sorted out somehow. Maybe making 2 partitions with the new drive. Thx for your help 😊
  4. Hey thx for the answer. Guess my post was kind of missleading, sorry. In simpler terms i want LB to find the content that is currently on F: on drive O: . Example F:\roms\"subfolders" to O:\roms\"subfolders". I thought there is a simple way within LB to do that but it seems more complicated or iam just missing something.
  5. Hi, just bought a huge SSD to put my LB collection on it . I want to migrate all my data on to the same drive letter . Currently i have two drives with games on it. F: drive and an O: drive ( currently a HDD that will be rplaced with SSD ). The folder structure from F: will remain the same but just the drive letter will change form F: to O: . Basically getting rid of the F: drive. What would be the best way to do that so LB finds the new path ? Example f:\roms is now going to be O:\roms, same subfolders ect just diffrent drive letter.
  6. Thx for the help will give it a try. Oh yes forgot to mention that iam using Retroarch.
  7. Hi, some years ago downloaded the bezel project and applied it to most of my Roms. Now I am trying to use the build in Bezel feature from LB. Doesn't rarely work out for me cause no mater what i do the old Bezels keep sticking. For Example, was trying to update the Famicom platform but the old System Bezel stays ( same for all games ) and non of the Roms switch to the game specific one. Have to set it manually per game to work. Any way i can remove the old Bezels and start from scratch without messing to much with all the media i have for the games ?
  8. Hi, iam trying to get the Game Boy roms to launch as Super Game Boy with BSNES stand alone via Launchbox. I got Launchbox to load the SGB rom with the command line : "O:\LaunchBox\Emulators\bsnes-plus-05-x64\Super Gameboy\Rom Files\Super Game Boy 2 (Japan).sfc" -sgb The problem is that the emulator needs to know witch game rom to load after the SBG rom.
  9. Hi, just noticed that the Media download takes way longer then normal. My first guess was bandwidth problems with EmuMovies. But even with data not present within EmuMovies the process takes forever. It takes up to 10 mins to scrape a single game with or without EmuMovies. Sometimes Launchbox crashes all together. Don't want to rule out a problem with my PC but it seems like to me something is broken within Launchbox.
  10. Hi, just pulled out the Dolphin Bar to play some Metroid Prime. I noticed that i have to turn off my regular Bluetooth adapter to get the Wiimote to work while launching Dolphin via LB. When i start Dolphin without LB the Wiimote connects with the regular BT adapter left on. It is just a minor inconvenience but maybe there is a easy fix for that. Any ideas ?
  11. No need to apologize, glad that people spend the time to make nice things like this ?
  12. You guys are the Best ! Thank you very much ?
  13. Thx for the reply, as soon as i click on the "yes migrate media" option, LB throws a Error screen. As soon as i close that error window, LB hangs for 5-6 seconds and crashes to dektop.
  14. Hi, while in the audit screen i was trying to bulk edit games, changing the platform from one to another. I was using the move media to new platform option as well. Every time i edit more than 2 games LB crashes on me. I attached a debug log. Sorry for my bad english.Debug 2020-11-16 08-09-01 PM.log
  15. Looks interesting, but it produces an error at startup.
  16. smackm

    Reset Favorites

    Worked like a charm. Thx a lot, have a great weekend ?
  17. smackm

    Reset Favorites

    Thx fot the fast reply. Iam not talking about playlists. I was talking about browsing within the platform (Big Box). All the games i falgged as favorites show up first in the gamelist within the platform while browsing ( favorites, numbers, A,B,C so on). Games that are favorites dont show while browsing within its respective letter, wich is intended cause it is favorite flagged. I just want to pursue a diferent way seting up my favorites, thats why i want to know how to remove the favorite flaggs from all the games an easy way and not doing it for hundret of games by hand. I know my question is kind of stupid ?
  18. smackm

    Reset Favorites

    Hi, is there a way to completley reset all favorites across all platforms, meaning taking the favorite flag away from them. Reason is, looking for a game alpabeticaly and it is not showing up in its respective letter ( because it is favorite flaged ) is kind of confusing, cause it is only sitting in the fevorites list while browsing in Bigbox. Or is there a way to show the games both within its respective alphabetical section of the letter plus the favorites section ? Sorry if iam missing something obvious.
  19. Now that you mention it, i was having the same problem with overlays on my retropie setup. I am getting old and forgetful ? Thank you for refreshing my memory ?
  20. Iam having a strange problem with game overlays for super famicom, setup via the bezel project. The overlays are not showing no mater what i try. The romset has the the right name ( no intro ), picture type and size format. Everything is pointing to the right path and is set inside retroarch in the overlay section. All other systems work fine. Iam stomped.
  21. What ever you did worked like a charm, started up right away. Thx a Jason.
  22. smackm

    Merry Christmas

    Merry christmas to all of you. A big thank you for keeping Launchbox the very best frontend of all times ! Seasons greetings from Germany.
  23. I found the the settings.xml but didnt know what lines to edit so i used a backup settings file. Everything is back to normal. Thanx for the help ?
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