I'm perfectly happy with it as-is. I'm glad other companies don't send Email to their entire userbase about their drama. It was extremely unprofessional, petty, and won't result in a thing. Jason decided for it to be DRM-free, and this is one bad thing about doing so. If it comes down to a legal matter, Jason should contact his lawyer, not all of his customers. I hate to break it to ya, but most inside of this community, much less outside, knows how much of a scumbag Chris Shaw is.
A solution instead of telling customers about the drama:
The licences should of course be revoked (I believe I saw that they have) for future updates. In future drives Shaw includes a license with, those should be revoked as well. Jason or someone on his staff should have a copy of his product as it does update. If the update includes a new license, revoke that too. If someone has a revoked licence, offer them a link to a page/blog post explaining that through no fault of their own, the hard drive they purchased contains a 3rd party commercial product that the seller was not allowed to legally distribute. Keep it simple and drama free. It isn't hard.